Eagle Time
The Town of Mends - Printable Version

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The Town of Mends - Gnauga - 05-31-2013

[Image: Dpju1Wq.png]

Welcome, stranger.
What brings you here?

RE: The Town of Mends - Purple Walrus - 05-31-2013

>alcohol and fame!

RE: The Town of Mends - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-31-2013

> that yellow guy on the left side

RE: The Town of Mends - MaxieSatan - 05-31-2013

A dead uncle.

RE: The Town of Mends - Whimbrel - 05-31-2013

We're gonna knock over this town. Everybody put your hands where I can see'em and don't try anything clever!

RE: The Town of Mends - Brom - 05-31-2013

We're gonna knock over this town, literally. Bring in the wrecking ball, boys!

RE: The Town of Mends - Gnauga - 05-31-2013

Hm! Interesting. Well then, proceed.

[Image: JjyUBvo.png]

"Yes, stranger? What is it?"
"I'm here about my late uncle"

The yellow man looks at you steadily.
"And what about your late uncle?"

RE: The Town of Mends - Schazer - 05-31-2013

"I want to bring him back."

RE: The Town of Mends - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-31-2013

> "I killed him" and then throw the dead body at the yellow guy

RE: The Town of Mends - Purple Walrus - 05-31-2013

"I heard he owned a mine in these parts. Rumours say he struck gold before his mysterious death. I'm here to see if those rumours are true."

RE: The Town of Mends - Dragon Fogel - 05-31-2013

You might want to mention your uncle's name.

RE: The Town of Mends - MaxieSatan - 05-31-2013

Left you an inheritance and all that. Personally you hate places like this, hot and dry and miserable, but maybe he left you something good, and it's not like you've anything better to do since the workshop went out of business.

RE: The Town of Mends - AgentBlue - 06-02-2013

He's pretty late. The funeral was supposed to be hours ago.