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The Grand Battle [Game Over!] - Printable Version

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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

dexexe1234 Wrote:

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

Lutherion stood straight up, looking at Ametyst with a much more serious grimace on his face.
"Die? Me, die? Haahah... Hahahhah!!!" He bended unnaturally backwards, still shrieking in laughter: "HaHAhahaH!!! HEHAHEAHAHAHE!!!" Quickly falling forward again and taking a stance as if he was about to charge her head on:
"Death. A very... Peculiar, thing to look at. But you must remember one thing."
His wightmaw arm gave of a weird shriek, as if it was broken and killed. A green, quivering light surrounded it, and then the smoke. When it lifted, the arm was different! the almost normal looking arm from before was now a hideous blend of bone, flesh, pus and blood. Sharp bones stood out everywhere, and the hand had long, clawed fingers! bugs of different types and sizes festered around the mass, and the arm itself was pulsating as if there was a heart in it... A heart?
"thats it!" Amethyst finally understood. his life was bound physically and mentally to this arm! everytime he regenerated his body from attacks was because he was using the arm! Only a few times had we attacked that directly, and it now showed to be his only real vital point!
Lutherion gave his psychotic grin and spoke again; "Now, i will show you a fate, WORSE than DEATH!!"


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Aryogaton Wrote:

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:
Aryogaton Wrote:

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-21-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

dexexe1234 Wrote:
Dragon Fogel Wrote:
Aryogaton Wrote:

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-22-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-22-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

The trail of blood at the entrance to town was now clean. The smell was significantly lessened, though there was still more to do. Eximo's data suggested that the largest spill was the one north of the courthouse; however, it noted that the smaller pool at the south end of the trail of knives on the eastern road would be more difficult to clean, as knives would have to be removed from it. For that matter, the knives themselves would have to be dealt with. Aside from cluttering the ground, carelessness walking could lead someone to cut their foot, and that would only mean more blood to clean. It would be best to act preventively.

As it headed to the east, Eximo passed Emily and Nathan. The old woman scowled at the demon vacuum, as it headed over to the south end of the "trail" of knives, and began picking out knives in the blood pool as it began mopping it up. However, at the moment, she didn't have time to deal with it, and headed west, motioning to Nathan to follow her and stay quiet. Once she thought they were far enough away from the vacuum, she turned to him.

"There's something you should know about that man you were just talking with."

"Aeon? He seems decent enough..." Nathan sounded doubtful.

"Don't be fooled. In the last round, I saw him carrying the bomb around with that tool of his. And then the next I saw of it, it was on Alcarith's vehicle. It's not hard to draw a conclusion from that."

Nathan recoiled in shock. "You think Aeon planted the bomb? He's the one who killed her?"

"Yes, I do. But don't say a word to the others. If Aeon knows anyone saw him, he might do something rash."

"Wait," Nathan said, thoughtfully. "There's something you should know. Just before that round ended, Lutherion attacked us. With monsters that looked just like you and the vacuum."

Now Emily was taken aback.

"I see. So it could have been another monster that planted the bomb..." She paused, looking doubtful. "Although, I find it hard to believe a monster could hide it so well. And Lutherion would probably brag about killing her to no end..."

"Unless, that is, he was hoping it would be seen. To make Aeon look untrustworthy. Lutherion may be insane, but that doesn't mean he's not clever."

Emily nodded. "I suppose we can't rule it out. Still, we shouldn't be too quick to trust Aeon. Agreed?"

"Agreed. I'll be careful around him."

As it turned out, Emily had underestimated Eximo's hearing range. The vacuum had overheard most of the conversation. However, it was having trouble processing the new information.

"Analysis: Lifeform known as Aeon may have planted explosive device on vehicle piloted by lifeform known as Alcarith."

It paused, continuing to pick up knives and put them in a safe storage compartment.

"Had explosive not been planted, lifeform known as Alcarith may have contributed to a solution to imminent nonexistence of location yet to be cleansed."

Eximo paused again. It wasn't really programmed to process the logic of the cleansing this much. At least it was making progress on the knives.

"Conclusion: If data is correct, lifeform known as Aeon poses a threat to the cleansing."

It picked up some more knives as it reflected on the other data it had. Fortunately, this was easier to process.

"However, further data indicates lifeform known as Lutherion may be responsible. Lifeform known as Lutherion is already classified as a severe threat to the cleansing."

It picked up some more knives. It had now gone almost a full block.

"Classifying lifeform known as Aeon as a moderate threat to the cleansing. Threat level may be reassessed pending more information."

Eximo was satisfied, for now. It could focus on the task at hand. Scanning for life forms, it noted six in the overall area, and none of them were close enough to be at risk of stepping on the knives. It turned west and got to work on the large pool of blood.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-23-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - btp - 08-23-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-23-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-23-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-23-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-24-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.


Emily looked around. They appeared to be safe. Even though she didn't like the demon vacuum she was fairly sure it wasn't intent on killing anyone right now.
"Stay here Nathan. I'm going to confront Aeon and I don't want you nearby if he gets violent."
"But I can help are you sure you want to go alone?"
"I can't spend all my power healing your arm boy," she said with a faint smile," Besides your alot more valuable than I am." Witht hat she dashed off to where Aeon had ran leaving Nathan very confused.
He looked down at his arm. It still bore a few scars from his recent incident. "But she can heal. I can't do anything. How can I be more valuable?"

Emily ran into the building Aeon was in. She kept her shield close enough that she could immediately move it in front of her.
"Aeon," she said," I wanted to talk to you about Alcarith. Can you please explain why you planted that bomb on her?"
She glanced at the courthouse nearby. How ironic that they were merely in sight of what she had come to realize was a place of judgement.

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-24-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Aeon was sitting beside the window, with just enough view to get most of the angles in the courthouse. He noticed Emily entering, but did not acknowledge it until she spoke.

"How do you know it was me? Lutherion seems like a suitable candidate for a planting. He may be more clever than you think, after all."

"I have my ways. I have considered Lutherion to be a possible suspect, but my suspicion is primarily on you."

"If you must know, it is strategy. Take a look at the remaining contestants. Lutherion and Amethyst are obviously the most powerful, but fortunately, strongly oppose each other. The vacuum cleaner is decidedly powerful, but does not seem to be of any threat. After all, it just wants to clean. That leaves you, me, and the boy; we are the weakest contestants."

"That still does not answer why you planted the bomb," Emily replied calmly.

Aeon didn't seem to notice, and continued to watch the battle. "When you break it down, everyone is against Lutherion. This was established during the last two rounds. That leaves me and Alcarith as the remaining neutral parties. Now then, I had to act some time. Obviously siding with Lutherion was out of the question, yet I did not want to choose a side quite yet. So I settled for a compromise."

"But why attack at all? Surely Alcarith would have made a suitable ally."

"Environment. There a significant danger from the mess of buildings, and the two people with the most advantage are Lutherion and Alcarith. In addition, if Lutherion was to die, that would leave Amethyst to kill us all, if not Alcarith herself. If one of the weaker contestants were to die, it would simply make things harder later on. I'm a passive attacker. That means I lean the situation my way, playing it safe. I have every intention of waiting out this 'game' until I can find a suitable means of escape. For that reason Amethyst, and possibly you would prove helpful in that."

"Why are you telling me this? Do you hope to regain my trust?"

"You don't have to believe me. It just has to make sense. Whether you trust me or not because I just revealed my entire strategy to you is your decision, not mine."

Aeon turned to Emily, who was standing in the doorway. She's confused, though somewhat relieved. It seems that she is thinking of what I just said, but likely no longer considers me aggressive.

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-24-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.

"I can't say I like you Aeon," Emily said as she turned away and looked back at the courthouse," But I understand you. This is a game and I suppose you have to go along with it. We must all accept that to an extent.
"You only have to gain by keeping me alive so I think I can trust you for now. However I must warn you. I will not ally with the demon girl if I can avoid it. Also remember that I would gladly destroy both you and Amethyst if it meant keeping Nathan safe. He is truly the only real innocent here, and if you attempt to kill him I won't even give you your last rights." She then turned out of the building and walked back towards where she'd left Nathan.

Aoen nodded. Emily was straightforward at least. Her threat worried him a bit, but he knew she probably wouldn't be able to stand up to Amethyst. Besides he had no intention of harming Nathan directly.

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-24-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

Lutherion and Amethyst just stood there. The complete silence was unnerving. Neither party moved a muscle and they just stood there.

"Velocity set 3000!" Amethyst' burning crystal flew towards Lutherion with amazing speed, "HEHhaha!!" He cackled and sliced ahead of him, parrying the crystal. There, locked the crystal between his bone-like blades he said: "Oh, am i gonna enjoy this! HEHAHEH!!! It will be wonderful to cut out all your ill rotten wormy GUTS!!!"

He flung the crystal up into the air. "Velocity set 3000!" The thunder crystal flew forwards. "This again?" He cut forward like last time. "GEHAHA!!! HAH-HACKRG!!!" his bloody and bloated wightmaw arm had been pierced by the flame crystal from the top, into the ground. The thunder crystal was locked in the grip of his hand like the flame crystal was.

"This doesn't seem right." Amethyst thought. "He didn't parry or anything!" "Heheheaha..." Lutherion stood there with a grin. "Girl, you haven't encountered the true form of the wightmaw before, have you? You see, this arm is originally just a place to store the familiars and creatures a necromancer have control over... But," he pulled the burning crystal outta the ground together with the arm, holding it stretched towards Amethyst. "It can embodiment EVERYTHING it has ever housed in itself!"

"What?!" This was rather overwhelming. Can the arm really hold the characteristics of everything he had ever consumed and controlled?! "Stop thinking!" "Huh?" Amethyst focused again, as her burning crystal was flying towards her at a great speed. "Pitiful creature!" The crystal just stopped before her, and she focused on Luther again. "I dont care about your petty abilities! I just want to kill you, you freak of nature!"

The thunder crystal reacted, to Lutherions surprise: "Electric pulse, 50 Mega Volt!" "Oh CRA-" Lutherions hand got a powerful shock of energy pumped right into it! "aAAHahrhaAHAhehahaehgeHAWEHhaw!" He just stood there, flinging about at the shock, and soon beginning to smell like burnt, rotten meat. "Ka-sPlaTteR!!!" Boom! Lutherions body exploded! Blood and flesh was flying everywhere, soaking Amethyst. "Ew! damn it Lutherion! Where did you go?!"

She readied her three crystal again, aligning them so the guarded her from 3 angles.

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-24-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Aryogaton - 08-26-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Aeon watched the battle unfold. It seemed to be a stalemate, as Lutherion was regenerating all of his damage, but was unable to hit Amethyst. Aeon took note of this.

Aeon saw the vacuum cleaner pass by the courthouse. In a tone just barely audible, Aeon called out to the machine.

"Hey you. Eximo, was it? Take a look inside that courthouse. Lutherion is spilling blood and pus all over the place. You'll have to clean it over again."

The machine froze. Huh? Does it consider me untrustworthy, or simply didn't hear me?

Aeon took a few of the knives he picked up, and held them out the window. "Hey, I found these scattered all over the floor. I was noticing you picking up a few of the knives, so I tried to help out a bit. Here you go."

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-26-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Eximo extended a skeletal arm and took the knives from Aeon.

"Thank you, lifeform. Your assistance with the cleansing is appreciated."

For a moment, Aeon thought the vacuum's voice carried a hint of... suspicion? But that seemed ridiculous. He'd hardly ever gone near the thing, let alone interfered with its "cleansing". And what else could it care about?

"Um... You're welcome. I guess." Aeon pointed the vacuum towards the courthouse again. "Anyhow, you might want to deal with the mess Lutherion's made in there."

"Acknowledged. All six lifeforms on radar are some distance away from remaining knives; those are lower priority. Highest priority goes to recent sources of filth. Proceeding with the cleansing." Eximo headed for the courthouse.

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-26-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

Eximo came closer to the courthouse, but something didnt feel right. The front door got suddenly cut of by a big wall of flesh and bone! Then, two skeletal figures stepped out of the mesh: "Listen you sucker! This is a personal battle between our master and the raspberry girl!" "Yeah! So Blow off mister!"

The two figures have a male and a female build. The male was armed to the teeth with different types of weapons and bombs, while the female had what appeared to be demonic magic running through her body. "Warning! You are interfering with the cleaning! Please move out of the way or you will be exterminated!" Eximo said, pulling out skeletal hands armed (hah!) with the knives he picked up earlier.

"Come get some, ya big blowfish!"

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - Dragon Fogel - 08-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Eximo attacked the wall of flesh, knocking some loose. It then promptly vacuumed the decaying flesh up; however, by the time it finished, the wall had regenerated the damage.

The male figure cackled. "What's this? Too busy cleaning up to get through? Too bad, too bad!"

However, cleaning up had given Eximo time to reassess the situation. Angry at being attacked, it had prioritized defense, but now it had calmed down and resumed its normal thought processes.

Which did not require it to use doorways.

Eximo sped away. The female figure taunted it. "Giving up? Oh, you're no fun!"

Moments later, Eximo burst through the west wall of the courthouse. Lutherion's voice echoed through the building.

"How rude! Don't you know better than to interrupt a man who wants to be alone with a woman?"

Eximo did not respond, and simply began vacuuming up nearby pieces of Lutherion's body.

"The cleansing is underway. Please do not interrupt."


Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - btp - 08-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Bobthepen's favorites:

Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!] - GBCE - 08-28-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.

Emily noticed the wall of flesh rise up as well as the two skeletons. They appeared to be simple guards so they probably wouldn't leave their stations. However she knew that Lutherions magic was unpredictable and she couldn't trust her normal analytical skills.
She decided it was probably best to strike first and hopefully keep Nathan out of the battle entirely. She raised her shield and charged them while they were staring at the hole the vacuum had made.
She managed to slam them both into the wall thanks to their close proximity.
Unfortunately was then immediately blown back by an explosion.
She looked up through the smoke. No doubt the one with the weapons had set of his bombs. The power was still extremely surprising though.
Her shiled had fallen off the wall and the female figure approached her cakling. "Well look at this charming old lady," she said as she walked further along the gigantic shield," You thin we should kill her quickly or slowly?"
Her partner stood up slowly. He was still recovering from the explosion apparently. "I don't care as long as it's painful." He walked next to her and drew a large rusty blade from his back.
Emily looked at her shield and smiled. They were both in the exact center. She concentrated her power on the symbol of the key.
"Sealing!" Suddenly a bright light erupted from the keyhole around her enemies. They began to crumble as the dark magic poured out of them.