Eagle Time
This world is empty. - Printable Version

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This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-16-2019


This world is empty. The only thing it is empty space. It has potential though. Endless potential.

[bg=black border=2][box=#FFFFFF]
[Image: 0.png]

You get the feeling that you're supposed to do something.

>Create something.

You create a sphere.
[Image: 1.png]

Wait, something is happening.

[box=#FFFFFF]-ome on out you- Oh hi.
Hey. Uh, I didn't see you there. I was busy making something.
Yeah, that's a pretty nice sphere you've got there. High quality shit right there.

It becomes apparent that you don't need to create a friend to accompany you. Judging by their voice, he's a guy, but its pretty ambiguous. Actually, how do you know what a "guy" is. You find that the fact you know what a sphere is to be pretty strange too.

RE: This world is empty. - ShiningKatana - 03-16-2019

create an aftik

RE: This world is empty. - Numbers - 03-16-2019

Cook the sphere and call it a star. Then accidentally sneeze. Call the sneezedust a "nebula" on a sudden spur of charlatanism.

RE: This world is empty. - Arcanuse - 03-16-2019

>Create another sphere, a safe distance from the first. Give it a push, see if we can't get that 'orbiting' concept working

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-16-2019

(03-16-2019, 02:00 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Create another sphere, a safe distance from the first. Give it a push, see if we can't get that 'orbiting' concept working

[box=#FFFFFF width=384 height=256][web]https://tsavyprince.github.io/anemptyworld/web/2.html[/web][/box]

It did not orbit.

RE: This world is empty. - Reyweld - 03-16-2019

>Rapid fire spheres everywhere

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-16-2019

(03-16-2019, 02:47 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »>Rapid fire spheres everywhere

[box=#FFFFFF][Image: 3.png][/box]

This is an amazing idea.

[box=#FFFFFF]Stop making spheres. Make something else.
It's diminishing the value of the spheres.
That's the shittiest excuse I've heard in my life.
Alright mister... uh... What's your name?
Orange? I'm not sure.
Alright, then I'm Green.

RE: This world is empty. - FlanDab - 03-16-2019

Create oblate spheroid.

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-16-2019

(03-16-2019, 09:12 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »Create oblate spheroid.

[box=#FFFFFF][Image: 4.png][/box]

You do what Green said, make something that isn't a sphere.

[box=#FFFFFF]I fucking hate you.
I did what you said.[/box]

RE: This world is empty. - Numbers - 03-17-2019

merge all the spheres, creating a bunch of heat and dust. also make gravity actually function.

RE: This world is empty. - FlanDab - 03-17-2019

>Fine. Create hemisphere.

> Lessee. Let's open up our physics tweaking tab.

RE: This world is empty. - LegendaryQ - 03-17-2019

> Make a talkative green sphere and name it Green. This will not be confusing at all.

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-17-2019

(03-17-2019, 12:30 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »> Lessee. Let's open up our physics tweaking tab.

[box=#FFFFFF] Well, if it's possible to just create things out of thin void, then is it possible to change the laws of physics?
Why don't you try it out?
Alright let me just...[/box]

[box=#FFFFFF]>Realm shape
Current realm shape is approximately a 500×500×500 meter cube.
>Change realm shape to 1000*1000*1000
Are you sure? This changes the fundamental nature of your realm.
Change confirmed.

After a bit more of changing fundamental constants, like gravity, spin, and all that jazz, you notice something strange.

Um, what the fuck?
Hey, Orange, something weird is going on.
What the hell.
Let me just check something real quick.[/box]

[box=#FFFFFF]>Run diagnostics.
3 warnings.
>View warnings.
Realm integrity compromised.
Rogue sentient entity found.
Portal opened.

[box=#FFFFFF]Shit, did I somehow break something?[/box]

[box=#FFFFFF]>Track rogue entity.
Rogue entity tracking in progress [Image: ellipsis.gif]

RE: This world is empty. - ShiningKatana - 03-17-2019

make blue a b0dy they can m0ve, same with y0u and green

RE: This world is empty. - LegendaryQ - 03-17-2019

> Create ice cream and feed to Blue.

RE: This world is empty. - periferal - 03-17-2019

> ask rogue entity what they are

RE: This world is empty. - FlanDab - 03-17-2019

>Create gaseous sphere.

RE: This world is empty. - Reyweld - 03-17-2019

(03-17-2019, 01:43 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »make blue a b0dy they can m0ve, same with y0u and green

This, but only give a body to blue.

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-17-2019

(03-17-2019, 01:43 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »make blue a b0dy they can m0ve, same with y0u and green

[box=#FFFFFF]Do you think we should get physical bodies?
Sounds good.
What about Blue?[/box]

You think for a second, and then realize that we have no idea what Blue is.

[box=#FFFFFF]I'll have to check Blue later to see if they have any motives.[/box]

You and Green create bodies.

[box=#FFFFFF][Image: 5.png][/box][box=#FFFFFF][Image: 6.png][/box]

[box=#FFFFFF]Wait, you're a girl?
Yeah. So?
You sound like a boy.[/box]

[box=#FFFFFF]Rogue entity found.[/box]

[box=#FFFFFF][Image: 7.png][/box]

Looks like Blue already has a body.

[box=#FFFFFF]Blue has a body already.
Not surprised.
Why are we talking with this weird telepathy thing.
I don't trust Blue. They could be eavesdropping if we don't use telepathy.
He literally just used telepathy like a few minutes ago.
Yeah but it went in and out, nobody could make out what they were saying. Maybe they can't discern what we are saying.
Fair point.[/box]

(03-17-2019, 01:44 AM)LegendaryQ Wrote: »Create ice cream and feed to Blue.

You don't know much about Blue's physiology, so you don't even know if it's good for them, or even if it's physically possible.

(03-17-2019, 05:39 AM)periferal Wrote: »ask rogue entity what they are

You approach Blue and ask him a question.

[2x1][box=#FF6D00][Image: orange.png][/box] [|] [box=#FF6D00]What are you?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#0000FF]I AM A DEVOURER. I DEVOUR WORLDS TO FUEL MY NEVER-ENDING QUEST TO FIND MEANING IN LIFE.[/box] [|] [box=#0000FF][Image: blue.png][/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#FF6D00][Image: orange.png][/box] [|] [box=#FF6D00]Devourer, why do you look like a cat?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#0000FF]I DON'T KNOW.[/box] [|] [box=#0000FF][Image: blue.png][/box][/2x1]

RE: This world is empty. - ShiningKatana - 03-17-2019

ask them if they want t0 help make stuff. cause thats 0bvi0usly 0ur purp0se. als0 start making life

RE: This world is empty. - Numbers - 03-17-2019

(03-17-2019, 04:49 PM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »ask them if they want t0 help make stuff. cause thats 0bvi0usly 0ur purp0se. als0 start making life

We need to make something for the life to be on first. It's time to cultivate a solar system.

RE: This world is empty. - periferal - 03-17-2019

>If we have absolute power, why do we need to go through the process of cultivating a solar system? Why not just make a habitable planet right now.
Also would need a way to ward off the world-eating kitty.

RE: This world is empty. - Ubersketch - 03-17-2019

(03-17-2019, 05:51 PM)Numbers Wrote: »
(03-17-2019, 04:49 PM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »ask them if they want t0 help make stuff. cause thats 0bvi0usly 0ur purp0se. als0 start making life

We need to make something for the life to be on first. It's time to cultivate a solar system.

You are going to start making some life. Unfortunately this realm is too small for a solar system and you don't want to break anything so you settle with creating a force pulling things down. But the life needs something to grow on. You create square platforms of various sizes to accommodate life. The platforms have various materials on them, such as soil and rocks. Plants have been placed to meet the life quota.

[box=#FFFFFF][Image: 8.png][/box]

You decide to ask Blue to create things.

[2x1][box=#FF6D00][Image: orange.png][/box] [|] [box=#FF6D00]Hey. Do you want to create something?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#0000FF]I CANNOT CREATE OBJECTS. I AM A DEVOURER[/box] [|] [box=#0000FF][Image: blue.png][/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#FF6D00][Image: orange.png][/box] [|] [box=#FF6D00]Can you at least, like, help?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=#0000FF]OK.[/box] [|] [box=#0000FF][Image: blue.png][/box][/2x1]

RE: This world is empty. - FlanDab - 03-18-2019

>Create matter creation tool for Devourer.
>Create atmosphere.

RE: This world is empty. - ShiningKatana - 03-18-2019

make m0re land, and make animals. create a self sustaining envir0nment s0 that y0u d0nt have t0 c0nstantly f0cus 0n it.