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KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - Printable Version

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KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - Loather - 07-19-2013

You are a cashier working late at the WEST GHOST PEAK GIFT SHOP. All is quiet on the western front (it's always quiet), and you are desperate to stay awake. You are writing in a link book from Myst in the hope that you can escape your menial 9-9 (24 hours) job into a fantastic world of puzzles and trees, but it's not working. You haven't seen a face in years, aside from a stock photo of a forlorn old man lovingly framed above the cash register, with a plaque above it reading "IF YOU STEAL, THIS IS YOU." You try to draw one (a face). You draw a bag of Ghost Flavored Lays potato chips instead because that is all you can see from where you are. The Lays shipment arrives every Tuesday by a complex pulley system. This shipment makes up most of your diet, and you spend all your salary on it. This salary is about $2.13 weekly (the current minimum wage), down from the $7.01 offered in the advertisement.

Unfortunately for you, it is a Thursday and there will be no chips, and therefore nothing to expect. What do you do?

RE: KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - piester - 07-19-2013

>Steal a newspaper and get with the modern age, you uninformed moron. Its not like anybody will care, who actually READS the news anymore?

RE: KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - Coldblooded - 07-19-2013

Quit your shitty job right now and start a new life as a stuntman for the Hollywood movies.

RE: KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - ICan'tGiveCredit - 07-19-2013

> Kill one of the customers and make out with them. Or in reverse order if you'd like. Because we know you'd like that. Now do it.

RE: KiNg Of GhOsTs: Kanye Edition - SupahKiven - 07-21-2013

Receive chips anyway, logic (and Thursdays) be damned.