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Fanglesblath - Printable Version

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Fanglesblath - Dragon Fogel - 03-01-2013


You are Orng'vla, a humble Fanglesblath. You have a deep desire to grnjyvs with the lovely Kgth'€™goth, but she thinks you are nothing more than a hjsklvort.

You hope to one day win her shgsgvl, but for the moment the duties of a Fanglesblath are keeping you busy. You have three tasks:

1. Rmb'glvi the Thmnakl
2. Vsxrm all the Unngoglaki
3. Wsadhlfkhas (but not for too long)

Which task will you take on first? Remember, you only have one shfshdak available at the moment.

RE: Fanglesblath - AgentBlue - 03-01-2013

Obviously you must Wsadhlfkhas for way, way too long.

RE: Fanglesblath - Phish - 03-01-2013

And then some more for good measure

RE: Fanglesblath - Dragon Fogel - 03-01-2013

(03-01-2013, 07:58 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Obviously you must Wsadhlfkhas for way, way too long.

Who do you look like, Ffsg'nslt?

You hope you don't look like Ffsg'nslt. Although, if you did that would explain why Kgth'€™goth always asghds when she sees you jadskl.

RE: Fanglesblath - Elize - 03-01-2013

Vsxrm the Unngoglaki, but see if they can help you gzortifram a new vemvskell. Unngoglaki are stereotyped as great gzortiframmers for a reason, and a well gzortiframmed vemvskell would make kgth'goth's shgsgvl yours faster than you can say wsadhlfkhas.

RE: Fanglesblath - AgentBlue - 03-01-2013

Come to think of it, you've always looked a bit like Ffsg'nslt. You should smnjegh your kwzimninin just to make sure.

RE: Fanglesblath - Dragon Fogel - 03-02-2013

(03-01-2013, 08:02 AM)Elize Wrote: »Vsxrm the Unngoglaki, but see if they can help you gzortifram a new vemvskell. Unngoglaki are stereotyped as great gzortiframmers for a reason, and a well gzortiframmed vemvskell would make kgth'goth's shgsgvl yours faster than you can say wsadhlfkhas.

You decide to vsxrm the Unngoglaki first. They've been asking for a new hajlk ever since the last Jlsdk, and you've finally managed to kajsdh one with enough fnurbels.

Jnnnnn'nnnn, the head Unngoglak, accepts the hajlk and grants you a new shfshdak in thanks. You ask if he knows any Unngoglak who can help you gzortifram a new vemskell.

He angrily jelgruvs you in the qbbldun.

"Why the Hzkl would you ask that when you know full well today is Ghhhmin?" he screams at you. "You're a Trulllingorf, not a Fanglesblath!"

You tell him that actually, you are a Fanglesblath.

"Don't treat me like a Zzlgeimer, Ffsg'nslt."

(03-01-2013, 09:20 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Come to think of it, you've always looked a bit like Ffsg'nslt. You should smnjegh your kwzimninin just to make sure.

It seems Jnnnnn'nnnn has mistaken you for Ffsg'nslt. You inform him that you are not, your proper hsangl is Orng'vla.

"Don't try to wsadhlfkhas the gravendogr over my jilnoid, Ffsg'nslt! I wasn't guasled under a green sofksho!"

You must look more like Ffsg'nslt than you thought. You'll have to do something he never would. You promptly smnjegh your kwzimninin on the spot.

Jnnnnn'nnnn reels back, and his theravllls expand in shock.

"Ffsg'nslt would sooner gzortifram his own shgsgvl that let the slightest hurngl anywhere near his kwzimninin!" he exclaims. "How could I commit such an aggleskth? Orng'vla, I have no choice but to ghofd you now."

You would greatly prefer not to be ghofdd, especially not when you still have two tasks unfinished. How will you thiddenthadden Jnnnnn'nnnn?

RE: Fanglesblath - AgentBlue - 03-02-2013

There's always blopnfnimfn if you get really, really desperate.

RE: Fanglesblath - btp - 03-02-2013


...uhhhh plook?

RE: Fanglesblath - Dragon Fogel - 05-14-2016

(03-02-2013, 02:49 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »There's always blopnfnimfn if you get really, really desperate.

You're trying to thiddenthadden him, not make a dgsanjl out of yourself! You won't stay a Fanglesblath for long if you bjanldgr the Unngoglaki with your blopnfnimfn. There has to be a better pnord.

(03-02-2013, 05:52 PM)btp Wrote: »...uhhhh plook?

You awkwardly suggest plook, as a faster alternative to being ghofdd.

"Plook is inadequate to express the depth of my bbbdls," Jnnnnn'nnnn replies, shaking his divrwm. "I could not bring myself to face the glbmn if I failed to ghofd you properly on Ghhhmin."

Ghhhmin! So much trouble could have been avoided if your nnavr hadn't coincided with that sdfs. You surely could have persuaded him to settle for plook if it weren't Ghhhmin.

Which gives you the slightest mldif of an omdn. Is there some way you could klvl him into thinking it isn't Ghhhmin after all?

RE: Fanglesblath - OTTO - 05-14-2016

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RE: Fanglesblath - Wavedarq - 05-14-2016

Make sure it's K'nifgld, too, but not too Marz'hdan

RE: Fanglesblath - a52 - 05-14-2016

Show him your intlnxdx

RE: Fanglesblath - Dragon Fogel - 05-15-2016

(05-14-2016, 10:35 PM)a52 Wrote: »Show him your intlnxdx

Ghhhmin is an Ungoglaki sdfs, so he won't be convinced by the fact that it's not blorfminned in your intlnxdx. However, it would take him some time to lmntrvik it, which might give you a chance to come up with something more hbblturza.

You tell him you're not actually sure that it's Ghhhmin, being a mere Fanglesblath with limited blfnt, and so you hand over your intlnxdx and ask him if he can clarify.

He mndls it with an expression of zgadu on his baihdha, and soon loses himself in the intlnxdx's depths.

(05-14-2016, 06:13 PM)Wavedarq Wrote: »Make sure it's K'nifgld, too, but not too Marz'hdan

While Jnnnnn'nnnn is hadlsm with the intlnxdx, you take your new shfshdak over to the nearby glorgiferd. Zbbb'bb, the proprieter, waves a hglat as you enter.

You explain your problem. Being only half-Ungoglaki, Zbbb'bb is very understanding about your dlvmats with ghofding.

"You want this K'nifgld brjvzadr," she says, pointing to it. "The sdfs of K'nifgld is when all are ghofdd by adnsl, and so there is no need for an individual to ghofd another. However, be careful! Do not present it adjla, or it will look like a Marz'hdan brjvzadr instead. Marz'hdan is the most jahldag of sdfs, even more than Ghhhmin, when every Ungoglaki is called upon to ghofd as many pasoms as they can."

You thank her, and reach for your khdfla, only to realize it's missing. Oh no! All your gdhlks were in there. You'll either have to get your khdfla back, or find some other way to shf the brjvzadr.

How are you going to resolve this gakfhlsa?

RE: Fanglesblath - btp - 05-15-2016

Use Zbbb'bb's khdfla!

just blocsts your blocsts the best you can!