Eagle Time
The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Printable Version

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The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - P_equals_NP - 10-09-2018

[Image: hDr1YWl.png]
((This adventure is titled KTF for historic purposes))

[Image: 6CfBpRY.png]
You are a 16-year old girl named Heidi. You go to Northside Prep, you are an active participant of a certain totally generic Ethnic Cultural Registered Student Organization. You work part-time as an enforcer for the ancient Bernstein clan.

[Image: DWe9cSK.png]
You were investigating a stolen artifact in the top floor of the TOWER, your average 30-floor student Residence Hall. The Bernsteins were using one of the rooms to hide one of their mythical vampire slaying artifacts. You went up here to investigate the theft, however, a trap was set by whichever organization stole the artifact. The entire tower is currently on lock-down and dozens of soldiers are sieging the building trying to find and eliminate you.

What do you do?

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Clownmask Clock - 10-09-2018

>Retrieve arms from shoes.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - typeandkey - 10-10-2018

>Knock plant over and throw couch cushions around.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Myeth - 10-10-2018

Investigate room!

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Myeth - 10-10-2018

Like, what's under the couch cushions for example

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - P_equals_NP - 10-18-2018

preparation phase

> Retrieve arms from shoes.
[Image: HKbi0La.png]
How would you fit weapons inside of your shoes? Sounds like the kind of thing a member of a wealthy, internationally renowned, paranoid group of noblemen would do. But not you.

You usually keep weapons inside of your backpack. But you didn't bring it with you on this recon mission.


[Image: HKbCT59.png]
Did you mean these crappily, barely drawn pair of shoes left by the doorway? Whose are these even.

[Image: HKbCT59.png]
You investigate one of them and find a holy cross, one of the Bernstein family weapons. These things are so impractical they're so short, you're pretty sure the hilt is longer than the blade itself. You've never fought with this thing before. But a weapon's a weapon.

>Investigate couch + plant.
[Image: HKbD7y0.png]
Nothing in the couch. No one was actually living in this dorm room, so you don't think you'll gain much from scouring the room. Other than the artifact that was being hidden here, it's just got ordinary house stuff, and you didn't find any evidence during your initial investigation. (This only makes the shoes more mysterious.) It's not like it's a video game where there'll be a bunch of random crap lying around for you.

[Image: HKbDlat.png]
Just in case though, you check the potted plant.

You find one (1) assassin's token.

attack phase

[Image: p9x.png]
Without warning - the glass window behind you shatters.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Clownmask Clock - 10-19-2018


RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - typeandkey - 10-19-2018

>"Uh, I was here first, you're going to have to wait your turn."

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - P_equals_NP - 10-26-2018

preparation phase

> Strife
[Image: HKbF9EF.png]

You would like to - but you have no idea where this assailant is.

[Image: HKbFkZW.png]

Judging from the way the window suddenly shattered, you're guessing it's some kind of long-range support, probably a sniper or something.

You don't think they can shoot through the walls, but they'll probably nail you if you go outside, so you're pinned inside for now. Whoever is sieging you is probably going to send fighters into the room too, since you're trapped in here. You have to find a way out of here. Figuring this stuff out would usually be the job of your friend Ryan. He's like, your tech support guy. You know - like in the movies. But he said he's not free until like... half an hour? He has some meeting to attend to. Whatever.

[Image: HKbFuCv.png]

You hate snipers. Fight me one on one is what you say to yourself.

attack phase

No attacks are initiated on this turn.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Kaynato - 10-26-2018

awwwwwwww yiss you're here

> Poke walls to find a weak point.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - P_equals_NP - 10-31-2018

preparation phase
> Poke walls to find a weak point.
[Image: PP0zZeA.png]
You use your holy dagger to cut a hole into the neighboring room so that the sniper is less likely to be able to pin down your location.

[Image: ybmJHzA.png]
Suddenly you are this guy.

[Image: Q97Bdjl.png]
You are a perfectly generic human being. Let's say your name is Bob, although it doesn't really matter. Your age definitely doesn't matter. Your hobbies include watching the big game, staring vacantly, and not having your apartment broken into.

This is quite unfortunate given the present circumstances, as it seems like your next door neighbor is breaking in from behind your flat-screen TV. It is interrupting the activity you were performing of staring vacantly at the big game. Also they're breaking into your apartment.

What do you do?

attack phase
No attacks are initiated on this turn.

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - RedHounds - 10-31-2018

> Scream

RE: The Adventures of Heidi in Dark City - Kaynato - 11-01-2018

>Drop the TV on the perpretrator!