Eagle Time
You Wake Up In A Bar - Printable Version

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RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-17-2018

[Image: n9iuwAp.png]

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Fellow - 09-17-2018

You know, since people here sorta originate from greene, we might be able to just create a being that hangs around in random voids. You know, for company.

[Image: 0vgz9YE.png]

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - FlanDab - 09-17-2018

Forever? That's harsh... Well, you're not really alone, Greene with your inputs, but then again, you technically are.

I suppose we wait until something interesting happens.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Ten11 - 09-17-2018


RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Myeth - 09-18-2018

Bye bye ghosty :^(

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Myeth - 09-18-2018


RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Sir Jagofski CDXX - 09-18-2018

Well, bye then.

Also yes to void cats, plural, because one is the loneliest number, after all, and nobody wants a lonely void cat.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-22-2018

[Image: SdjI7Fm.png]
[Image: drAEUGV.png]

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-22-2018

Author's NotesShow

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 09-22-2018

this isn't the worst place in the universe. let's just make uhhhh a bar. no wait! uhh a bar. shit! a uhh, a uhh, a uhhhh... hotel. yeah... that's the ticket!

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Fellow - 09-22-2018

Man I love how the voidcat thing turned out. Espicially that big picture of greene and the cats.

As for the location, uhh, a midnight street?

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Sir Jagofski CDXX - 09-22-2018

Well, obviously we just need to make Hotel California, what could go wrong, I mean really, a hotel you can't leave has to make up for that by being fuckin' awesome, otherwise you'd just have a dingy hotel full of crazy people, and nobody wants that.

wait when you think about it the bar is our hotel california because we can never leave it

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Arcanuse - 09-22-2018

Mm. Was going to suggest a simple lobby+anchoring vault to start with... But, I thought of a better idea.
What sort of... Ideals, I suppose, do we want to found this space on?
I'm thinking we take those, and turn em into a hotel-tree seed. Make some nice land to plant it in, and give it some Water/attention for it grow.
After the first room, the lobby, it should grow on its own during the day. And at night, we can come back, see the cats, and check out what effect the daily experience had.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Schazer - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 10:35 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Mm. Was going to suggest a simple lobby+anchoring vault to start with... But, I thought of a better idea.
What sort of... Ideals, I suppose, do we want to found this space on?
I'm thinking we take those, and turn em into a hotel-tree seed. Make some nice land to plant it in, and give it some Water/attention for it grow.
After the first room, the lobby, it should grow on its own during the day. And at night, we can come back, see the cats, and check out what effect the daily experience had.

I definitely prefer the idea of having a space that's not static/entirely frozen without Greene to exert influence on it. Somewhere Greene isn't needed, per se, but where he's always comfortable and welcome.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Ten11 - 09-22-2018

someplace with varying elevation

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 09-22-2018

it's a hotel... for cats

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Myeth - 09-23-2018


RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-27-2018

cat hotel

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-27-2018

[Image: 7N1kWuW.png]
[Image: 62iAC6O.png]
[Image: pP9e9EK.png]

Author's NotesShow

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Myeth - 09-27-2018

Do you want a face? Do you want many faces!?

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Arcanuse - 09-27-2018

Oh, most delightful. I think this place is going to be the start of something wonderful.
Now, as for our guest...
Well, I've not much to say. But I do wonder how this hotel's layout will settle.
A map can be prepared, but it won't do much good. Not tonight anyways, it wouldn't much to look at at all. And the fine details... Well, no point worrying about that now. We can start tomorrow night, or the night after that. Let the dust settle a bit before we do anything. Could use a bar though. hm.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Sir Jagofski CDXX - 09-27-2018

Yes, bars are mandatory in any hotels that have than 20 rooms, but a bar isn't a bar without some patrons, now is it? Are the void cats gonna order drinks? Maybe, but some cats aren't enough patrons for a fine establishment such as this! We need to do something about that, say, would our faceless friend want a drink, or will we have to source our own thirsty customers?

Just don't go overboard on that if we do, aight?

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - Ten11 - 09-27-2018

...you're right. We (I?) wouldn't be here if there was just nothing. What's the point in providing input if there's nothing to affect or influence? Might as well just skip ==> past stuff like that.
But that applies to every single thing that's happened too, not just this void. It might not have the context of a consistent world and characters to provide our actions with meaning or significance. But thats basically what the point of putting things in it is; to give it significance.

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - LammarWesley - 09-28-2018

Tell us juicy, juicy secret drinks!

RE: You Wake Up In A Bar - kilozombie - 09-29-2018

[Image: wFhX8om.png]

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