Eagle Time
Dropped - Printable Version

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Dropped - box - 04-10-2019

[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]


It's pitch black.

You don't see anything, but you are definitely sitting on something. The previous events that has just happened have all of a sudden just been erased from your mind. You're definitely awake, it's not a dream. For some reason, you feel metal below your feet. Assessing the situation, it seems you are in some kind of metal object.

All of a sudden, a beeping noise starts blaring. Four green buttons illuminate in front of you, revealing that you're in an escape pod. The entire pod is filled with green, but you can see all things clearly. Your mechanical left arm is also brightly illuminated, along with your body. You furred body doesn't look injured anywhere, which is great. To your right is a radar, with 3 other dots near the center. To the left is a panel, which seemingly does nothing. Above that panel is a lever that's obviously colored red that's labelled "STORAGE RELEASE".

You're latched in a harness, but everything is in reach.

RE: Dropped - Kaynato - 04-10-2019

Examine your mechanical arm. Can you move it?

Let's look around the buttons to see if there's any guidance or manual or instruction.

RE: Dropped - Justice Watch - 04-10-2019

May as well check the status of all your limbs, you don't have any memories.

RE: Dropped - Smurfton - 04-10-2019

Touch your head in a few places. Any blood? Is it sticky?

RE: Dropped - box - 04-10-2019

(04-10-2019, 05:45 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Touch your head in a few places. Any blood? Is it sticky?

You raise your arms to pat your head and check for any bleeding. You don't feel anything, and you most definitely don't feel like you're hemorrhaging from the drop. A sigh of relief escapes from your mouth.

(04-10-2019, 04:55 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Examine your mechanical arm. Can you move it?

You just did, but you can't feel anything with it. It's not a bionic arm, after all. All you can feel is the force it emits when you apply force on it.

(04-10-2019, 05:33 AM)Justice Watch Wrote: »May as well check the status of all your limbs, you don't have any memories.

Moving all your limbs, they seem to be completely fine. No bleeding either, just a bit sluggish due to your dulled senses from the drop. Your mechanical left arm however has a broken middle finger. It'll always seem like you're pointing with it, but its a easy fix if you can find your-

Stuff. All of a sudden, the realization hits you: where is your stuff? It must be outside, but you conclude it can't be because the escape pod seals itself when you drop. There was no possible way it could have flew out.

(04-10-2019, 04:55 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Let's look around the buttons to see if there's any guidance or manual or instruction.

You start looking around for a way to get out. All of a sudden, your hand bumps one of the green buttons as it turns red and a voice says "Explosive ejection bolt armed." Looks like you found your way out. But before you do anything, you figure you should check out the pod more.

RE: Dropped - cutelilufo - 04-10-2019

Cautiously hit the remaining three buttons.

RE: Dropped - Kaynato - 04-10-2019

Where did this escape from, if this is an escape pod?

RE: Dropped - box - 04-11-2019

(04-10-2019, 10:46 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Where did this escape from, if this is an escape pod?

Calm down. If anything, why are you in a escape pod in the first place? Something must have gone wrong in a perilous event. Trying to recall, all you can think of was "LandCaster-IV". Probably some kind of ship, you reckon. Either way...

(04-10-2019, 08:55 PM)cutelilufo Wrote: »Cautiously hit the remaining three buttons.

You still need to get out. A path laid out before you is unknown, and unseen. Hitting the rest of the buttons results in the pod saying: "All explosive ejection bolts armed. Ejecting hatch. Releasing harness." And it does exactly that, shooting the hatch into a rock with a big CLUNK before bouncing off down into what seems to be a big cliff. The harness that kept you in falls off.

All of a sudden, a black bird approaches you. He wears a big hat, hiding his eyes and showing only his beak. "This must be the last one," he says. "Help him up. Check him. Best to do that after a drop if you land near others. I'm surprised we didn't suffer a major crash." A distant voice says. From what you can hear, he seems pretty small but sensible. The bird waves in front of you. "Are you okay?"

RE: Dropped - ShiningKatana - 04-11-2019

I have amnesia.

RE: Dropped - FlanDab - 04-11-2019

"System is nominal."

RE: Dropped - box - 04-11-2019

(04-11-2019, 07:13 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »"System is nominal."

"... is this another robot?" He asks.
"He's pulling your leg, it's not a robot." The distant one says.
"He's got a mechanical arm."
"Mechanical. Not bionic?"
"Doesn't seem like it."
"It's a person then."

(04-11-2019, 03:12 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »I have amnesia.

A small mouse like creature looms over you now. Relatively big for a mouse though. "Amnesia? That's common with these pods today aren't they... Whatever. I'm going to ask you a series of questions." He clears his throat.

"Oh, and I shouldn't forget to be polite and get acquainted. My name's Sellgalo. Call me Caesar. Anyways, What's your name?"

You don't remember it for an odd reason; everyone should. You decide that a name on the spot should do. Your name is...

RE: Dropped - FlanDab - 04-11-2019

Polonio, but you can call me Apolo

RE: Dropped - box - 04-12-2019

(04-11-2019, 08:33 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »Polonio, but you can call me Apolo

"Apolo, alright. I'll remember that." Sellago says, before looking straight at the storage release lever. "Hey. Pull that." He points to the lever he was looking at. And you do so, raising a small door that reveals your bag, and small but cozy SMG stored in there. There's some rations and medical right behind your bag that you can barely see.

Before you touch anything though, he stops you. "By the way, that cruise ship that we just dropped out of was apparently attacked by a infamous bandit group. It only blew up because of a bomb; it would've been easier to just blow it up from the inside." Everything's slowly coming back to you as he recites the events that happened before you dropped. It's believable, since you were just dropped onto a random planet.

"Sellgalo, we should get up and get moving now. The robot's coming back." the bird says. "Take your backpack and the gun. It should be enough to survive for a few weeks." On that note, Sellgalo leaves. You should probably do what the other person says.

RE: Dropped - FlanDab - 04-13-2019

Follow the leader. Be silent and sneaky.