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GOD JAMMER Disthread - Printable Version

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GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-13-2018

Consider this a nice little notebook to strategize about your rise in Godliness with others.

Feel free to discuss whatever or ask for clarification here though!

Btw, if any of you all weren't aware, this adventure is based on my setting Songs we Sing, which I do world building for and set my fantasy stories in.

You can learn more by checking out:
My Tumblr tag (Please be aware this has old articles the further you go back that may not be canonical anymore)
My Patreon where I post world building articles available to the public.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - augmentalize - 12-13-2018

I'm gonna say that Fin should do some explorin before singing anything, but! i wanna wake up that tree. Name a tree that has ever given anyone bad advice ever. Grandmother Willow? Solid. Deku Tree? Trustworthy grandpa. The big titty tree from The Last Unicorn? Okay well i'll give you that one, but she's an outlier.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - FlanDab - 12-13-2018

Personally, I prefer us to wait until we've explored, and gathered our choices before coming to a decision of which to awaken.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-15-2018

Oh yeah, to be clear, I didn't block the awaken commands because I didn't want to do them, I just want there to be more votes for one specific target before I went through with one, otherwise it'd be a toss-up of which one I wanted more.

You can still vote on using awaken in response to the latest update.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - gloomyMoron - 12-15-2018

That's... a Fox Spirit. It looks like a Fox Spirit. They're messengers of the Gods.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 12-17-2018

fox spirits are always trustworthy, never tricksters
also can any item be awakened or does it have to have at least some significance ? like its probably not the best idea but it would be hilarious if we just awakened the ladys knife, have a stab spirit and disarm her in one swoop

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-18-2018

(12-17-2018, 06:54 PM)Seelcudoom Wrote: »fox spirits are always trustworthy, never tricksters
also can any item be awakened or does it have to have at least some significance ? like its probably not the best idea but it would be hilarious if we just awakened the ladys knife, have a stab spirit and disarm her in one swoop

You can awaken pretty much anything that hasn't been awoken yet, like you could awaken a pebble from the ground if you wanted, however you have no real idea of what sort of spirit you'll awaken, just an idea of its personality from the DISCERN ability.

Though things that belong to someone else are bonded to them, and thus aren't really available to AWAKEN or SCULPT. I would think of it like those things being in their own personal realm.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 12-18-2018

okay so quick clarification, belong to as in ownership or physically in possession of,i would normally just assume the latter but when dealing with gods and spirits you never know when more abstract concepts like ownership are important

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-18-2018

(12-18-2018, 04:48 AM)Seelcudoom Wrote: »okay so quick clarification, belong to as in ownership or physically in possession of,i would normally just assume the latter but when dealing with gods and spirits you never know when more abstract concepts like ownership are important

Its an ownership thing. Trick's blade would continue to be bonded to her for a while even if she dropped it. A while being days, or months, or even years for deeply bonded items.

Its partly due to the clause in SWANSONG where someone can resist it trying to end their life. They have a force of will that protects them and empowers them, which is particularly important in the realms of deities, or else they'd be easily overpowered by deities. This force of will just simply extends to their possessions due to their sense of ownership or affection for it.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - augmentalize - 12-21-2018

Kinda sus that another god just sent someone to roll into -Fin-'s place and take their stuff, so I'm gonna say that we definitely shouldn't give it to her. But we also probably shouldn't AWAKEN that harp.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 12-21-2018

(12-21-2018, 04:40 AM)augmentalize Wrote: »Kinda sus that another god just sent someone to roll into -Fin-'s place and take their stuff, so I'm gonna say that we definitely shouldn't give it to her. But we also probably shouldn't AWAKEN that harp.

to be fair it wasent Fins place when the god sent them because there wasent a Fin, but still its our stuff now, im not apposed to giving up the harp but not for free

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 12-25-2018

i feel we should try to better solidify a personality for fin to go off of as everyone seems to be going in completely different directions, i have been sort of making suggestions based on the idea fins like 12 minutes old and knows nothing outside this small graveyard, hence mix of cautious and overly curious and somewhat awkward as they havent quite gotten the hand of what is socially acceptable and what is considered weird(like the "are you my mom" question)

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - gloomyMoron - 12-26-2018

Eh. That's, no offense meant, Gen's job. As an author, they have total control even if we are the suggesters. So, like, in Forum Adventures, and CYOAs in general, the author will willingly relinquish some control over some (or multiple) elements in a story to make it a collaborative effort. But it is still their story. They have editorial power. Our suggestions can shape things, and will, and sometimes that may lead to things happening that the author wouldn't have done or thought of previously (I mean, maybe I'm misremembering but snogging a cloud in the original Cloudsong was pretty much a "we suggested this and we will keep suggesting it until you do it" thing... [as an aside within an aside: Was that even what that adventure was called? I feel like that was the name but I might be wrong... because I am an idiot.]). But, they're still the ultimate voice. So, TL:DR I trust Gen to do what she feels is best for the story she wants to tell.

*12 hours later* And I never finished this and posted it... fuck. Well, whatever. Just post it even if I've forgotten my point.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-26-2018

Functionally this is a bit more of a sandbox set in a living world. it doesn't have a specific story in mind but rather different pieces and hooks.

If there's an long term or short term goal a few people want to pursue with the character, then that's totally fine.

edit: That being said, if an obvious opportunity for plots and subplots come up, I'll pursue those, much like the crime session of old's quest for peace.

edit2: I also have a rhyme and reason to the whole way things will play out and be introduced, but half the fun is figuring that out and making mistakes.

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 12-31-2018

[Image: MUYBSQD.png]
[Image: i-am-baby.png]

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 01-01-2019

i cant wait till we get to more people and they expect us to be super wise cus we are a god and then half the conversation is just us going "what is (super common knowledge)"

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Seelcudoom - 01-02-2019

[Image: 4LZvpdv.png]

RE: GOD JAMMER Disthread - Gen - 01-19-2019

btw, gomen for the lapse, I've been focusing on commissions and setting a job up to survive the month.

If you'd like to contribute though, you can always check out my Commission Post!

Also I uploaded the design of the spirit in the harp to Patreon as an actual patron exclusive thing along with a tiny bit of extra lore. Its not critical and the lore is something I'll get to eventually in a future article in more depth, but can you resist the mystery for that long?