Eagle Time
VEBBINQUEST - Printable Version

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VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

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RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

One could take thorough stock of one's Powers. Were one to be Player Controlled, it would be a wise to be aware of "The Goods" ie. capabilities that would now be at such beings disposal.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - mintyfreshdepression - 04-01-2019

(04-01-2019, 11:15 AM)Sunspider Wrote: »One could take thorough stock of one's Powers. Were one to be Player Controlled, it would be a wise to be aware of "The Goods" ie. capabilities that would now be at such beings disposal.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Cinder - 04-01-2019

> Ask Mind Wart about sczeok

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: mDcJFOK.png%5D]
[Image: TOzq5ca.png]
[Image: 7dzPSOy.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Myeth - 04-01-2019

uh uh uh.. crap. waddoido
>and what do you consider to be a proper exchange, warty?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

Perhaps a kindness becomes not-unnecessary, when one wishes to "Grease the Wheels", ie. bribe another into information's exchange?

Shall one Create a gift of something pleasant? Or, if only information is a worthful exchange, instead one can offer one's more Valuable Memories? If it is one of enough value, perchance one can also request a "Lead" ie. a next step in one's investigation, for tracking down one's Anomalous Target.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: mDcJFOK.png%5D]
[Image: tZQDy0J.png]
[Image: MO2WUj3.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Myeth - 04-01-2019

>I found vebbin, the other one

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

(04-01-2019, 12:32 PM)Myeth Wrote: »>I found vebbin, the other one
Seconded, in certitude.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: mDcJFOK.png%5D]
[Image: MMOITE1.png]
[Image: 2Ca7i9F.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Myeth - 04-01-2019

>I'm gonna pummel you

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

When recompense is given fairly and rejected, one has a right to feel Most Vexed. If this Mental Wart wishes further pay from one, before they share their secrets in return, let it be payment in the form of the Absence of Violence.

(04-01-2019, 12:54 PM)Myeth Wrote: »>I'm gonna pummel you

...i.e., when dealing with unsavory types, and when bribery fails, threats of violence and the resulting extortion is always a Worthy Alternative.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: mDcJFOK.png%5D]
[Image: abtSSst.png]
[Image: rePdNb0.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

To do violence, when not necessary, is tautologically unnecessary. Ie., one may offer a parting promise of recompense, when time is less essential, and thank the Wart for cooperating with one's investigation? With luck, that will quell what trouble they may create, and postpone it for a Later Date.

Perhaps one now will hurry to the ship, and fly to TERTY, to investigate Stax's doings at the Spiritual Reducing Center?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Myeth - 04-01-2019

Yeah! I wanna go to TERTY!
>give warty the stink eye before goin to the ship

RE: VEBBINQUEST - mintyfreshdepression - 04-01-2019

As an obstacle he may persist, but also, as a font of data - use for, we may find hence, though our need for it is for now abated. Be done with WART at current, we have loci to visit.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: cCQMQNR.png]
[Image: HzIiNz8.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-01-2019

While you traverse, broadcast. Send your will out into the universe, may its stars align in favor of your mission.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Reecer6 - 04-01-2019

>ask the ship's cook where the spiritual reducing center actually is on TERTY, like are you gonna see it from approach or what

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-01-2019

[Image: mDcJFOK.png%5D]
[Image: rgHD0y1.png]
[Image: YGILPtr.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-01-2019

gonna keep it real, at 8 am i have no clue what i am reading.

> i want to live beyond my confines

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Reecer6 - 04-01-2019

>stax, mainly. that is the singular entity at which my violent tendencies are aimed at.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-01-2019

Here to trace last steps of energetic, Stax; avenge Stax. Pursue anomaly 21069789201. Aid or truthfully claim no capacity to do so and I'll be gone

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Sunspider - 04-01-2019

(04-01-2019, 03:04 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>stax, mainly. that is the singular entity at which my violent tendencies are aimed at.

Or rather, perhaps, wasn't it that violent tendencies were already aimed at Stax? One's target is an Unknown Anomaly, who visited upon our friend Stax a destruction. The violence done to them will be returned to the entity which did it. Ie. by us.