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The Garrulous Urgency (Round 1: Rocky Falls) - Printable Version

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The Garrulous Urgency (Round 1: Rocky Falls) - Gatr - 07-15-2013

I need to practice my writing so fuck it. Narcissism battle featuring me 8 times over, with 8 awful characters. This gonna be a shit-fest.

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Battle start coming up I suppose.

RE: The Garrulous Urgency (signups: not you) - Gatr - 07-15-2013

The Beast growled.

He paced restlessly in a dank little cave, his enormous girth rubbing against the sides of the much-too-small enclosure. He snuffled a little, and threw himself against the glass wall keeping him in. Tendrils of power were unleashed and repelled. With a loud thump of his paw against the floor, the cave transmogrified and rocks flew around in a frenzy, but the glass wall remained. He finally gave up and lied down.

The sinister figure in front of the glass watched impassionately and jotted a few notes.

The Beast brought his fiery glare to the figure, and he spoke.

...Why are you doing this to me?

Still, he said nothing.

You can't keep me in forever, you know. I'll find a way out, no matter what it takes.

Finally, the figure looked up and met the Beast's smouldering gaze. He didn't even flinch. He made to say something, but then he only smiled and walked away.

The Beast roared and slammed against the glass once more. But, as soon as he did so, the figure came back. He continued to claw mercilessly at the glass.

"I have a request for you, from my superiors."

And why should I do what you say?

"Because we'll let you go."

You DARE bargain for my release?!

"You really don't have a choice in this matter."

... What is it.

"My boss would like you to host a grand battle."

That's all? Why couldn't she just do it herself?

"She is already, ah, occupied with another one. And she said this is a test, to demonstrate your powers."

Fine. So be it.

The beast let loose a mighty howl. Eight underlings sped throughout the multiverse, picked up several effigies, and laid them down on the floor. Upon a closer inspection, these effigies would seem to be much more realistic than mere statues, almost as if they were simply frozen people. Which is what they were. They could do nothing but lie, scattered across the floor in awkward poses.

Hello. Can you all hear me? But of course you can. You are all now in a battle to the death. Let us begin introductions. I am The Beast, and you will not fuck with me.

The underlings all barked in glee and avid worship.

First contestant.

An underling picked up an odd pedestal and set it down. It had ornate carvings all over it, and on top of it was a glowing orb. Four silver frogs were carrying it, faces twisted in grimaces by their heavy burden.

This is Auros, and these are the Carriers. Auros is a sentient naked singularity, an entity that constantly produces light and mass. He is worshipped as a god. The Carriers are his loyal subjects, and they would stop at nothing to kill you all.

The underling brought the effigies back, and dispersed in thin air. Another one came forth, carrying what appeared to be a simple shaggy-haired human. However, it had a rather over-sized backpack-like construct on his back. In it was another shaggy-haired human, but much skinnier.

The big one is Les Jambes. The small one is Les Yeux. They are brothers who have been wandering a nuclear wasteland for the past 5 years. The big one can lift anything, and the small one can see everything.

Once again, these specific effigies were brought back, and unceremoniously thrown on the floor of the cave. Another one was brought forth, this time a skeleton. It looked to be humanoid, but it had a tail and a larger head, filled with sharp teeth. It also had ridiculous amounts of jewelry draped all over it.

This is Svangir Grisvr, a lizardman. Alas, he is long dead. He still resides in this body by sealing his soul elsewhere. He can manipulate flesh as easily as water, and will not hesitate to "borrow" your flesh to prolong his life. That is, if you have any flesh on you.

The underling dispersed, and another contestant was brought forth. He was a rather meek, although confident-looking human. He seemed dressed for a tennis match.

This is Fred Jackson. He plays tennis for the glory of his country. In his land, sports are a matter of life and death, literally. He may be a lot better at tennis than you think, so watch out if he decides to play against you.

Underlings swapped effigies, and this one was another meek-looking human. However, his face was locked in a vicious snarl. He was dressed in a hospital gown, and otherwise looked as unintimidating as possible.

This is Michael Richardson, but the poor guy believes himself to be Deathclaw. Deathclaw was a vicious alien conqueror of galaxies, so be wary of this little guy trying to conquer your galaxy. Heh.

The next contestant was brought forth, another human. He was tall, though, and seemed much more confident in himself. He had a scraggly red beard, and a huge sword on his back. Borrowed, of course.

This is Ferdinand Fox-Geselle. That sword of his can produce flames, although it isn't actually his. You see, it was stolen. By someone else, I mean. And Ferdinand here hears the voices of lost things. They all tell him to save them.

The next effigy was much bigger than the rest, and was much plainer as well. It was simply a depiction of a blue sky filled with clouds. The underling brought it forth, carrying it on its shoulders. Then it collapsed and disappeared.

This is Urur. He is the sky. Not just a sky, but the sky. He can control the weather and his own appearance. Whether he is a deity, or a spirit, or something beyond those, I do not know. But you must kill it in order to win this. Best of luck.

The remaining underling searched for the last effigy, which was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, he coughed, and hacked up a tiny seed, which rolled over to the Beast. Looking apologetic, the underling disappeared.

Sigh. And this is the last contestant, Ana. She used to be a very lovely woman, but she is now trapped inside of this seed. She is not even aware of us. She can grow into many different kinds of plants, all which are capable of bearing even more seeds.

And that's it. You know what you're up against. As for the first location...

The cave fell away to reveal a steep cliff, riddled with holes and more caves. Lush greenery surrounded its bottom and top, but left it bare in the middle. Occasionally, a giant ant would crawl out of one hole and into another. Here and there, some narrow waterfalls trickled down into a network of rivers.

This is Rocky Falls. This rather beautiful landscape is home to a giant insect community. They are smarter than they look, and they are also angry at your intrusion. This is to ensure you all won't just be happy to live in peace forever. Although I doubt that'd even happen anyways. Happy fighting.

And the Beast disappeared.

RE: The Garrulous Urgency (Round 1: Rocky Falls) - Gatr - 07-21-2013




"Yes, O Great Auros! He will surely pay for this injustice!"


"Where to?"


And so, Auros and the carriers went into a cave. Light poured out and filled the lower segment, causing ants to screech and run away.


They trudged through the tunnels, but it was slow going. Suddenly, a low rumbling started. The ceiling cracked, and pebbles fell on them. Fortunately, they were slowed down by Auros' field.

"Auros, we must turn back! You are increasing the mass of the rocks above us! This cave is going to collapse!"


"Auros, please forgive me for my insubordination, but if the cave collapses, we will all die, and you will be left alone, unable to move."


As they doubled back, the cave collapsed in an eerie slow-motion, speeding up as Auros left. The Carrier on the Back Right stumbled, her skin pelted with debris expelled from the cave-in. She was bleeding a sickly green ichor. But she took the pedestal on her shoulders and moved on. She would be strong. She had to, for Auros.


Auros and company trudged up a knoll to a rather large entrance that looked sturdy as well. The Carriers were having difficulty bringing Auros up due to the increased gravitation. Fortunately, however, Auros was being uncharacteristically patient. Silent, even. The Carrier on the Back Left, long since stripped of her name, chose this moment to contemplate Auros' situation. Now getting on in her years, she had known Auros the longest. They were in a battle to the death, huh? Normally, she would have absolute confidence Auros would win, but there were other powerful beings. She would have to temper Auros. Prepare him for what was to come. No more whimsical tasks. Someone had to take charge. She sighed.


The Carrier on the Front Right, also known as the Young One, was pissed. Damn that Beast! How dare he besmirch Auros' rightful place as Ruler of All That Ever Was and Will Ever Be! Front Right exerted his rage into lifting the pedestal up above a steep hill. His face drew back in a grimace, and he was close to tears. He would kill everyone who got in his way, no matter how "powerful" they claimed to be. No god would ever be able to stand up to the Great Auros.

"Young One, are you having difficulty? We can switch if you wish."

Front Left had one handle on his shoulder, looking confident and capable. His muscular shoulders bulged, easily handling the burden. It made him even more furious. Why did Front Left have to be so much better and stronger than him? He was the rightful leader of the Carriers, not this smug asshole. He glared.

"No. I can handle this, thank you."

"What's wrong? You seem angry."

"Oh, really? Maybe it's because we're in the middle of some random land, with false gods threatening the might of Our Auros!"

"Be quiet. That's an order. And calm down. Auros will be able to beat them, and we will be there to help him. But you won't be able to help him like that. Let me take over."

Grumbling, Front Right stepped aside.


Auros was deep in thought. Which was unusual for him, he had to admit. But those caves. The way his light trickled over the stalactites, creating deep shadows. It had reminded him of that place, way back on Araes. That place where he was... born? He didn't know a better word for it, but the organic equivalent of life-creation would have to do. He remembered nothing before. He had thought he was alone. That made him the strongest entity around, and he was pleased. But this Beast brought him to this strange place, and proved him otherwise. There were many strange beings. Several looked like wimpy tiny versions of the Agrons. They would prove no problem. But, there was Urur. The sky.

The first time he saw the sky, dark as it was, he felt free. Agrons had scurried around him in a frenzy almost too fast for his immortal mind to follow. He looked down on them, and he breathed. Light poured out across the wide expanse, and they bowed down in worship. He was not alone. He would spread the light.

He looked up. The sky was very different here. It was a light blue, with fluffy white clouds swimming across it. It was so alien to him. And he didn't like it. He would have to kill it.

RE: The Garrulous Urgency (Round 1: Rocky Falls) - Gatr - 12-23-2013

A battle to the death? Really? The first time we've seen anybody in ages, and we have to kill them?

I don't like the thought of "killing" them, though... Some of them aren't even people...

Pfeh, I'm sure we could manage it if we had to. They wouldn't hold a fight to the death where one of the contestants was unkillable.

What do you think will happen if we win?

I have no idea. That... thing... the Beast, was it? He didn't really say anything much, other than introducing us. But if he was capable of teleporting us here against our will, he must be much tougher than he looks.

Will he just send us back home when it's over? There isn't really anything left there...

Yeah. I don't know what to do after that... Maybe we could get down to the root of this competition. Find out why it's being done. We will have to learn more about each of the contestants, and find out why they were brought here.

That sounds kinda complicated.

The first step, it seems, is to make alliances. There might be a way to break this system, and even if there isn't, we'll be in a better position to fight. We should ally up with someone sane and reasonable. But most of the contestants were advertised as deadly to some degree.

But... not all of them, right? I mean, there's that tennis player, and wasn't one of them just a seed?

The seed won't do. Too unpredictable. But... the tennis player... he is the one most like us. He'll do.


Les Jambes and Les Yeux had been sitting back to back, contemplating the game as a whole, and using their telepathy to converse. But, it was time to move out. Les Jambes picked up, and looked around briefly. They were in a clearing some distance away from the hole-ridden cliffs, and they were surrounded by spindly fir trees. Les Jambes walked over to one, and effortlessly plucked it from the earth.

"This will do, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's get going."

Les Yeux dourly looked at his brother, then slowly crawled into the harness at his back. There, he would sit and observe, while directing Les Jambes around. It was the way they had travelled for... how long was it now? He couldn't remember. Either way, it seems that that journey was at an end. After this, nothing would be the same again. Les Jambes started walking towards the cliffs, and Les Yeux closed his eyes, and projected his vision towards a fixed point in the sky, where he would be able to observe all.

Okay. I think I see someone along the base of the cliff. I can't quite make who it is out, but-


What was that?!


I can't see anything!

get off me

Les Yeux opened his eyes and gasped. He was already starting to sweat, and he had a massive headache. He groaned, and closed his eyes, massaging his temples. Of course. He had forgotten all about Urur. The Beast had claimed that it was... well, the sky itself. This one would be tough. He no longer had the sky to himself.


There is a contestant in the sky. He will not let me see anything while I am up there. For now, just go to the base. We'll figure things out from there.

Okay, brother!

It was a bit of a walk, so Les Yeux used this chance to rest.


Upon arriving at the base, Les Yeux woke up and yawned. It was quite a short nap, but it was enough to relieve his headache.

Where to now, brother?

Hmm... he supposed it would be fine to use his power, as long as it didn't touch the sky. He closed his eyes again, and projected his vision towards the cliff. He was able to see more, but it wasn't perfect. It was enough, though, as he could see that the contestant he saw from the sky was Michael Richardson. He was a bit concerned, as the Beast had said that he suffered from delusions, but he seemed totally harmless otherwise. Perhaps he could glean information from this Michael.

Go that way. He's not far.


They followed the wall until they heard thumping noises. Just up ahead, the seemingly meek businessman was furiously punching the wall and shouting.

"Damn that Beast! Damn him to the deepest reaches of Inferno!"

Just as the wall was starting to become quite bloody, Les Jambes jumped in and restrained Michael.

"Grr. Who has the gall to restrain me this time?! First the Beast rips me from my throne, then you...!"

Suddenly, he went limp, and his eyes became unfocused. Les Jambes set him down gently, then he leaped up, and clasped his hands behind his back, and put on a smug face.

"Hmm. So, it was one of those squishy humans, after all, huh?"

"Wh- what are you talking about? You're a human, too!"

"Hehehe. Or so it would appear. I have put on a glamour, in order to blend in better. In fact, I am the One and Only Emperor Deathclaw."


Brother. Please play along with his delusions. I know it's not healthy for him, but we need him to cooperate.

"Oh, um. Oh! I am so sorry, Emperor! Please forgive me! I will do whatever you wish!"

Pushing it a little there.

But Michael was totally and utterly fooled.

"It is no concern. I have expected this. Now... you will tell me who you are."

"O Humble Emperor, I am, uh, Lester. Yeah, Lester Jambalaya."

Really? That's the best you could come up with?

"Lester. Yes, it is fitting. How would you like to be my most loyal servant, as we go and teach this Beast a lesson?"

"It would be my greatest honor! Thank you so much."

"Easy. I may be tyrannical, but I am not foolish enough to pass up a loyal servant. Now then. It is my ambition to kill all the others who desire a pass at this throne of mine. We will move on. Into this hole!"

"Uh... okay."

Even Les Jambes could tell that this guy had a screw loose. Michael didn't appear to recognize him as a contestant. He also appeared to be oblivious to the fact that he was carrying a huge tree. Speaking of which, it wouldn't fit in the narrow tunnel ahead, so he snapped it into half. He knew that Les Yeux was planning to manipulate Michael mercilessly, but the guy was just so pathetic, he felt a little bad. But his brother knew more than him, and he remembered that he was in a fight to the death, after all. He shivered. He wasn't sure if it was due to the cold temperatures in the tunnel, or due to the nature of this game.