Eagle Time
ABDUCTED - Printable Version

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ABDUCTED - Dex - 11-08-2018


[Image: q5Gkt7x.png]
You wake up in a strange room.
You have no idea where in the world you are, or even if you are in your planet.
You were wandering in the woods when suddenly a spaceship appears.
You don't remember anything else, you just assume you were abducted by the aliens.


RE: ABDUCTED - Spira-Virgo - 11-08-2018

> Make funny faces to the camera ;3

RE: ABDUCTED - MonkeyMoa - 11-08-2018

Write a message on the board for your captors. Present yourself and ask about the whys and hows. Telling them your name might not be smart, but maybe it can help? Give them something to get something back, equivalent exchange and all that jazz.

Alternatively, you could inspect metal plate near the "door" and take a peek at the weird black window behind you. Or maybe it's a tv screen of some sort?

RE: ABDUCTED - Dex - 11-08-2018

> Recall name

[Image: dbWaPZf.png]
You didn't fortget your name, not that it matters.
You could just make up a new name if you didn't know it already.
But the true irrelevance is on the purpose of a name. You are alone.
If there is someone out there, they probably can't understand nor pronounce your name properly. So why would you need a name?
To talk about yourself to yourself? No, that's dumb.

It appears that this little guy is ignorant that he is part of a much bigger story and it would be better for the readers to know his name to diferenciate him from other characters.
Let's call him Blue Four-eyed Guy then.

> Blue Four-eyed Guy: Examine all walls

[Image: JWiLeu1.png]
WAIT! What was that?
Did you hear someone call you "blue four-eyed guy" just now?
Where is this voice coming from?
You really don't like 'how whoever that was' called you.
Ok, so this is why they asked for you name.
You really don't want to be called that.
If someone is going to be babbling things in your mind, it's better to call you by your real name.
You scream your name out loud so whoever is listening at least try to call you by your real name.


> Mavi: Examine all walls

[Image: F1Sy0Q6.png]
Ok, let's see.
This side you have an excuse for a bed, a white board with a red marker, a vent and a camera on the corner.
It is great to feel being wtched.

> Proceed

[Image: 17nllQp.png]
To your left there is what seems to be the door, but it doesn't have any handle or knob, no way to open it at all. There is also this other rectangle that looks the same as the door but smaller.
And last but totally least, a shower. Which you definitely don't plan on use in front of a camera.

> Proceed

[Image: AtYMcf5.png]
Here is the rest of the part of room you are not gonna touch.
Man, this toilet looks uncomfortable as hell.
Oh, and look, another camera. Great, you can't hide anything then.

> Proceed

[Image: jkgpNWU.png]
And the only thing new on this side is this big TV.
Looks like there is no way for to you turn it on though.

> Proceed

[Image: s96sHE5.png]
In conclusion, you are stuck and being watched.
And looks like they expect you to be here for a long time.
Days, at least. And you think you are not gonna like it.


RE: ABDUCTED - MonkeyMoa - 11-08-2018

It seems that you have little to interact with and few options to pass time waiting for... whatever they want from you.

As I see it, you can:
  1. Use your artistic skills (limited or not) to draw something on the whiteboard.
  2. Take a nap and wait for the best.
  3. Ponder a bit more about your situtation, which may or may not result in a miraculous realization about it (not likely, but hey, what else can ya do?)
  4. Bang your head on the tv screen in frustration. Maybe if you bleed, someone will come to give some medical help? If not, at least you could maybe knock yourself unconscious if option 2 does not come easily to you.

RE: ABDUCTED - typeandkey - 11-08-2018

>Get angry and break things.

RE: ABDUCTED - FlanDab - 11-09-2018

>Examine pockets.

RE: ABDUCTED - Spira-Virgo - 11-09-2018

> Look at yourself in the mirror. Examine yourself thoroughly to see nothing has been done to you while you were unconscious.

RE: ABDUCTED - Dex - 11-11-2018

> Examine pockets

[Image: bu4JI1D.png]
You check your pockets to see if they left any of your belongings with you.

> Proceed

[Image: WKyFql0.png]
It seems they took you phone and your keys, but they left your wallet.
Unfortunately, there isn't anything useful in it.

> Look at yourself in the mirror

[Image: wsDvR6z.png]
You take a look at yourself in the mirror to see if everything is ok, if they didn't implant anything in you or whatever.
Looks like they didn't do anything to you, or at least, anything physically noticeable.

> Make funny faces to the camera

[Image: h1l5wIy.png]

> Proceed

[Image: z8bhCVD.png]
You stare at the camera.

> Proceed

[Image: ZTw25Oz.png]
They want to watch you? Well, you will be sure to make it an unpleasant experience!

> Draw something on the white board

[Image: 3BifQV9.png]
You decide to send a message for the aliens.
You are pretty sure that's why they provided you a white board.

> Proceed

[Image: iyltr6R.png]
Here we go, a nice message you hope they are able to understand.


RE: ABDUCTED - Spira-Virgo - 11-11-2018

> Can't you throw the eraser at the camera? Maybe that will catch their attention

RE: ABDUCTED - FlanDab - 11-12-2018

>Pretend making an escape plan. Draw suspicious looking diagrams on the board with a lot of right angles.