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The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 07-25-2017

Quote:>Burnside: Put the knife away
>Adler: You need an experienced veteran to drill these recruits into a fighting force

[Image: 0724ohcmon_zpsonxrecdm.gif]

"HEY!" I yelled at Burnside as a yowling mob of elves withdrew, leaving her snarling and slashing in a small clear space bespattered with gore. "Quit carving up my army! It won't do to massacre them before they've even reached Albric Tor!"

"Ain't my fault they's so delicate," Burnside protested. "Somebody needs to toughen 'em up, or they'll have no hope of survival."

"I need them to survive their training without being permanently injured," I insisted. "Put the knife away and switch to something blunt."

"Don't see no point in that," she grumbled as she stowed the blade in her Elfintory.

Quote:Adler > Looking at the vial again, you feel a terrible sense of premonition. as if you have no choice but to use it
Adler, remember to ask the Duchess about proper handling procedures for the Plague of Battles. And also ask for an antidote in case if anything goes wrong.
Duchess, explain to Adler that there is no actual antidote

I reached into my own Elfintory and nervously fingered the phial of Plague of Battles. I had a terrible, ominous feeling just carrying this stuff around. Nervously I approached the Duchess of Daisies, who was still re-packing the War Chest.

"Um, about this Plague of Battles," I whispered. "How dangerous is it, exactly? Should I worry about it leaking in my Elfintory?"

"The container is magicked so's it can only be opened on purpose," the Duchess grunted.

"How exactly is it used? I mean, if I was going to use it ..."

"You pull the stopper out and drip two drops on the tip of an arrow. Don't get any of it on yourself. Then you'll wanna shoot that arrow right away, because the potion starts releasin' vapors which you don't wanna breathe. Shoot as far as you can; gauge your target distance beforehand. You'll also wanna be upwind of the target and preferably uphill since the vapor is like a heavy fog which tends to settle in low spots. Catch the enemy in a valley and it'll make short work of 'em, but don't stick around to watch. Shoot and skedaddle. Get as far away as you can, quick as you can. Even after the fog clears, the Plague of Battles will still be in the corpses and the ground, so don't go back for plunder. Anybody pokin' around in a field where this stuff was used'll just stir it up and catch the Plague their own selves. Takes a long time for it to lose its potency."

"Is there any antidote?"


"That's .. that's insanely irresponsible," I gasped.

"Wouldn't be much of a weapon if there was an effective defense against it," Catherine scoffed. "A quick-thinkin' magick user could whip up a barrier to keep it out, or a wind to blow it away I reckon .. but by the time they knew what it was they'd have already breathed it and caught the battle frenzy. And there ain't no castin' spells in a battle frenzy."

I couldn't think of any reply to that, so I peeked over Catherine's shoulder into the chest.

Quote:>Adler: Insist on wearing some of Irenaeus' regalia. That actually fits.
> Duchess: Shrug and produce a...

"There's got to be a piece of Irenaeus' regalia in there that I can wear," I murmured. "Come on, I'm his heir and I'm supposed to be leading an army. I need some powerful token of my Imperial lineage."

[Image: 0724heryago_zpsyo1ksoot.gif]

"Fine, here," the Duchess sighed, holding an object out toward me. "This is most likely the only thang what ain't the wrong size for you. Use it well."

"A tail comb?" I exclaimed. "How many of those things did Irenaeus have?"

"Every fluffy-tailed elf I know has a couple extry ones to spare," Catherine shrugged.

"Yes, but Irenaeus had no tail!" I retorted.

"He had one when he started, and afterwards he wore a fake tail for a while, which I'm sure needed combin' same as a real one. Do you want this here ancetral relic or not?"

"I'll take it," I grumped, stuffing the tail comb into my Elfintory and stomping back into the Listening Post.

Quote:Alright, let's stop pussyfooting about it and finally ditch the velvet dork suit

"If you're going to command a rebel army as a Claimant to the Throne, you need to look more regal," Ms. Thomson confronted me as soon as I entered the room. "Dispense with your satin Princely Attire, and forget the regalia of an Ambassador to the Antglade. The Sisterhood has authorised me to present you with this elegant, noble jacket which will inspire awe and admiration in friends and enemies alike."

[Image: 0724newduds_zpsowfgern6.gif]

I put on the new jacket and admired its classy lines and comfortable fit. This was certainly a step up from my old Dork Suit!

"Ah, you cut quite a dashing figure in that, Your Highness," Thomson sighed dreamily. "Now, surely, your troops will follow you anywhere."

"Whoah," SALV Fofox concurred. "Lookin' totally hot there, Prince Adler!"

Quote:>The Marching Bagflute Players is significant. Very significant. Terrifyingly significant. Not sure if it bodes well or ill, but it bodes something.
>The child with the helmet is amongst the soldiers. They seem to think he's important because of the helmet.
Army > still eating and drinking, the army march towards albric tor "see ya at the party adler!" someone yelled as they marched off. The music follows with them
Adler and his staff, be surprised at how easily the soldiers started obeying orders issued by the "diminutive commander".

[Image: 0724genljr_zpso7imjqrx.gif]

Meanwhile, the baglute music outside got louder and the army began to chant: "THREE CHEERS FOR THE LITTLE COMMANDER! HIP HIP ... HOORAY!!"

A small voice which I could have sworn sounded just like Lem Junior shrieked excitedly: "Let's march on Albric Tor, fellers, an' kick their Imperial butts!"

The rest of the voice's declarations were drowned out by more cheering and raucous baglutes.

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tim Tesy - 07-25-2017

Albric Tor > Be eerily dead silent as the army rolls in. where is everyone?

Alder's army > Be confronted by royal shrub guards, Shrubs! Bloody everywhere. menacingly swaying in the breeze and... not much else...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 07-25-2017

>Adler:Oh, that kid is good, real good. You'd be annoyed if you weren't just so darn impressed. Maybe he can be useful for something.
>Adler: Another hearty, sinister giggle. Mind that it doesn't become a habit, though.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 07-27-2017

I honestly can't tell whether Griff means Adler or Lem Junior with "bold elflet".

Or Alice with "heir of Ireneaus" dun dun dun!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 07-27-2017

>Adler: Regard Lem Junior dubiously.
>Duchess: Fiddle with a bottle of elderberry wine.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 07-29-2017

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 07-29-2017

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Adler, go convince the army that they are not ready to attack just yet.
Lem Junior, try to convince the army that they should attack en masse (is this even the correct term?) immediately, to take the enemy by surprise.
Schism, occur.

Lemuel, look with great pride upon your son.

Alice called Scuti Preston her "Sire". Is that as in "Ruler", or "Father"? Or maybe even both?

Adler, remember to check your new possessions for enchantments. Discover quite a bit of them, of many different effects.

Fifi, be in awe of Adler. Recite to him several of your favourite passages from the Book of Saint Reynard. Add a couple lines from the Foxspell for good measure.

Percy, wonder into a cave. Cave, be inhabited. Inhabitant, be far too depressed to care about the intruder.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 07-29-2017

(HSH Prince Adler) Pause: what would Roland make of the Plague of Battles?
(HSH Prince Adler) For that matter, what would Estvan make of it?
(HSH Prince Adler) Battle an urge to speak to Roland and get his advice.
(Miz Lem) Be very proud of your lil' un, even if he's not very well-behaved.
(I&RA Spy) Lurk. Take notes.
(Her Grace CO'D) Finish packing up the trunk. Find a memento of a long-ago love.
(Her Grace CO'D) Battle an urge to rage, since he died in the Antglade War. (From a Siege Beetle-weakened tower falling on him.)
(Fifi Fofox) "Help" by "smoothing out" Adler's new uniform.
(Thomson) Get riled up by how Fifi is "helping."
(Fifi Fofox) Gekker.
(Army-Mob) Start to slow down, as the Persockity Vitality wears down.
(Strange Sign in the Early Night Sky) Be seen.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 08-01-2017

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Quote:Fifi, be in awe of Adler. Recite to him several of your favourite passages
(Fifi Fofox) "Help" by "smoothing out" Adler's new uniform.
(Thomson) Get riled up by how Fifi is "helping."

"You know what the Foxspell says," Fifi murmured as she sidled up next to me. "Verily, a vixen goeth crazy for a sharp-dressed tod. Elves don't lie! You'll like totally look your best though, if you smooth out all of the wrinkles. Here, stand up straight and I'll like, help you and stuff."

[Image: 0731smooth_zpsoxgpoouj.gif]

She reached around me and started rubbing her hands over my jacket .. and rubbing something soft against my back, in an obvious effort to work some Wiles.

"So smooooth," she whispered longingly in my ear.

.. was it just me, or was it starting to get hot in here?

"Knock it off, SALV," Ms. Thomson fumed. "This is not at all appropriate. And besides, titillating the Prince is MY official responsibility."

"You should like, delegate," Fifi suggested, letting go of me and primly straightening her jacket.

Quote:>Adler:Oh, that kid is good, real good. You'd be annoyed if you weren't just so darn impressed.
>Adler: Regard Lem Junior dubiously.
they are not ready to attack just yet.
Lemuel, look with great pride upon your son.
(Miz Lem) Be very proud of your lil' un

[Image: 0731proud_zpsfonnujn5.gif]

I scurried out onto the porch to get some fresh air, and came up short behind Lemmy and Salmonella.

"Is," I stammered in astonishment. "Is that kid leading my army off on an expedition?"

"That's my boy!" Lemmy exclaimed with fatherly pride.

"He's chock full of misguided enthusiasm," Salmonella sighed dreamily. "It's one of the things I liked about his poppa."

Quote:>Lem Junior: CHAAAAAAAAARGE!
Lem Junior, try to convince the army that they should attack en masse immediately, to take the enemy by surprise.
(Army-Mob) Start to slow down, as the Persockity Vitality wears down.

[Image: 0731charge_zpsvgtxsqms.gif]

"COME ON, FELLERS!" Lem Junior yelled as he marched down the forest road. "If we hit Albric Tor all of a sudden with overwhelmin' numbers we can take 'em by surprise an' be in the gates afore they even knowed what hit 'em!"

The baglutes stopped playing. The Army began to visibly droop and shuffle its feet.

"FELLERS!" Lem Junior insisted. "C'mon! FORWARD! CHARGE! ADVANCE!!"

The Army muttered and swayed uneasily.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked. "They seemed so enthusiastic to follow his orders a minute ago."

"They's just crashin' from that Persoc-Itoome spiked Usquebaugh," Duchess Catherine replied, from where she was kneeling, still packing the War Chest. "Persockity Vitality is great while it lasts, but the Netherhells of it is, it don't ever last long enough. Leaves a body feelin' mighty depleted when it wears off, too."

Quote:(Her Grace CO'D) Finish packing up the trunk. Find a memento of a long-ago love.
he died in the Antglade War. (From a Siege Beetle-weakened tower falling on him.)

[Image: 0731alas_zpssnongnyp.gif]

"Alas," she continued, in a suddenly wistful tone which I had not heard her use before. "Poor Vortigern."

"Who's Vortigern?" I asked, moseying over toward her.

"Just a feller I knew back in the days afore the Antglade fell," Catherine sighed. "He was a commander in our militia. By the Lady, what a dashin' officer he made! I reckon you could say we was sweeties. We woulda got married just as soon as I got rid of the Duke, but damned ol' Silverbrush's beetles made a tower fall on him, and then we lost the war, and there was a lotta other stuff to worry about. This here string o' teeth is all that's left to remember him by. I used to wear 'em til I decided there weren't no use mopin' about the dead no more. They been in this chest for, oh, I don't know how many years now. Good ol' Vortigern. I miss him. Seems strange I ain't even thought about him in a long time though."

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 08-01-2017

>Duchess: Suddenly become very hostile over someone seeing you be so wistful.
>Burnside: Be up to something hilariously macabre.
>Adler: Mayhaps interview a few of your soldiers. Find out how loyal they are to you. It would help if you had a few planted sneaky eyes and ears of your own.
>Percy and Cave Dweller: Immediately become drinking buddies.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 08-01-2017

>Adler: What happened to the Duke anyway? Whether his passing was due to martial or marital causes makes a big difference in your plans!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 08-03-2017

(Mini-Mob Army) Find that your voices are now rather tinny and high-pitched. Cry.
(Lem, Junior) Discover that "your" army is smaller than you are. Cry.
(HG CO'D) Think of Vortigern. Cry.
(Fifi Fofox) Be frustrated at Ms. Thomson's interference in your fun. Cry.
(Ms. Thomson) Lead HSH Prince Adler away for a bit of "instruction."
(Griff) Sneak around to where the duo are. Consider the opportunities for duplicate tailing.
(HSH Prince Adler) Go along with Ms. Thomson, since you are a bit tired.
(HSH Prince Adler) Have an uncanny feeling you're being watched.
(Marshal of Faerie) Give a status report to HM King Estmere.
(King Estmere) Be rather impatient, since you're very, very, very busy.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 08-06-2017

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Adler, ask the Duchess what those teeth originally belonged to.
Duchess, tell Adler WHO those teeth originally belonged to.
Teeth, do not actually belong to Vortigern (as in, they didn't come from his jaws).

Army, rest. Advance again once the Persoc-Itoome low ends. Get bogged down again almost immediately for a completely different, yet completely trivial reason.

Spy, send a covert message back to Albric Tor.
Message, be dismissed on the account of being too ridiculous.

Percy, approach the singer. Offer to help in exchange for information. Prove to be an effective psychotherapist.
Singer, be too depressed at first to care about Percy being lowfolk. Then gain a new respect for him as he helps you.

Scuti Preston, attempt to activate your new body's "flight" function. Fail miserably due to a lack of maintenance of a crucial component.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 08-08-2017

Quote:>Duchess: Suddenly become very hostile over someone seeing you be so wistful.
>Adler: What happened to the Duke anyway? Whether his passing was due to martial or marital causes makes a big difference in your plans!
(HG CO'D) Think of Vortigern.
Adler, ask the Duchess what those teeth originally belonged to.

"So, uh .. what ever happened to the Duke of Daisies anyway?" I asked hesitantly, thinking that the asnwer would greatly affect my future dealings with the Duchess. "And whose teeth are those? Vortigern's?"

[Image: 0807nosy_zpsatj6jx20.gif]

"They'll be yours if'n you don't quit hasslin' me," Catherine snarled. "Go on, shoo! Scat! Quit bein' so dang nosy, and just let a poor ol' femme reminisce in peace."

Quote:(Ms. Thomson) Lead HSH Prince Adler away for a bit of "instruction."
(HSH Prince Adler) Go along with Ms. Thomson, since you are a bit tired.

[Image: 0807comewme_zpsp7djawzg.gif]

"Come with me, Your Highness," Ms. Thomson suggested as she gently took hold of my arm. "With your army momentarily incapacitated, now is the perfect opportunity for me to give you some lessons in leadership and command. At any rate, it is high time I started performing my official duties."

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Quote:(Lem, Junior) Discover that "your" army is smaller than you are.
Army, rest. Advance again once the Persoc-Itoome low ends.

[Image: 0807getup_zps1zixkb9x.gif]

Meanwhile, Lem Junior was haranguing the troops.

"Y'all worms!" the young possum bellowed. "Wallerin' on the ground like a buncha worms! Git up! March! Albric Tor ain't gonna sack itself!"

"Ssshhh," MacBrock shushed. "The city'll be there still after we've had a wee kip. Bide a while, Skipper, a wee while while we all west ... sweet west, sweet swumber ..."

"Dad-gum disgustin," Lem Junior snorted. "Cain't hold yer Usquebaugh, ya upland softies."

Quote:>Burnside: Be up to something hilariously macabre.

[Image: 0807bbq_zpsy8xxgmnn.gif]

"Don't you fret none, honey," Burnside enthused as she rounded the corner of the building. She carried an enormous platter laden with steaming hunks of unnaturally juicy meat. "I got good news what'll put your army back on its feet in two shakes: I done made us some BARBECUE!!"

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 08-08-2017

>Adler: Discover that the lesson is less about leadership and more about female anatomy, particularly hers.
>Thomson: Now that the two of you are alone and no-one is observing you lest they be thought a peeping pervert, whisper the secret message you've been waiting to deliver to him. Mavis says hi.

""I am going to follow them and observe," Griff decided.
"If that's what you are into, Sire," Alice commented drily"


RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 08-08-2017

>And thus Ms. Thomson transforms from a mild mannered, weapon obsessed legal consultant to the living embodiment of every drill sergeant to ever exist. Complete with costume change.
>Lessons: begin.
>Adler: "Gulp."
>Goodness gracious! That barbecue is still alive!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 08-11-2017

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 08-11-2017

(Miss Thomson) Show Adler the ropes. Somewhat literally.
(HSH Prince Adler) Learn some pretty amazing things about yourself.
(Mob-Army) Sleep the sleep of the energy-deprived.
(Lem, Junior) Get bored and play mumblety-peg with your sword.
(SALV Fofox) Vengeance shall be yours! Peruse a Vulpitanian joke catalogue with EVIL intent.
(Ixies, multiple) Fit about here and there, talking in low voices.
(Alice) Ignore the old rule about "if the ant cart's rockin'" and inform Adler of something important.
(Alice) Get something thrown at your head by Miss Thomson.
(Burnside) Wonder if you should have made sides of fried green tomatoes to go with the BBQ.
(News) From the Capital. Arrive. Stir a flurry of activity.
(HSH Prince Adler) Wonder why your pants are so itchy.
(Thomson) Wonder why your dress is so itchy.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 08-12-2017

The two SALVs, continue watching Adler and his gang.
Vulpitanian Marshal, receive their report. Report, be heavily edited to the point of virtual uselessness. Marshal, supervise the next scrying session yourself. Come the an even more bizarre conclusion. Order that action of some kind be taken immediately.

Fifi, receive some new orders. Misinterpret them completely.

Some of the recovering soldiers, eat Burnside's cooking.
Burnside, proudly inform them of just what they are eating.
Vomit session, commence.
Burnside, feel insulted.

Griff, have another breakdown. Alice, again refuse to help.
Family bickering, result.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 08-15-2017

Quote:>Goodness gracious! That barbecue
(Burnside) Wonder if you should have made sides of fried green tomatoes to go with the BBQ.
Some of the recovering soldiers, eat Burnside's cooking.
Burnside, proudly inform them of just what they are eating.

[Image: 0814yummy_zps1wowk5ys.gif]

"Ach, tis a right fine feed ye've put on, lassie," MacBrock chuckled as he licked his chops and selected another juicy morsel from Burnside's platter of barbecue.

"I'm just tickled you like it," the raccoon beamed. "I would've fixed some fried green tomaters to go with it, but I figured there wasn't time, what with the war and all, and y'all was lookin' so tired and listless."

"Well these dainty morsels ha' put the life back intae us, nae doubt," the badger enthused between bites. "Tis delicious! What exactly is this? I've never tasted its like before."

"Oh, just some charbroiled possum lumps I found in that clearing yonder," Burnside admitted with a shrug.

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In the bushes, not far from the Diplomatic Outpost:

Quote:>Adler: Discover that the lesson is less about leadership and more about female anatomy, particularly hers.
>Thomson: Now that the two of you are alone ... whisper ... Mavis
>And thus Ms. Thomson transforms
> Lessons: begin.
(HSH Prince Adler) Learn some pretty amazing things about yourself.

[Image: 0814bliss_zpsmoeabeny.gif]

Ms. Thomson sighed and snuggled up against me.

"I thought I was going to teach you something," she purred. "But instead it's you who have taught me. I have heard stories of your illustrious mother's prowess, but surely she did not train you in the Sisterhood's arts?"

"No, I learned it from Sheila Na Gig," I admitted.

"Oh. Well no wonder you were so amazing," Thomson exclaimed, wide-eyed. "You certainly have all the talent you need to take command of your troops and lead them to victory."

"How exactly will my skills at Wiles and venery help me lead an army?" I asked.

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Quote:(Alice) Ignore the old rule about "if the ant cart's rockin'"
The two, continue watching Adler and his gang.
Vomit session, commence.
Burnside, feel insulted.

"Should we really bother the Prince if he is engaged in venery?" Alice asked as the two Scuti ambled innocently around the building.

"It will be the best time to catch him with his guard down," Griff responded pragmatically.

"Good point," Alice concurred.

[Image: 0814barf_zpscwwa1iti.gif]

"Oh my," Alice continued as she beheld the spectacle of the Volunteer Army vomiting on the grass.

"Y'ALL IS TOO DURN PICKY!" Burnside yelled indignantly somewhere behind the regurgitating throng.

"This gaggle of silk-stomached weaklings desperately needs my strong command," Griff declared. "Let's waste no more time."

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 08-15-2017

>Hopefully no one steals your clothes.
>Looks like there was something else in that barbecue. Something potent.
>Adler: HEADS UP!
>As many plans and conspiracies against Adler spring all at once- only to collide in a truly spectacular fashion ultimately foiling each other.
>Griff: Your mechanical body is decaying and decaying fast. Everywhere you go you leave a trail of nuts, bolts, and limbs.
>Say Adler, Burnside's behavior may or may not be the result of past traumas coupled with duchess' bad influence. If you were to, say, take her under your wing like a mentor, she might become slightly less psychotic. Or maybe she really is just a complete sociopath. At the very least, it would be good to have a loyal enforcer at your beck and call.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 08-16-2017

Quote:"How exactly will my skills at Wiles and venery help me lead an army?" I asked.

OH I HAVE SOME IDEAS...nevermind

>Griff: Scutify someone prominent to take charge.
>Fifi: Try to scutify Adler, end up scutifying entirely wrong white rump instead.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 08-17-2017

(08-15-2017, 08:29 AM)typeandkey Wrote: ยป>Griff: Your mechanical body is decaying and decaying fast. Everywhere you go you leave a trail of nuts, bolts, and limbs.
Something like this, perhaps?:

Alice, go ask the Duchess if she has another mech available.
Another mech, be available, but be in an even worse condition than Griff.

Thomson, obtain something personal from Adler during your venery session, which was your real goal. Deliver it to a mysterious client at first opportunity.

Fifi, do not be another scuti. Instead be a demonic entity from another plain of existence possessing a vulpine shell.

Lem junior, see if the army can be motivated by poking them with your sword. Achieve mixed results.

SALV Silverbrush, propose another approach to the situation. Be taken into consideration by the Marshal.

Marshal, report to your king. Be ridiculed.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 08-17-2017

>Addler: Once you've somehow escaped all the atempt to posses or kill you sudenly go deadly silent in a surprisingly intense and eerily threatening manner.

>The Ixies working for everyone ? They even told you so. The Scutis trying to betray you, fine, expected even. The vulpitian doing the same, not a big surprise., Being a pawn of about everyone and every side, , By now it's starting to be an habit. But trying to /steal your body ? /Two plots to steal your body at the same time ?

>Addler: Grab Iraneus comb. Time to send a clear and strong message that just because you've been a rather nice guy and let your life being all comedy of errors and hilarious japes so far doesn't mean you don't have a snapping point.

>Addler: Snap.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 08-18-2017

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