Eagle Time
Grand Battle High - Printable Version

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Grand Battle High - MalkyTop - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.


[Image: 2rfx7oo.jpg]

You are Maxwell Deakin. You are a junior in high school with some good grades and a few extracurricular activities under your belt. In fact, you are looking forward to fencing club today. (Chess is tomorrow.) Lately you've been rather listless and bored at school and you can't say you're looking forward to senior year and college and crap, but you're pretty determined to at least get through high school if not anything else. Right now, you're waiting for your friend to come out so the two of you can catch the bus to school.

[Image: 2mpwhp1.jpg]

She totally hasn't shown up yet though...

[Image: 2n83c7a.jpg]

Oh hey Vyrm'n, hello there, hahaha, you got me okay please put me down we're going to miss

[Image: 2ajw3tj.jpg]

the bus.......

[Image: 334kqr8.jpg]

Well crap.

Re: Grand Battle High - Elpie - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Lord Paradise.

> Call up a friend with a better means of transportation.

Re: Grand Battle High - Dragon Fogel - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Get to a dark place and call Syvex. He can get you there fast!

Re: Grand Battle High - Pinary - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

> Run after the bus, embarrass yourself, discover your spider-man powers, and fight crime. (By which I mean run into your arch-enemies, Maxwell and Sikarius.)

Re: Grand Battle High - MalkyTop - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Pinary Wrote:> Run after the bus, embarrass yourself, discover your spider-man powers, and fight crime. (By which I mean run into your arch-enemies, Maxwell and Sikarius.)
[Image: 30c8twj.jpg]

Right right right if you run maybe you can catch up and

[Image: 1685xd0.jpg]

[Image: 2i0ywlt.jpg]

[Image: 15pna82.jpg]

[Image: 34488aq.jpg]

[Image: 2vjwg3m.jpg]

Oh you made it to school on time. Before the bell, even. Is that a fight going on outside? Again?

Re: Grand Battle High - Dragon Fogel - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Get involved in the fight despite your best efforts.

Re: Grand Battle High - OTTO - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by piester.

>Wonder why the school is called Grand battle high, it's an odd name for a high school.

Re: Grand Battle High - Schazer - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Try and get it resolved before, y'know

a teacher breaks it up. And kills everyone in the vicinity.

Re: Grand Battle High - OTTO - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by gloomyMoron.

Is that Lutherion?

> Cause: be Lutherion.

Re: Grand Battle High - Pinary - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

> Identify the combatants involved and decide who to root for while not actually getting involved in the fight

Re: Grand Battle High - OTTO - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.

>Punch all participants in the face to establish superiority.

Re: Grand Battle High - Schazer - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Oh god... is that Lutherion and Lillian?

Re: Grand Battle High - Woffles - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

Schazer Wrote:Oh god... is that Lutherion and Lillian?
Oh god Lutherion, Lillian and Aph???

Re: Grand Battle High - Sruixan - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

>Count the combatants to see what round they've reached.

Re: Grand Battle High - OTTO - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Sruixan Wrote:>Count the combatants to see what round they've reached.
Because every competition in Grand Battle high always takes place in groups of eight and the victor is always decided through a process of elimination.


> Think really hard about all sorts of rambly nonsense until you find yourself somehow on the other side of the fight, unhurt and alive, and continue on towards your class.

Re: Grand Battle High - SleepingOrange - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

>Go in the other entrance near the library. There usually aren't so many people there, and the ones that are are less inclined to tear each other's throats out.

Re: Grand Battle High - Dragon Fogel - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Unless somebody grabs one of Wardell's books, of course.

Re: Grand Battle High - Schazer - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Don't get involved. With classmates like Ouro and Kerak, being anywhere near the smell of blood is a baad idea.

Re: Grand Battle High - MalkyTop - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

piester Wrote:>Wonder why the school is called Grand battle high, it's an odd name for a high school.
Yes. Yes it is.

gloomyMoron Wrote:Is that Lutherion?

> Cause: be Lutherion.
You can't be Lutherion! You've barely started being Maxwell Deakin!

Pinary Wrote:> Identify the combatants involved and decide who to root for while not actually getting involved in the fight
[Image: 2iawtph.jpg]

Getting close to the crowd, you can see that it's a fight between little sophomore Zephyr and fellow junior Xeno whatever. You cannot comprehend how this fight had started. You cannot comprehend why this fight is attracting so much attention because Zephyr is not a good fighter as well as not a good fightee. You can't hit him.

Schazer Wrote:Try and get it resolved before, y'know

a teacher breaks it up. And kills everyone in the vicinity.
[Image: e9b2vp.jpg]

You are pretty sure there is no need to worry about that.

"Punch 'em! Punch 'em inna balls!"

slipsicle Wrote:
Sruixan Wrote:>Count the combatants to see what round they've reached.
Because every competition in Grand Battle high always takes place in groups of eight and the victor is always decided through a process of elimination.


> Think really hard about all sorts of rambly nonsense until you find yourself somehow on the other side of the fight, unhurt and alive, and continue on towards your class.
[Image: 10rljs6.jpg]

You are suddenly very interested in methods with which an artist can employ in order to avoid having to draw annoying crowd scenes.

[Image: fcjjfd.jpg]

For one thing, the close-up shot on a certain individual would certainly work out well, as it cuts out every other individual in the back/foreground. Lazily drawing an approximate shape of a person could work if you copied and pasted, but would definitely be a sign of low quality and would possibly turn off any other people from the art...

[Image: ri7rfd.jpg]

In seriously drawing a crowd scene, layers are important as well as a sense of perspective. It's otherwise hard to do without either and would probably look a little stilted or something like that whatever it looks like. How did they do it traditionally then, without layers? That seems amazing. Guess there's a lot of sketching involved. But once you start painting, how can you figure out what the tangle of pencil lines is? Because things that look like hairlines can actually turn out to be something like an arm or something...

[Image: 2yyrwgl.jpg]

And so that's probably the reason why lots of people like doing abstract art because it's so easy to bullshit some sort of explanation for whatever madness--see ya later, Vyrm'n--you create. But isn't it a bit silly trying to explain something abstract and random I mean seriously...

[Image: 2vwidtf.jpg]

And how the hell do bananas--oh look you're at your locker. You're gonna have to drop off some things here and take out some books. You might as well drop off your backpack too and not because someone keeps forgetting to draw it in.

[Image: ok4k0g.jpg]

"Hey! Stop letting in the light!"

"What the--"

[Image: wr05k9.jpg]


Wuh-oh, looks like Syvex decided to hang out in your locker for today. It's always random, at least to be fair to everybody. But you wish you had gotten some sort of warning in advance that your locker would be occupied by a shadow-snake-thing for practically the whole day.

"Hey, c'mon, I need to put my stuff away! Can't I at least get my books?"

[Image: 350v3wg.jpg]

"...What was that."

"Your books."

"Did you just put them in someone else's locker."


"Do you even know whose locker that is."


"Why thank you, that's extremely helpful."

"Always willing to lend a hand."

Re: Grand Battle High - Anomaly - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

> At least ask where the locker is. Guy sees through walls or something.

Re: Grand Battle High - Pinary - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

> Find Soft, ask to borrow her book.

Re: Grand Battle High - Dragon Fogel - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Ask Kracht where your books are. Or just wait for him, since he knows you're going to ask him.

Re: Grand Battle High - SleepingOrange - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

>Do some barely-believable mathbabble geniusing to figure out which locker they're in and find out the combination.

Re: Grand Battle High - Robust Laser - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Run into Dorukomets, who is confident he can find your books, since he's so good at that (as well as everything else obviously)

Re: Grand Battle High - Schazer - 01-10-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Ooh, right. Lillian was actually Diego. (Who was holding back Aph?)

Anyway: Just find that Cabaret dude and get him to conjure some more up. You guys are mates, right?