Eagle Time
The Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! (Text, done offsite) - Printable Version

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The Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! (Text, done offsite) - Dragon Fogel - 05-19-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I'm following Baphomet's lead. This is a text adventure I did on another site.

I've editing it to make it clearer which block of text I wrote went with which command, and to note some things that may not be clear.

If you want to see the whole thing on the original site, it's here.

And now, on to Part 1!


Part 2!


Part 3!


Part 4!


Re: An extremely wacky offsite text adventure. - Dragon Fogel - 05-19-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Part 5!


Part 6!


Part 7!


Part 8!


I think I'll have the rest posted later today.

Re: An extremely wacky offsite text adventure. - Dragon Fogel - 05-19-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Part 9!


Part 10!


Part 11!


Re: An extremely wacky offsite text adventure. - Dragon Fogel - 05-19-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I actually went over the character limit. I could probably have reorganized the posts to fit everything in three, but I decided to make a fourth post for just the ending to simplify things.

So here's Part 12, the grand finale!


And that's the whole thing! Hope you enjoyed it!