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Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Printable Version

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Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-19-2015

Want to go on an adventure as a goblin bard with a pet monkey? Maybe you would prefer to be a giant flying manta ray that shoots lightning? Perhaps racing down the streets as an artificially intelligent motorcycle on the run from the law is more your speed? How about being an alien with incredible abilities powered by his belief in the divinity of an ordinary pickle? All of this and more is possible with Feats of Strength.

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Everything can be found in this massive PDF that I've made. The final version will have links to make navigation much easier, but I have to redo it every time I update the document so I don't have it set up now. Just hit Ctrl-F and use the nice guide I have below to help you find your way around.

If you have an ebook reader like iBooks, I would recommend sticking it in there. It makes it MUCH easier to read than a straight PDF.

There are a few minor errors in the PDF. If you guys see any you should let me know.

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Right now I'm mainly just looking for feedback. I'd love to see what you guys think of the system. If navigating the PDF is too frustrating, I may cave and fix the links.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-19-2015

will this thread be up in 2 weeks.

if so, i can give feedback then.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-19-2015

I'm guessing that's a joke about how much I packed in the PDF. I wouldn't expect anyone to read that thing in detail before I stick in some eye candy, just skim it.

But yeah, I expect the thread to still be here in two weeks.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-19-2015

this is exam period ;_;

EDIT: at a glance, I can already tell I'm going to run with an unnatural monkey-platypus with a million eyes, an inarticulate, but capable, art thief and a dabbler in the art of distraction.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Schazer - 01-20-2015

The Modeled racial feat for constructs (and I just noticed too the Criminal's Questionable Experience feat): does that essentially allow a Construct character to take any one feat from another racial table? Or do you have to spend a second racial feat on top of that?

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-20-2015

Modeled and Malformed allow you to take feats from other races, but no you don't have to spend an extra feat.

Questionable Experience, Studied Technique, and Multi Talented do the same thing, but with professions. Dabbler is the same thing again, but it's a Humanoid Race feat.

Dual Degree (requires Dabbler) and Mastered Technique (requires Studied Technique) do let you take a feat from another profession AND make you a member of that profession. That way you can keep taking feats from that profession and it helps with reaction modifiers on social checks.

Studied/Mastered Technique can't be taken through another feat, because then there would be an exploit to get an extra profession by spending 1 feat.

So, obviously, there are a lot of ways to kind of dip into other races and professions. Aptitudes are the only category that cannot be dipped into like this.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Gatr - 01-20-2015

Sorry, I haven't looked at the PDF yet, but one thing that does stand out to me, is that there seems to be no technically-inclined aptitude. I get that aptitudes are supernatural, but would an engineer-like or scientist character simply be under Martial, even if they aren't great at hand-to-hand combat?

edit: yeah looking at the PDF now it seems that technical skills fall under Professions rather than Aptitudes which makes complete sense. Ignore my previous question, and let me say this looks super interesting! Also, can I suggest a revision of "Martial" to something like "Normal" or "Non-Magical"?

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-20-2015

Glad the system has piqued your interest Garuru!

Yeah, technical stuff is reserved mainly for professions, though Guardians get a good bit of combat related stuff.

As for renaming Martial to Normal, I don't think that quite fits. Martial kind of implies that the character has spent a long time developing their combat skills or are just naturally good at hitting things. If a character would be "normal", then they wouldn't be martial.

Which brings up a point. Player characters all have three parts to their identity because they are usually pretty special. NPCs and some simpler enemies might have nothing more than a race or a race and a profession. A "normal" person just wouldn't have an aptitude. If a GM wants to run a game where the players are "normal", they can just leave out Aptitudes.

For example, Batman would be a Humanoid Criminal Martial character (probably with some Craftsman and Scholar thrown in via feat shennanigans. Possibly even a smidge of Entertainer or Guardian. Batman knows everything, but I digress). A regular blacksmith would probably just be Humanoid Craftsman. A rat would just be Bestial.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Gatr - 01-20-2015

I see! So the Professions and Aptitudes are optional for the most part... though of course leaving them blank would weaken your character considerably.

This system does give a lot of opportunities for character creation. It also seems like it can be handily overlapped with a massive number of settings and other arbitrary restrictions... I'm assuming that's what you're going for, though.

I might want to actually run one of these games in the (probably far) future, if that's fine?

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-20-2015

Of course!

Once I dress this up with some eye candy and tweak a few things, I plan to release it under OGL on RPGNow for pay what you want/free. I'll also be pumping out some expansions, some (but not all) that will cost a few bucks. That's the plan anyway.

So short answer: I am ok with you running a game with this sometime in the future as long as I'm given credit for creating the system.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 01-29-2015

I'm probably going to be running a play test of FoS either here or on Chocolate Pi within a few weeks. Before I do, I've got some questions:

1) Should the game be here on Eagle Time or on Chocolate Pi? I'm leaning towards Choc Pi mainly because games seem to do a bit better there, but I can be convinced otherwise if enough people would rather play on this forum.

2) I have ideas for 5 different settings/adventures. I need feedback on which one people want to play.

Soul of the Dragon: Fantasy! You've been hired to go slay a dragon up in the mountains. Part of this one has already been written.

Pieces of Hate: Pirates! You are the crew of a ship trying to get your precious cargo to it's destination safely.

Wild Wild Wombats: Cowboys! The Wombat gang is tearing apart a simple frontier town in search of the one who stole their stolen gold. It's up to you to protect the citizens and find the gold.

Cannon Hill: Modern! Less combat and more RP focused, this adventure has the players using their skills to petition the government to save a historic monument. Alternatively, they could just pull some magic body snatching to accomplish their goals.

Venomous Bounty: Space! You are alien bounty hunters who have been contracted to retrieve the data from a crashed alien space ship. I have an overview written for this.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-29-2015

Try gathering interest in both places. Though I think people would be more responsive in chocpi, esp. in the gen. games chat thread.

There are too many space adventures at the moment :/ I myself would like to see some Unnatural Cowboys screeching obscenities at western men

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Palamedes - 01-30-2015

I do like options 2 and 3 most, but all would probably go over pretty well (and I'd probably sign up in either forum).

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 02-08-2015

I've updated the rules in the pdf. Changes include:
  • Instead of using Zelda stuff, the cover is now a drawing I photoshopped into something passable. There's also a logo, but I feel like it needs more work.
  • Criminals are now called Rogues. "Criminal" had some negative connotations associated with it and was only used because I wanted to try to be different.
  • The Steady Pace feat has been changed so that it has no penalty and only applies to a single movement type.
  • There is now an Ablaze Affliction and the Scorch feat has become Arsonist. These means you can set people on fire. Alternatively, you can set yourself on fire so that anyone who grabs you starts burning. Your punches may also set people on fire.

Dropbox may take a while to finish uploading it.

The thread may open sometime in the next week or two and will be on Chocolate Pi. I want to work on a few more "hidden" rules to help me and of course I need to write the actual adventure.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - OrangeAipom - 02-09-2015

It still looks like Legend of Zelda to me.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - ICan'tGiveCredit - 02-09-2015

It's Habbo Hotel-esque, Willy. Fix it. Fix what isn't broken.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 02-10-2015

Well the second image is still Zelda because I haven't made a second image. There's also a ton of basic stock images in there that my program sticks in there. It's only the cover that changed.

Is...is Habbo Hotel still a thing? I thought 4Chan killed it.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - Robust Laser - 02-10-2015

I can confirm that not only is Habbo Hotel still a thing, my sister is way into it and is some kind of, I'unno, upper management of some kinda habbo company thing it's kind of dumb. I'm pretty sure she totally knows how dumb it is in any case.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - OrangeAipom - 02-10-2015

I'd like it if you'd add how many times a feat can be used in the tables

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 02-11-2015

That's probably a good idea. I'll look in to increasing the information available in the feat tables. The main issue there is space, so I may have to spread things out.

RE: Feats of Strength-Highly Versatile RPG System - WillyDeWulfe - 02-16-2015


Also I replaced Climbing Vines with Instant Forest. Now you can make trees grow as a wall.

I replaced Flurry and Improved Flurry with Dual Wield and Reflexes. Dual Wield is exactly what it sounds like and Reflexes is a passive defense bonus that goes away if you get one of many afflictions.