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Rooms [TEXT] - Printable Version

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Rooms [TEXT] - TimeothyHour - 08-08-2011

His name is Charles Erwin, you’re pretty sure. Or, at least, it was, at some point in his life. He drove the bus route on Wednesdays. Or maybe he was that sales clerk at Wal-Mart. Or maybe he just has one of those faces.

Either way, that face is now grinning at you, his devilish teeth shining somehow in the insufficient light. As he sits down, he pulls out a suitcase, and sits it down in front of you. His eyes quiver with fire as he speaks.

“So, what do you say? Is it a deal?”

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Ixcaliber - 08-08-2011

>Sure why not. What could possibly go wrong?

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - MaxieSatan - 08-08-2011

"You say that as if I really had any choice in the matter."

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - TimeothyHour - 08-08-2011

“Sure, why not. What could possibly go wrong?” You say with a weak smile on your face. You’re actually quite aware that a lot could go wrong. A lot already has gone wrong, and a lot probably will.

“Alright, then,” he replies, that predatory grin still shining on his face. “Let’s begin, shall we?”

He slides his fingers on the edge of the suitcase, two small clicks indicating that it has unlocked, and slowly lifts the lid. He pulls out a sealed envelope, along with a letter opener. He looks at you one last time as he speaks.

“Let’s see how far we can bend reality, shall we?”

He opens the letter, and everything begins to burn.


You wake up in a room. You’ve done this before, much more so over these past few… days? Hours? You’re not really sure anymore. You’re pretty sure this is the same room you were in before. Two chairs, a table, a door on the far wall. Charles Erwin and his suitcase is nowhere to be seen. A piece of paper sits on the table.

You have quite a day ahead of you.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - MaxieSatan - 08-08-2011

Get ye paper.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Ixcaliber - 08-08-2011

>That door is probably locked but try it anyway. Don't forget to push and pull it. You never know.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - TimeothyHour - 08-08-2011

You grab the paper, even though you’re pretty sure what’s already on it.

Yup, you were right, it’s your contract. You read it over to make sure everything is in order.


Parties involved: Order of the Metaphysical, Mr. black

Representatives: Order of the metaphysical- Mr. Smith, Mr. black- Himself.
Contract: Mr. black will receive Clearence-4 Reality Manipulation Technologies for his claim, in exchange for elimination of the 8 targets, listed below. All targets must be eliminated within 24 hours of receiving Clearence-4 Reality Manipulation Technologies, followed by execution.

• Mr. blue
• Mr. green
• Mr. yellow
• Mr. red
• Mr. orange
• Mr. purple
• Mr. grey
• Mr. white

Everything seems to be in order. Not like you had much of a choice.

You walk over towards the door opposite to you. You're not particularly surprised to find that it is locked. Nothing is ever that easy anymore.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Ixcaliber - 08-08-2011

>Check to see if you have any Clearance-4 Reality Manipulation Technologies.

>Open the door with your Clearance-4 Reality Manipulation Technologies.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - TimeothyHour - 08-08-2011

Of course, it’s a good thing you can manipulate reality now, or things would be much, much harder.


“So, what do you say? Is it a deal?”

"You say that as if I really had any choice in the matter," you reply, drumming your fingers angrily on the table. “It was already made for me.”

His eerie grin widens as he speaks, saying, “Yes, yes. We both know what the answer is, but you have to say it in order for our little… confirmation to work.

“Fine, then,” you reply, grimacing. “No. No thank you. I’m not interested in the settlement.”

“There we are,” he says, standing up, lifting the suitcase off the table and placing it back by his side. “Now if you could, please follow me.”

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Godbot - 08-08-2011

> Grab his suitcase and run.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Dragon Fogel - 08-08-2011

>Punch him in the face, then follow him anyways.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - MaxieSatan - 08-09-2011

Punch him in the face, then grab his suitcase and follow him anyways.

Re: Rooms [TEXT] - Godbot - 08-10-2011

Nah, but seriously, just let him open the door in what I assume is your imagination thing, which I'm guessing will open the door in your reality.