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The Perpetuity of Inanimation - Printable Version

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The Perpetuity of Inanimation - Gatr - 07-30-2012

Spirits. Come closer.




Damn me, where are the spirits when you need them?

*mumble mumble*

*rustle rustle*

[Image: loldragon.png]

Ah, there you guys were! I've been looking for you.

Okay, I have a mission for you guys. I have recently run into a quite interesting event during my scrying, and I'd like you to oversee this, make sure nothing goes wrong, see?

Okay get about doing it, I'm a busy god.


Why are you still floating around? Go!


Oh damn it, you're newborns aren't you? Really, this economy is getting crazy... Alright, it's not like I need the veteran spirits for this.

The gist of what you're about to do, is guide this boy on an epic adventure. You know, kind of like spirit guides? But you have a bit more control than that. You can sort of nudge this guy's thoughts into the right direction a bit.

Got it? Good luck, then.

Seriously, I have so much shit to do...


[Image: dreamland.png]

It is a lovely autumn day, the smell of roasted chestnuts and pumpkin patches fresh in the air. The trees lining the path has only just started to colour. Dappled patches of color fill the eyes of this intrepid young man. The world revolves around this boy, or at least he is pretty sure it does. He has always gotten the things he needed to, using his own methods. Pickpocketing? No. He calls it skillful borrowing. And now it was his favorite season, and he truly felt in control. Satisfied with the outcome of his ... travels throughout the last town, he had finally decided it was time to move on. No, this wasn't because he had been caught pickpocketing, erm, borrowing, last night. Nope, no way, no how. He just wanted a change of pace.

The brook softly whispered at him among the rocks. The bed was glistening with a bright light from above. The lights danced around in the brook, and he was momentarily distracted. It was a pretty hot day, maybe he should find some shade? The sun shone down at him from above... a fort? This fort seems abandoned, he could tell from the musty smell. It seemed pretty simple, but he could definitely sleep here for a while. He did need some sleep pretty bad, after all. Okay, that fort was now his. It looks like a pretty awesome place, maybe he could have some shenanigans, capers, and whatnot. Ooh, this was exciting! He couldn't remember the last time he went into a fortress. Perhaps that was because he had never been in one before. He practically galloped to the fort, but... something was amiss.

[Image: Sequoia.png]

Wait, it wasn't just a musty smell. That smell was dirty. Too dirty for an abandoned fort, even. He suddenly felt at odds with the world. How strange, it was like the world was shifting back against him. He was displeased with this sudden turn. Maybe there would be more than just shenanigans, capers, and whatnot, up ahead. But then again, it wasn't the first time he felt something like this. Or was it? Man, he really needed some sleep. Things were starting to slip from his mind. A fuzzy cover crept across his brain, and he closed his eyes. He was slowly starting to phase in and out of consciousness...

...?! This was definitely a new sensation. He felt... not happy, but ... enlightened somehow. Like he could have confidence in his steps. Oh boy, what now? He was getting rather tired of these strange feelings, so he resolved to ignore them at all costs.


Oh, it seems that you've become disconnected. Well, whatever. You can just reconnect later on, when he's not being so petulant. Try and put some more force in connecting next time, kay? I don't want to have to hover over your shoulders as you struggle to make the first contact, as hard as it may be. But you did delve into his brain for a minute, right? You saw his most basic thoughts, no? I would be very disappointed if you failed to do even the most menial of tasks. And you wouldn't want to see me disappointed. Ohoho, no you really don't.

Hm, let's start off with his name. What was this boy's name?

Come on, it should be easy.

Quote:Julian Leblanc

Hm? Julian Leblanc?

Good job, you. At least you've been paying attention.

Now then, let's see what Julian's up to...


...Doo dee doo, nothing to fear here...
Julian cautiously traipses into the fortress and what happens next I'm sure is highly expected and it's not like you would ever have predicted anything else.

[Image: ohnoooooobandits.png]

Bandit: Reeeheheheheheee, looks like we've got a rat in our cage.
Chief: Ah, yes, yes. Very well done, as usual. Now then. You, rat over there, what brings you here?
Julian: Just passing through, sir. Let me go, and we'll have no trouble, capisce?
Chief: Hohohoho! I like this guy. Very feisty. Say... would you be interested in joining our rowdy pack of ... travelers?
Bandit: I don't like it, chief. We don't know this guy, or what he can do. I get the feeling he'll just weigh us down.
Chief: Pipe down, you. I'm getting a good vibe about him in my gut. And a true man always trusts his gut.
Assassin: ... Hmph. How presumptuous.
Chief: Eh? Did I hear something from you? Maybe it was the wind. In fact, I'd hope it was the wind, if I were you.
Assassin: You didn't mishear, stop bullshitting me. We've had too much misfortune based on your "intuition". I say we kill this guy outright and move on.
Chief: Whoa there, that was just one time. Besides, look at this spindly weakling. He can't do shit, I can already tell. But that can change, he'll become a true man under me, isn't that right boy?
Julian: I am not a weakling, and I'm sure I could kick your asses to kingdom come any day.
Bandit: Is that a challenge? 'Cause I'll take you up on that.
Julian: You better damn well believe it's a challenge, fuckwad.
Bandit: Why, I oughta-
Chief: Easy there, hothead. So... boy, what will it be? Join our pack, or fight and be killed?
Julian could already feel that he was in a predicament. Sure, he could fight, he knew this guy who taught him several neat acrobatics with a dagger in hand. But, could he fight them and get away with it? He was pretty quick on his feet, he could just run away, but it seems safer to just join them. But he didn't really like to be bound to anybody. Suddenly, he became enlightened, inspired. He knew what to do.


Okay, you're connected now. The hard part is over. I'm trusting you guys are capable of leading this boy's decisions now. Remember, any questions, and I'll be here to answer them. But no tomfoolery here, we have a job to do, remember?


RE: The Perpetuity of Inanimation - AgentBlue - 07-31-2012


RE: The Perpetuity of Inanimation - Gnauga - 07-31-2012

Join 'em. We can run away later.

RE: The Perpetuity of Inanimation - Gatr - 07-31-2012

Quote:Join 'em. We can run away later.

[Image: trapped.png]

...Well. You succeeded at joining their pack, but it seems they don't trust you that much yet. Running might be a lot more difficult than you think.

[SIZE=3]Chief: Heheh, did you really think I was that stupid? You see, your mind and mine are very much alike. Why, when I was your age, I did the exact same thing...
Bandit: Chief, now's not the time for that.
Chief: Oh right uh. Well! Welcome to our little guild. You'll learn to like us, whether you like it or not! Hahah! Wait. I mean, I'm sure you'll like it, being with us. Allow me to show you what we have to offer. Gold! Treasure! Jewels! All that, if you simply join our cause... We've been running a bit low on members, you see.

Oh boy. This windbag could go on forever. The thought of treasure is a bit appealing, but you'd prefer freedom to treasure. Still, maybe you wouldn't mind joining, then running away with their treasure.

Bandit: Chief, what even are you talk-
Chief: SHH! Shut up, fool. Haha, uh. Yep! We have lots of treasure, that's for sure...

... They aren't the brightest candles in the house, are they? Well. It's pretty obvious that it's a trap, so you decide to run. You utilize one of the most useful and devastating moves known to martial artists: the nutshot.

[Image: thatsgottahurt.png]

Assassin: Oof! Why you little brat-

But you are already zooming out of there. No way you are staying behind. You couldn't stand their smell any longer. You run for a while, their voices lagging far behind.

Chief: You dolt! Why'd you have to let him get away, huh?! Now he knows about us!
Assassin: *cough* *wheeze*
Bandit: We'd better get out of here before the guards find us...
Chief: Shut up, git! I am the chief, and we will do what I say!
Assassin: *hack* *splutter*
Chief: ... I propose we find that bastard and kill him!

Oh. You'd better get out of here.

[Image: pickone.png]

You run into a crossroad. To the left are some stairs, most likely the way out, as you are sure you went underground. To the right, however, lies the rest of the fort. Hmm. You reckon you may be able to avoid the bumbling idiots back there for a while.


Leave the fort right away, explore a little bit more, or other?[/SIZE]

RE: The Perpetuity of Inanimation - Gnauga - 07-31-2012

Life's no fun unless you do some stupid things now and then. Explore. They probably don't have much in the way of conventional loot, but maybe there's something interesting?

RE: The Perpetuity of Inanimation - AgentBlue - 07-31-2012

Explore a bit more. It won't be hard to avoid them.