Eagle Time
> F L O O D < - Printable Version

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> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-27-2018


[Image: 67r9wSG.gif]



Everything is dark.


RE: > F L O O D < - AScWCC - 09-27-2018

Activate the lasers. And/or the light switch.

RE: > F L O O D < - MismatcherReese - 09-27-2018

Activate your night vision.

RE: > F L O O D < - typeandkey - 09-27-2018

>Change channel
>fetch popcorn

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-27-2018






Popcorn... popcorn... what's popcorn?


A hundred images flash in rapid succession.
Various pictures of corn, in several states of growth and harvest.
Grainy footage of hands cleaning and washing the corn.
Scanned labels of "Instant Popcorn", with nutrition facts and instructions on how to pop the kernels on your Solaris Tech Kinetic Heat-Transfer Cooker.
They whizz by so quickly that one would have hardly any time to parse what each image was.
The images cycle a few times, then stop.

... It's still dark ...




RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-27-2018

>Open thy eyes.

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-27-2018

> Wake Up, Subject v1201.

You jerk awake, kicking out violently as though you had just escaped from nasty night terrors. Your foot knocks something over, but you're not sure what.

Finally, you open your eyes. You sort of expect to be blinded, but you're not. The room is dim. Your senses come back to you slowly, and you become aware of everything after some time.

It's a small room, most likely an apartment. A single dusty window is the only source of light, although as it is pouring rain outside, "light" is up for debate. The occasional flash of lightning illuminates the center of the room, shafts of light penetrating the brown-stained window which is currently rattling with the wind. Opposite of the window is a door, made of wood with metal reinforcements. A couch with a partially-open hideaway bed is on one side of the room, and a kitchenette is on the other. Old clothes, empty tin cans and microwave meal containers, and dust covers the couch. A table in front of the couch (and right next to you) has a lamp on it, which has been kicked over, although there is no light bulb and the lamp is metal so nothing seems broken. The stove and fridge are rusty and covered in ... food grime? You hope it's food.

You stand weakly, barely aware of yourself. You're not even sure who you are, or what you are, let alone why you're here.

RE: > F L O O D < - caduceator - 09-28-2018

Take a body inventory. Might as well hit the light switch, too.

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-28-2018


The cobwebs in your head are clearing, for the most part. Slowly, you stand up straight and glance down at yourself.

Both of your legs are metal prosthesis that extend all the way to your hip. Your left arm is also a metal prosthetic, and a small cracked screen is on the forearm. Your legs are attached right below the hip, bolted into place, with your arm being bolted into your shoulder. Some of your hair passes in front of your eyes as you look down, and when another burst of lightning strikes, you can see it is a dull dark blue. Short gray fur covers you from head to... well, not toe, obviously. Reaching above your head, you can feel your two ears, about a foot long and also covered with fur on the outside.

Your clothes are a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. The black nylon shorts reach down to mid-thigh, and the black tank top is enough to cover your dignity. You don't have any socks or shoes.

You feel as though you've woken for the first time, and yet everything feels old at the same time it's new. Your clothes are a little tattered on the edges, your prosthesis have scratches and a few dents, your hair is slightly tangled and greasy, and your fur is thin and matted down. Overall, you feel nasty and you hope there's a bath or a shower somewhere. And maybe clean-ish clothes among the giant mess.

Yet everything feels new. You have no memories at all. If you do have any, you can't remember them, and then they're not really memories, are they? More like forget-ories. Despite no prior knowledge of ever handling anything in the world, you just know what things in the room are. Like the lamp. You just know it's a lamp. All this sudden information freaks you out a little bit.


You search the walls for a light switch. There's a rectangular hole in the wall where you'd assume one would have been, were it not a literal hole in the wall with frayed wires sticking out.

As you ponder the missing light switch, your arm buzzes. As you look down, the cracked screen flickers alive, glowing a dull green.


The light coming from your wrist screen becomes much, much brighter, providing a square illumination. You have to hold your arm somewhat awkwardly to use it properly, considering the screen is positioned opposite of the palm-side of your arm. You feel as though you're saluting the room as you let the green light wash over everything.

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-28-2018

>Is there anything on the screen?
>Look around.

RE: > F L O O D < - tronn - 09-28-2018

>See if you can take selfie with your arm computer. Just what kind of creature you are?

RE: > F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-29-2018


The screen is slightly cracked, but it doesn't stop the green light from streaming out. The words [FLASHLIGHT] are the only thing visible on the screen right now. When you tap it with your finger, the light flickers, and a digital switch appears. You assume it's how you turn the light on and off.


You try to think about what you are. Who you are. Why you are. You wonder if your screen has a mirror, or a camera, or something that you can view yourself with. As you have these thoughts, the words on the screen change:


A holographic image pops up, making you jump a bit. It floats above your arm. On the left of the projection is a low-poly, monochromatic 3D image of .... you assume it is yourself.

[Image: ofE3IZ7.png]

You suppose until you find a mirror, this is as good as you can get.

>Look around.


The rain continues to batter against the window, wind howling. This, combined with the thunder, makes it seem as though the window is about to break from its frame and rocket across the room to the other side. Despite this, it continues to hold on for dear life.

Except for the window and your own self, nothing in the room is moving. There is an eerie stillness to everything. As far as you can tell, there are no current dangers. If there were any in the room currently, you're certain they would have killed you already, given the state you're in. This thought is simultaneously reassuring and definitely not reassuring.

Lightning crashes. The room is cold. You stand here in the room, aware of everything and nothing. It may be some time before your senses are fully yours once more.

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-29-2018

>Search couch. Maybe you'll find some quarters in it.

RE: > F L O O D < - tronn - 09-29-2018

>Do your prosthetics have any company logos that would refreshen your memory? Do you remember always being a bunny person?
>Open the door and look around.

RE: > F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-29-2018


You look over your prosthetics. You can't find any logos, serial numbers, special markings... but you do find a lot of spots where the metal has been scrubbed and filed away. You do your best to examine these spots, but it's difficult in the low light. The arm-light helps some, at least with examining your legs. It's not going to be possible to light up your arm if the flashlight is embedded in it!

From what you can tell, there's no conspicuous markings on you... but there are suspiciously filed-away spots. You decide to put two and two together.


Have you always been like this? Well... you woke up about five minutes ago. And you have zero recollection of previous conscious experiences. So... maybe?


You decide that staring at yourself and wondering who (and what, and where) the hell you are is solving nothing. Might as well do something. You walk to the hideaway bed that's half-sticking out and push it up. The rusted hinges creak and snap in a few places but luckily you are able to put it away.

Crouching down, you peer under the couch. There is a can of unopened soda, a small locked utility chest with stuff rattling inside, some balled up dirty clothes, and lots of dust. You sneeze several times. You place everything you found on the table, neatly, next to the lamp. You place the lamp upright so as to save space.

The soda is dented, with a scratched label that seems to read "Flizzy Pop: Original Flavor". The use by date is hard to read and probably useless anyways.

The utility box is yellow with a black handle, and a metal lock keeps you from opening it. It's not heavy but there's certainly some weight to it. Several somethings rattle within.

The clothes are... well, they're dirty, wrinkled, faded, torn, tattered, and probably only good for kindling at this point.


You walk to the door and jiggle the handle. It's unlocked, and the only thing keeping it shut is a chain lock bolt. You open it slightly and peer through, but its too dark on the other side to see anything... right now. You tap on your arm, and the arm-light comes back on. It's too dim to spot any details but you can tell you're in a long hall of apartments. Doors with rusted number labels line the sides, and a worn, faded carpet is underfoot. At the end of the hall is a single window with blinds, and a wide door marked "stairwell" in large letters.

You close the door but keep it unlocked, and you feel safe in the knowledge that you could theoretically stumble out into the hallway if anything happened.

RE: > F L O O D < - MismatcherReese - 09-29-2018

> Do you have any scanners in your arm to check for life or objects?

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-29-2018

>Determine contents of box by shaking it. Does it sound like there's multiple items inside or only one? Does it sound like they're small with much space, or big with little space? Take note of other properties.

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-29-2018


You poke and prod at the screen on your arm, wondering what other functions it has. The screen changes:


You suppose that answers that question.


You shake the box. There's multiple items inside -- at least three or four. There seems to be one larger item, and several items roughly the same size. By shaking it, you can tell the items are very solid. There is the occasional sound of metal as it is shaken, but mostly it sounds like plastic. They take up a moderate amount of space inside of this utility box.

As you ponder the contents of the box, you hear a muffled pop coming from outside. Next thing you know, the window is burst open and something slams into the wall on the far side of the room. The room is suddenly filled with cold wind and rain. You look behind you.

Whatever it was, it left a bullet hole behind.

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-29-2018

>Hide outta sight. Hide behind the couch or something.
>Did the sound round or blocky? They sound like devices.

RE: > F L O O D < - MismatcherReese - 09-30-2018

> Find the bullet and eat it to gain a bullet arm.
>This'll work.

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 09-30-2018


Hey that's not exactly the most pressing issue right now, considering the circumstances, but if you really gotta know, it sounded blocky. Satisfied?


Already on it. You dive behind the couch as best as you can -- it's up against the wall, so there's not much hiding space. Crouching behind the armrest, the wind and rain continue to sweep into the room, sending dust and various bits of detritus flying about.

There's another muffled pop, a very brief whizzing noise, and another bullet hole is heralded by a spray of splinters and a thud. It looks a fair bit closer to your position than the last one.


Yeah. Sure. Stick your head out and find the bullet so you can, what, eat it? What the hell are you going to do with a bullet? Besides, you'll DEFINITELY find a bullet the easy way if you stick your head out.

You don't even have a sarcasm module installed, but you're definitely rolling your eyes at that weird intrusive thought.

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 09-30-2018

>"Show yourself, shooty man, and explain yourself!"
>Maybe you have a sass module installed? *eyebrow wiggle*

RE: > F L O O D < - tronn - 09-30-2018

>crawl into the hallway and skedaddle!

> F L O O D < - Kaninchen - 10-01-2018


You open your mouth to yell, but the dryness of your throat causes you to cough hoarsely. You have a brief coughing fit. Finally, you croak out the words "Who's out there? Who's shooting?" but it's hardly loud enough to be heard over the howling wind and rain.


You know for a fact you don't have a sass module. You do have a "Haul Ass" module (which sorta rhymes) -- it's called using your legs.


You're already working on that. Another pop resonates distantly and another hole is torn into the wall. You crawl to the door, hastily fumble with the chain latch, and tumble out before a hole is torn into your body instead.

You slam the door behind you. The howling wind flows through the crack under the door. It's dark again.

RE: > F L O O D < - FlanDab - 10-02-2018

>Quietly run. Find somewhere safe. Find somewhere you can get stuff.