Eagle Time
Into The Long Void - Printable Version

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Into The Long Void - The Just Writer - 05-12-2018

You are the brave, bold, and not-at-all-expendable crew of the starship GS-E(A) Starbird, being sent on a mission for the well-being of the people of the Union of Galactic Soviets.

Recently, it has come to light that the region of space commonly known as the Rolynd Cluster is playing host to a massive multi-way interstellar war. Wanting to ascertain the likelihood of getting dragged into this mess, the UGS defense council has sent several scout ships to find out what is going on and get out alive, with your group being one of said ships.

Each player takes the role of a single crew member aboard the GS-E(A) Starbird, with skills indicating what sorts of jobs they are best for. If any crew-member gets killed, the bio-printer on board is perfectly capable of bringing them back as a clone running their latest brainstate, but if the ship gets exploded that's game over.

Your goal is to get the highest possible score, based on how much you manage to bring home to the UGS.

Scoring Criteria
-Get Back Alive: Pre-requisite for scoring any other points, awards no points on its own.

-Don't Reveal Origins to Cluster Locals: 5 Points

-Basic Information On Faction: 1 point per faction
-Detailed Information On Faction: 3 points per faction
-Classified Information On Faction: 5 points per faction

-Information on useful Alien Tech: 1 point per tech
-Captured Alien Tech: 2 points per tech
-Reverse-Engineered Alien Tech: 3 points per tech

-Alien Informants
--Dude Off The Street: 1 point per faction
--High-Ranking (Abducted): 2 points each
--High-Ranking (Willing): 3 points each

-Official Diplomatic Relations: 2 points per faction

Crew Roster

Basic Crewperson Template
-Short Description:

GS-E(A) Starbird Status
Currently undecided.

Ship Configuration Select
Before your mission starts, you get to select how you want your ship to be configured for the mission ahead of you

spy ship:Designed for going un-noticed, this ship is adept at storing a lot of waste heat for long periods, and can use special low-temperature drives that are hard to spot against the background of space. This makes it extremely useful for sneaking around and surprise attacks, but all those stealth systems cut into the onboard manufacturing capabilities.

cruiser: Loud and blatant, a Cruiser is built to slug it out with the best of them. It's got decent engines and onboard manufacturing capabilities, but it's by far the best option for direct knock-down fighting. On the other hand, it is extremely unsubtle.

forgeship: A self-propelled factory in the depths of space, Forgeships are meant to stay far from any direct combat, manufacturing parasite craft to take care of missions in their stead. That said, a forgeship that winds up in a head-on fight is probably screwed.

Courier Ship: A massive propulsion section with a hab module, shuttle bay, and a couple laser turrets added on almost as an afterthought, Courier Ships are fast. Their mobility is almost unmatched, but this is paid for in their lack of other capabilities.

RE: Into The Long Void - Smurfton - 05-13-2018

The only way we're getting the don't reveal origins points is through subterfuge or speed. We ought to choose one of those.

RE: Into The Long Void - smuchmuch - 05-14-2018

The objectives listing things like capturing tech, abductng oficials and reall all point to doing mostly cloack and dagger work so the spysip does seem a fairly strong choice BUT the term dscribng the ships repretty vgue and just talk abboutcombat performanc mostly not other stuff they may be able to do.

What's our tech level ?
Are there some other foces we couldbe expeced to meet out there ?
What exactly are the limits of he parasitic ships the forgeship can build because it can basicaly build drones that can do everything the other ships can do....
Is there some notable differences in crew size and need between ships ?(and wha crew size can we expect on he whole, will it be like all PCS or more likely plenty of NPcs to be expected ?)

RE: Into The Long Void - The Just Writer - 05-14-2018

(05-14-2018, 07:55 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: ยปThe objectives listing things like capturing tech, abductng oficials and reall all point to doing mostly cloack and dagger work so the spysip does seem a fairly strong choice BUT the term dscribng the ships repretty vgue and just talk abboutcombat performanc mostly not other stuff they may be able to do.

What's our tech level ?
Are there some other foces we couldbe expeced to meet out there ?
What exactly are the limits of he parasitic ships the forgeship can build because it can basicaly build drones that can do everything the other ships can do....
Is there some notable differences in crew size and need between ships ?(and wha crew size can we expect on he whole, will it be like all PCS or more likely plenty of NPcs to be expected ?)
-Tech Level: Nuclear Fusion has long since been harnessed, materials science is capable of producing Carbon nanotubes in bulk along with other wonder-materials, brain uploading and bio-printing have rendered mortality a thing of the past, and ships can travel at roughly 120c by twisting space around themselves. Ships can be forcibly pulled out of warp by a device known as a Dreskar Field, which can be projected out to several AU by a planetside installation. Sensors are mostly electromagnetic, with the occasional spatial metric sensor for spotting ships in warp. Ships in warp are effectively blind.

-Forgeship Parasites are much smaller than a full-fledged cruiser or other ship class, coming in at an absolute maximum of 175 meters in length. Most of your parasite ship bays are only 75 meters long. At this scale, maximum warp speed cannot be built much faster than 60c.

-All ships aside from the spy ship are around a mile long; the spy ship is around 300 meters, which is just big enough for a 'full' warp drive.

-Ships ranked in fightiness (descending order)
1: Cruiser (can solo most potential threats)
2: Spy Ship (can seriously wreck someone's day with a surprise attack)
3: Courier Ship (Those weapons are small, but pack a respectable amount of power)
4: Forgeship (Unarmed aside from parasite ships)

There are almost certainly non-player characters helping to run the ship. They are almost all drones.

RE: Into The Long Void - Smurfton - 05-16-2018

Would a spy ship be able to disguise its movements in warp, or does the technology only work on electromagnetic sensors?
What sort of range do the known spatial metric sensors have?

RE: Into The Long Void - smuchmuch - 05-16-2018

Forgesip seems a good idea just for the sheer verstility it could offer. Outside of limits due to size, is there like anything drone ships can't be build to do.
Oh and is there a limi on ho many parite hip we can have at once.
Or for that mater thing forgeships can't bulid at all.
Oh and I assumeforgehip neds some materials to buil stuff ?

Spy ship seems the second best choice.
I assume any shipcan try to intercept/jamm other ship's comunications ? Are the spy or courrier ship any better at it ?