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Dating Sim - Printable Version

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Dating Sim - Crowstone - 03-21-2013

This is the dating sim adventure!

You live in a city by the beach called Cleveland
there are many things in this city and many things to do
including find love
but first who are you

Sexual Orientation:
Blood Type:
Scared of:

Other information:


RE: Dating Sim - Robust Laser - 03-21-2013

Name: Manuel Rodriguez
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Manuel is interested in all the sexy ladies.
Blood Type: Manuel gives, he need not recieve. O-
Age: 32
Likes: Ladies, romance, and not much else.
Dislikes: Men intruding on his romancing, corned beef
Scared of: Manuel is scared of nothing! (Except being alone)
Occupation: Professional ladies man. For real, he gets paid for each lady he, er, 'conquers'.
Address: 125 Nailme Ave

Other Information: Manuel is self-explanatory.

RE: Dating Sim - Gatr - 03-21-2013

Name: Aishi Teru
Gender/sex: Bishounen
Sexual Orientation: Yaoi
Blood Type: A
Age: 17
Likes: Onigiri, Sakura, and Pikachu
Dislikes: Bakas, Gaijins, and Sarariman
Scared of: Gojira, Sumo Wrestlers, and Karoshi
Occupation: Student
Address: 5-3, Yaesu 1-Chome
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 100-8994

Other information: He is an ambitious student working towards Tokyo University, and he is also excellent at tennis. He is looking for the perfect uke to his seme.

RE: Dating Sim - Crowstone - 03-21-2013

(03-21-2013, 12:07 AM)bigro Wrote: »Name: Dundas Ontario
Gender: use these in no particular order.
Sexual Orientation: likes girls
Blood Type: lobster
Age: 11
Likes: tits and ass: the great Canadian weekend
Dislikes: Deer
Scared Of: Sun
Occupation: Airport Attendant
Address: 123 Shitty Drive


most people into t&A like girls so i'll just put that for your sex orientation

[Image: 5djTemc.png]

You are DUNDAS ONTARIO, and you hail from a land called Phrygis. Get it? Hail? Anyways, Phrygis is a very cold place, and so you are afraid of things that are REALLY hot, like the Sun. If that thing ever came really close to you you'd like, shit yourself, because the heat would cook the lobsters in your blood, causing the effect of laxatives.

[Image: BsF7dbH.jpg]

Despite being only 11 years old, your alien status allows you to get a job, and so, you earn your income at the local airport.

[Image: WibZ8Rj.png]

It's a great place for meeting people. like potential girlfriends.... or maybe you should go somewhere else?


RE: Dating Sim - Dragon Fogel - 03-21-2013

Oh man, the volcano must have the hottest chicks. If only you could withstand the intense heat!

RE: Dating Sim - Mythee - 03-21-2013

Dundas Ontario went from ????? to favorite character I don't know what happened

edit: Wait I should make a suggest

> Make small talk with regular customer Miss LuLu. She hasn't been able to stop traveling since becoming a celebrity.

RE: Dating Sim - Anomaly - 03-21-2013

Nuclear reactor. When you see all the sexy ladies you can't help but melt down!

> Cause a meltdown that destroys the city.

RE: Dating Sim - Loather - 03-21-2013

Coat yourself in a fine layer of lava and roll down the sides of the volcano towards the gas station. This is how you get red-hot loving

RE: Dating Sim - Crowstone - 03-21-2013

(03-21-2013, 01:07 AM)Mythee Wrote: »> Make small talk with regular customer Miss LuLu. She hasn't been able to stop traveling since becoming a celebrity.

[Image: GFMEbSo.png]

hahahaha what an oinker

(03-21-2013, 02:24 AM)Loather Wrote: »Coat yourself in a fine layer of lava and roll down the sides of the volcano towards the gas station. This is how you get red-hot loving

Since your shift is over, you head over to the volcano. Time to coat yourself in a layer of lava!

[Image: NH6vSZ4.png]

Oh no your lobsters

(03-21-2013, 12:57 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Oh man, the volcano must have the hottest chicks. If only you could withstand the intense heat!

oh man all those hot chicks just saw you shit yourself why

oh nooooo


All this lava is scaring the shit out of you, literally. My god you're sooo scared
oh goooddd

(03-21-2013, 01:34 AM)Anomaly Wrote: »> Cause a meltdown that destroys the city.

[Image: JCIBz2q.png]

You have an emotional meltdown!
You turn into a shitty lava monster and are about to destroy the city when...


You are a potential lover for Dundas, not that you know it!
You also happen to fill the role of the city's superheroine.

Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Place:
Ideal Date:
Favorite Gifts:



RE: Dating Sim - Loather - 03-21-2013

Name: Bear Lady
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: Loads
Favorite Food: Hippos
Favorite Color: A color that only bears can see
Favorite Place: Fine Desert/Savannah Dining Establishments
Ideal Date: MSPA Fan
Favorite Gifts: Anything that's stolen
Likes: Dates
Dislikes: Other dates

Superpower(s): Murder

RE: Dating Sim - AgentBlue - 03-21-2013

Name: Kebebab Kebab
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: Lobster lover
Favorite Food: Lobster Kebab
Favorite Color: Roasted Lobster Red
Favorite Place: Lobster Hut
Ideal Date: LOBSTERS
Favorite Gifts: Lobsters.
Likes: Kebabs. Also Lobsters.
Dislikes: Not Lobsters


RE: Dating Sim - Mythee - 03-21-2013

Oh my god why are you so great

Name: Jugemma Peppepepe R.D.
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: That girl at school that looked away with a blush on her face after making eye contact with you when you were hanging out with your friends so they all thought she had the hots for you and convinced you that you had a chance but when you asked her out your innocent feelings were crushed when she laughed in your face and stepped all over your heart I mean how two-faced can girls be that's pretty scary anyways despite that you've always kept your hopes up about because some kind of destiny links you I mean you can't seem to stop running into each other but maybe that's just because the normal citizens mistake you for a monster attacking all the time and she's the superheroine called to the scene.
Favorite Food: Your superpower has caused you to loathe all food you pretty much only enjoy water and supplements now
Favorite Color: White. How you long for the world to be wiped clean of it all and become an immaculate white.
Favorite Place: The womb. Too bad you can never return there after you are born.
Ideal Date: Touring of a Biohazard 4-5 facility. With absolutely no bathroom breaks
Favorite Gifts: Stuff made of inorganic substances.
Likes: Non-living things. Robots. Smooth surfaces. Cleanliness.
Dislikes: Food. Crap. Her life.

Superpower(s): Can turn back time, but only on shit. That's right, any kind of fecal matter, regardless of what kind of food it used to be with what kind of ingredients and taste, she can return to its undigested form.

RE: Dating Sim - Elize - 03-21-2013

Name: Charleton Breaston
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: M for mature
Favorite Food: The freshest drifts from the snowy peaks of Columbia
Favorite Color: CIE L*u*v*
Favorite Place: Level 4-4
Ideal Date: She walks through the rain on a trail of jackets
Favorite Gifts: Wordplay
Likes: Myliobatidae
Dislikes: Paradoxes

Superpower(s): BALLS OF STEEL

RE: Dating Sim - Nopad - 03-22-2013

Name: Sakura
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: Sugoi
Favorite Food: Desu
Favorite Color: Moe
Favorite Place: Kawaii
Ideal Date: Sushi
Favorite Gifts: Desu
Likes: Kawaii
Dislikes: Desu

Superpower(s): Uguu

RE: Dating Sim - ICan'tGiveCredit - 03-24-2013

(03-21-2013, 03:02 AM)Loather Wrote: »Name: Bear Lady
Role: Superheroine
Seduction Difficulty Rating: Loads
Favorite Food: Hippos
Favorite Color: A color that only bears can see
Favorite Place: Fine Desert/Savannah Dining Establishments
Ideal Date: MSPA Fan
Favorite Gifts: Anything that's stolen
Likes: Dates
Dislikes: Other dates

Superpower(s): Murder

^Do this one right here.