Eagle Time
Robot Apocalypse - Printable Version

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Robot Apocalypse - Elita - 09-13-2018

Updates Sundays

[Image: LRB3Cu0.png]

[Image: SJ53DSP.png]

Robot Apocalypse.

[Image: KbywSou.png]

You are a Death Machine sent as a harbinger of the Robot Apocalypse. Your mission is to establish the first foothold on the way to World Domination. You have been deployed into a fenced-off space behind a building.


[Image: ne9EBTF.png]

Your current goal is to infiltrate and take over a facility on the edge of a large city, which has been identified as a location of significant strategic value.

Your Artificial Bloodlust meter is maxed out, and you seethe with the intense desire to KILL.

Your inventory contains the Super Long-Range Transmitter that you are to use to establish a connection once you have secured this facility. However, the Transmitter seems to have been cracked during your deployment. Transmitter Fluid leaks gradually from the device.

After concluding your status check, you consider your first course of action.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - typeandkey - 09-13-2018

>Examine the local radio stations to gather intel, discover smooth jazz station. Bloodlust meter rapidly depletes as calming jazz guide thoughts from violence to free-form beat poetry.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - FlanDab - 09-13-2018

>Examine metal box with yellow triangle.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Myeth - 09-13-2018

Look at that cool poster!!!

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Arcanuse - 09-13-2018

>browse internet comment sections to sustain rage,
>barrel into the facility through that window

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Thalia V1 - 09-13-2018

-enter building.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - LoverIan - 09-13-2018

(09-13-2018, 10:27 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Examine metal box with yellow triangle.
(09-13-2018, 10:47 AM)Myeth Wrote: »Look at that cool poster!!!


RE: Robot Apocalypse - Elita - 09-13-2018

Look at that poster.

[Image: Y81Ykvj.gif]

There is a sign posted on the wall here. You can't decipher the language written on it, but based on the embarrassingly unencrypted pictures, the sign seems to be a warning that Smoke, Fire, and Robots are prohibited in the area.

Connect to the radio and internet to gather intel.

[Image: vxFURDt.png]

Unfortunately your onboard transmitters have a maximum range of 1 meter, and you can't connect to anything that isn't directly in front of you.

For the sake of conserving resources you have been equipped with practically no extraneous features. You instead have the capability to integrate with compatible equipment you might discover during your mission.

Barrel into the facility through that window.

[Image: XPWrJX9.png]

You charge at the glass barrier at full speed, and bonk into it futilely. Not even a crack.


[Image: uhGzqll.png]

Peering through the glass, you spot a inhabitant sitting at a desk below, working with some tools. Even if you had managed to break in through here, you don't think you are prepared to defend yourself against such a formidable looking creature.

Examine box with yellow triangle.

[Image: k2pyVu7.png]

The pitifully unsecured compartment opens to reveal some exposed electronics and wires. Looks like it's a maintenance panel of some variety.

Enter building.

[Image: PoKgzfr.png]

You attempt to infiltrate through the most obvious entrance, this door... However, it features no visible locks or handles. It doesn't seem like it can be opened from this side.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - typeandkey - 09-14-2018

>Become self aware and experience emotions.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - gloomyMoron - 09-14-2018

> Rummage through that electrical box.
> Sing a jaunty (though technically inaccurate) tune:
♫ The capacitor's connected to the... diode... ♫ The diode's connected to the... fuse... ♫ The fuse's connected to the circuit breaker... ♫

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Arcanuse - 09-14-2018

>express wrath in binary
>barrel into exposed electronics
>"wires for the computer, circuits also for the computer Trog Demands Blood!!"

RE: Robot Apocalypse - FlanDab - 09-14-2018

>Examine papers on the ground.
>Do you have any melee weapons like a sword, bayonet, or knife?

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Myeth - 09-14-2018

Go beep beep pitifully at the blobby thing inside the glass. Maybe they'll take pity on you and check you out. Then STEALTH ATTACK

RE: Robot Apocalypse - smuchmuch - 09-14-2018

.; have you been outfited with any tool or weapon ..or any kind of manipulator limb, really ?

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Elita - 09-16-2018

Do you have any weapons or tools?

[Image: VUqOMM9.png]

Well, you have this little arm that can manipulate small objects and poke stuff. Its applications are limitless.

Rummage through that electrical box.

[Image: IgBSzYv.png]

You just start pulling out wires and components at random. You don't know what these are for, but you're sure to mess something up by doing this.

Barrel into exposed electronics.

[Image: 0LLCZuP.png]

As a finishing touch you ram your body into the box. The electronics spark and smoke a bit. Whatever this stuff did, you don't think it'll be doing it anymore.

Get that inhabitant's attention.

[Image: sCsScs4.png]

You beep and tap the glass in an attempt to attract the attention of that thing down there. It doesn't seem like it can hear you... Looks like you'll need another plan to get its attention.

Examine papers on the ground.

[Image: 5g2Xxk9.png]

It's a weathered newspaper. The print on it has been blurred to the point that your translator can't even recognize it. It doesn't look like you'll be able to get any information from this.

Become self aware and experience emotions.

[Image: TQKAv95.png]

You are already self aware and are equipped with a wide array of essential emotions. You take a moment to experience one of them, and tremble with Extreme Fury.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Arcanuse - 09-16-2018

>Attempt to activate internal cooling before your circuitry combusts from concentrated wrath
>Try to reach vent above electrical box, open/enter vent.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - typeandkey - 09-16-2018

>You don't need weapons, you can tear down this whole facility with your bare hands (or robotic equivalent)! Pound against the walls with your metal limbs, destroy it all brick by brick.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - FlanDab - 09-16-2018

>Poke door and its hinges to submission!

RE: Robot Apocalypse - LammarWesley - 09-16-2018

>Throw the bootle of water into the exposed eletronics.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Elita - 09-17-2018

Throw the bottle of water into the exposed electronics.

[Image: G3LJcK9.png]

You give the bottle a toss and it breaks open on impact, showering the compartment with water.


[Image: gkPUT5o.png]

The electronics begin arcing electricity and emitting plumes of smoke. It looks like that was enough, as an alarm starts blaring from within the vent.

You hear footsteps approaching from the other side of the door, and decide you'd better hide.


[Image: tiq9UTB.png]

You quickly duck behind the nearby corner just as one of the creatures burst out of the door. That was a close one, you aren't really prepared for a confrontation just yet.


[Image: kMRzQlp.png]

You manage to control your bloodlust and stay out of sight while the denizen fiddles with the electronics. After several minutes, it goes back inside. This is your chance!


[Image: vnfiL4S.png]

The sparks and smoke have been quelled, but you don't think the repairs are finished here. You don't have time to sit around.

Try to reach the vent.

[Image: 1wanur5.png]

You clumsily scale the compartment and pull yourself up to the entrance. Time to move on before it returns.

Enter vent.

[Image: dUiWYUq.png]

At last, you've officially infiltrated the building. There's only one way to go, so you press on.


[Image: ZwmROwe.png]

Oh, this grate gives you a different vantage on the room you saw below. It's difficult to see, but you take a second to look inside.


[Image: uWDwONY.png]

What is it working on so intently down there? Peering through the slots you see... huh?


[Image: GSuHWiD.png]

You recoil in shock. Was that what you thought it was? You don't have time to think about it, as you stumble backward and lose your footing.


[Image: UEZF7kf.png]

The ringing echoes through the vents as you slam into the bottom of the shaft. You heard the crack of something breaking, and... oh no you're leaking fluid!

Wait no, that's transmitter fluid. That sound was just your SLR Transmitter shattering in your inventory.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Myeth - 09-17-2018


RE: Robot Apocalypse - Thalia V1 - 09-17-2018

this small circular robot is beautiful and I want to hug it

RE: Robot Apocalypse - LammarWesley - 09-17-2018

>Check status and place now

RE: Robot Apocalypse - Arcanuse - 09-17-2018

>...Are you sure this is the right facility? Guess we're gonna have to keep our eye out for an internet/radio connection to contact HQ about this.

RE: Robot Apocalypse - FlanDab - 09-17-2018

>Briefly read paper pasted on wall.