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ADVENTURE OF DEATH - Printable Version

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ADVENTURE OF DEATH - Solaris - 01-20-2013

Every person has a story.

Take one Archibald Stevens, Captain of the New Airship, The Soulsearcher. At the young age of thirteen, he has acquired a perfectly functional crew and airship and is ready to go out and take on the entire world.

Tonight is the night that he leaves his pitiful home town, that he goes on and realizes his destiny! He falls asleep in his quarters, the only single room on the ship, and awaits morning, and when it will be time to set sail.

In the middle of the night however, something, Archibald isn't sure what, stirs him awake. He stretches as he positions himself upward, feeling like something is missing.

"Glass of Water?"

Archibald feels around his throat and replies, "No, I am not very thirsty..." He pauses for a bit and thinks for a moment, feeling his body and realizing that it is still lying on the bed, like a plank.

"Uhm, pardon me, but how did you get in here, I thought I locked the door..."

"There was a key. Not that I needed it. It was useful for your other visitor though."

"I see. That does explain a few things. So does that mean that I'm..."


"So you're..."


What everyone does not have however, is a long story.

You are Death. That is your name, your title, and your job description.

You have just collected the soul of one Archibald Stevens and are now on your way to the next unlucky person to meet their end.

Who are they?

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - btp - 01-20-2013

A collector of fine wax figures, many of which resemble their collector.

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - Dragon Fogel - 01-20-2013

An unfortunate crewman who happened to witness someone leaving the Captain's quarters.

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - Jacquerel - 01-20-2013

A professional sword-juggler

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - Robust Laser - 01-21-2013

Santa Claus. No, not that one, but he gets a lot of really annoying mail from children every winter nonetheless. Stupid mail service.

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - AgentBlue - 01-21-2013

<insert gamut of Pratchett references here>

A mad scientist, tinkering in his laboratory, looking for a way to become immortal.

RE: ADVENTURE OF DEATH - SeaWyrm - 01-21-2013

The guy what gone and killed Archibald.