Eagle Time
Star Riding - Printable Version

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Star Riding - Dustbite - 09-25-2018

You've been sent for execution by the demand of the general public on this planet. Before you could get anywhere close to your ship and away from this planet, the guards snatched you up and hauled your ass to the prisoner's block. Now you sit on a floating bench, neon green lights and black walls being your only imprisonment...as well as the electric shock charges around the whole cell, towering guards at either end and the snitches and undercover guards all about. So you're stuck here with about six other prisoners until your demise.

In the left corner, there seem to be two cat-like girls giggling to themselves, scratching at the walls and tails swishing behind them. One is brown, tall and chubby; darker tiger stripes and cream paws and tip on their tail. The other is short and lanky, grey-almost white- fur and back tips at their ears as their blue eyes scan menacingly at everyone else in the cell block, their green-eyed companion scratching away at the walls.

Near the door is a human-looking person, when he turned around to look over his shoulder, you noticed he had eight eyes, all solid red and blinking in unison. His tanned hands clutch at the bars as he looks out between the guard's legs at the other prisoners across from your cell, occasionally running his fingers through slicked-back, black hair.

On the bench across from you, is two people dressed like regular pirates, neither have a hook for a hand, an eye patch or a peg leg or a parrot. This disappoints you greatly as you expected better things from these guys. One of them is a human with auburn hair and is around your height, looking down at the floor. You don't actually think he's looked up ever since you've gotten here actually. The other is a fish-like person, a bandana tied over their head as they try to flirt with one of the cat-girls in the corner.

Lastly, there's this old-looking guy asleep in the corner. He's dressed a little like a 'hobo' as most people would call him, an orange beanie over his long, greying hair with black tips that are fading away. There's drool coming from his mouth and it's pooling on the floor underneath him...gross.

Obviously, there are the two crocodile-looking guards in front of the cell, standing in front of the bars and blocking most of your view of the outside world. These two are the ones that got rid of your weapons and patted you down and everything, your stuff is probably in the lockup right now. Your weapon and codex especially. Man, you should really learn all the species and races about this galaxy so you can start referring to them properly.

What will you do?

RE: Star Riding - Ten11 - 09-25-2018

>Those catgirls don't seem particularly worried about being executed. Maybe they have a plan of escape!

RE: Star Riding - Dustbite - 09-26-2018

You get off the bench with a loud creak and walk over towards the two catgirls. They seem like they have some sort of plan to get out of here, right? The white one's eyes land on you and she starts fiddling with a light green gemstone around her neck, tail swishing angrily and eyes narrowed. The chubbier on doesn't notice you yet, still swinging away at the walls.

"Uh...hey." You state awkwardly.

The white-furred one looks down at you over her nose, "What? What do you want shorty?"

Your brows furrow as you look down to the ground. Geez, you thought these two would be a little nicer, "What are two doing?" You ask, observing the shorter girl as she scratches away at the wall.

When you ask this, the two burst into laughter again, holding onto each other for support as they howl with glee. Then all of a sudden they stop, eyes looking dark as the shorter one puts the three of you in a huddle.

"We've been, like, waiting for death for like, so long on our adventure. After 12 years of it all, you just want it to like, come to an end at some point." She whispers, dull claws digging into your fleshy human back. God that hurts.

The taller girl hums, holding her tail in her hand as she breaks away from the huddle. She leans over to you as the chubbier girl starts scratching the wall again, "Loco's been hearing some voices recently, they're telling her now to 'dull her claws'. Just want to help her out by us ending it quickly together. Any sign of crazy will get you locked up and suffering for the rest of your life. Can't let that happen to my sister from another mister."

She breaks away from you and her face turns from pity to anger as she places a hand on her hip, " Now scram, buttercup. Don't want to see your face near me again."

You back off until the two starts talking to each other again, laughing quieter this time. One of the guards come in wearing a blood-splattered tunic. They pick up the still-sleeping old man and haul him off down the corridor, a trail of drool following the two in their wake.

The spider-like male is still sitting at the bars but he's now humming.
The two pirates seem to be arguing now.
The catgirls seem slightly hostile towards you.

You presume that the old man is now dead.

RE: Star Riding - Thalia V1 - 09-26-2018

chat to Spider-Man (only suggested this for the pun. I’m so sorry)

RE: Star Riding - MarbleMoth - 09-26-2018

> Contemplate the crime you commited, then consider talking to Spider-Man.

He seems to be the "nicer" option to talk to at the moment. The catgirls don't want to talk and uh... maybe it's best to avoid arguing with pirates right now.

RE: Star Riding - Dustbite - 09-27-2018

As you back away from the Catgirls, you start to ponder as to why you're actually here. The general public just didn't like something that you were doing on the planet, so you were thrown in jail. Perhaps it was something you did? Or was it something you said to the people on this planet? You actually have no idea. You're just a normal space traveller looking around and searching for a purpose. Whilst backing away, you don't see where you're going and accidentally hit your back against the cell's bars. Ow. Sliding down, you look over to the man across from you. You get the thought of red and blue spandex as you look at him...why? Odd thoughts aside, you greet the male with as cheerful as a person on death row could be.

The guy swivels his head around and you almost have a heart attack. You forgot he had 8 eyes for a few seconds. He just sits there, blinking at you as he places a hand on one of the extra limbs protruding out of his back and tilts his head to the side...did he not understand English? It is the second most common language spoken (The first being an odd mix of Spanish, German and Swahili.) but you're sure almost everyone knows at least 'hello' in English...right? He shuffles in his spot on the floor before coughing out some sputtered words.

"I Adam...Spinarak...you?" He's coughing, literally, between words with a pained expression on his face.

At least that's one race you do sort of remember hearing something about! Spinarak's are spider-like aliens who are forbidden to leave their planet unless their queen decides to wage a war or sent them out as punishment. He must have contracted a common illness due to their low immune systems. You think this is signs of Rapturenoct-but you're not quite sure.

"My name is..."

>Katelyn Burrows, She/her, Human
>Alex Storm, They/them, Human
>Caleb White, He/him, Human
>other (please write the suggestion in comments.)

RE: Star Riding - MarbleMoth - 09-27-2018

> Arthur Dent, He/Him, Human


RE: Star Riding - Ten11 - 09-27-2018

Your parents were big douglas adams fans. They were always interested in really old stuff like that.

RE: Star Riding - Arcanuse - 09-27-2018


RE: Star Riding - FlanDab - 09-27-2018

Azul Fartherfell, he/him.