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Black Temple: Deserters - Printable Version

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Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 07-26-2012

[Image: oXRiU.png]
[Image: aLri1.png]

[Image: kduU8.png]

[Image: 01.gif]

[Image: 02b.gif]
Woah, that was a long one.
You sure this is the right place?

[Image: 03.gif]
Dᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀs?
No, no! I'm just saying.
This is like, the least prepared Earth I have ever seen. They must be a couple of thousand years behind home.
What are they even going to do, throw rocks at us?

Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇs ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴇ ᴅᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ.
Well you can colour me deceived, if this is a trap then it's a bloody good one. They don't even have any defence satellites!
Tʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ sᴛɪʟʟ ʙᴇ Tʜᴇ Tʀᴏʟʟᴋɪɴ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ.
Well that's hardly a surprise is it? They're literally everywhere.
Cᴇᴀsᴇ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs. Cᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴀs ᴏʀᴅᴇʀᴇᴅ.

[Image: 04.png]
Yeah ok fine, I'm going. Could do with a bit of a holiday anyway.
Not that this is going to take particularly long.

...well come on then, you heard the man! Let's make some noise!


[Image: 05.png]
Your name is Robert Walker, and you should really be asleep.
In your line of work (as a fireman) you are used to napping through the dawn hours (though really you haven't needed nearly as much sleep recently as you used to) and working through the night, ever prepared to be woken at early hours to deal with an emergency.
Usually when you are woken early it is by your pager and to deal with something important, like a fire.
This morning it's your alarm clock.

[Image: 06.gif]
The thing shouldn't even be going off because obviously you wouldn't set your alarm clock to go off one hour after you go to sleep and also because it's meant to stop automatically after about thirty seconds, but it doesn't show any sign of shutting up any time soon.

You should probably do something about that.

Hi this is my adventure.
200+ accumulated images lie in spoilers below, brought over from the MSPA Forums. If for some reason you don't want to read those there is also a summary at the bottom as the first post that is not hidden in spoilers, though you might miss out a few details.
For instance; Who the hell is that talking to you?

Thanks for reading!


RE: Black Temple (Under Construction) - Jacquerel - 07-26-2012


RE: Black Temple (Under Construction) - Jacquerel - 07-26-2012

[Image: 01.png]
God DAMN it's been a long time. Is anyone even still here? HELLO?

Ah good, I thought you'd all have wandered off by now. Might have laid it on a bit strong with the dissuasion technique from Old Fishtank back there, I only wanted you out of my room not gone altogether!
Can... can any of you remember what was going on? Like, I know technically I'm not supposed to know most of this yet (am I allowed to say yet? Is that a spoiler?) but let's just dispense with the formalities for a moment because I don't want to start reading out the wrong lines here thinking we're in act five when really we're only in act four. Damn, that would be embarassing.

Wait what?
We're only as far as act TWO? What kind of sluggish pace is this?!
Ok hang on, just let me get my crib notes here and we can both get caught up.


[Image: 14.png]
So I guess that regretfully it's time for you to leave me and join the peasants again. I'm a busy girl, I can't spend all my time entertaining you.
People to kill and all that.
Try not to get too bored while you're waiting for me to pop up again!

RE: Black Temple (Under Construction) - Jacquerel - 07-26-2012

Gnauga;5914105 Wrote:Wait, what is the great treaty and who are the benefactors?

[Image: 005.png]

Wow, for a moment there you forgot what The Treaties were. Your education might have been a little spotty but you can guarantee that if you can hear the capital letters at the start of something that would otherwise be a pretty common word, it must be pretty widely known.
Without The Treaties you guess this desert would cover the entire planet and you wouldn't be alive. The terms might have been controversial (and remain so to this day) but without the intervention of the Troll Empire after the Cataclysm, human civilisation definitely wouldn't have lasted this long.
And if nobody had signed The Treaties then they would have just sat where they were and watched.

There were some more capital-letter words there, it's fortunate that you can remember what they all mean!

Gnauga;5914105 Wrote:Absorb the desert into your body do it do it

[Image: 006.gif]

You're trying your best not to do that!
You can't hold a whole lot more sand than you already are doing so you wouldn't get any larger and what you've got is conveniently uncontaminated by desert insects and worm eggs.
You have little desire to pick up passengers right now, plus you wouldn't fit in the car.

Shadow Phoenix;5869875 Wrote:Ask about the number of people living mostly in the desert. Where should they go to make a living in there and warn them about the invasion ?

[Image: 007.png]

”There are no settlements in the desert. Only reinforced buildings such as this facility weather passing worms. There is little water and no food.
Only exception is Sand Goblins. This one sees them sometimes riding the small worms. Not sure what they eat, suspect they live in ruined city.
This is its destination, no? This one would advise you keep an eye out, for Sand Goblins are notorious bandits.”

”Sand Goblins are a myth! Nobody has ever provided any proof of their existence and they don't even make any sense!
What would a group of pre-industrial goblins be doing living in a desert? You said yourself that there isn't any food or water.”

The Foreman fixes him with a blank stare.
”This one has many goblins in its employ. They are industrious workers and tell me many secrets of Goblin ways.
This one thinks it knows little of Goblin society, also that it has done little but ask impetuous questions while committing illegal trespass on this one's facility.”

One;5876568 Wrote:See if you can get them to organize some sort of defense in case those Black Temple folks do remember the worm hunters.

[Image: 008.png]

”It is persistent! This one still expresses grave doubt as to any danger posed by worm-farmers in desert.
Nevertheless it shall pose a guard and prepare the cellar as shelter. This one runs a good facility, the walls are strong enough to repel a mid-sized worm should it suddenly rekindle itself.
They shall easily repel enemy attack.

It is also not like we are unarmed, while they are not often necessary our vehicles are equipped with weaponry.”

You aren't totally convinced by that but it's probably the best you're getting.

SuperChocobo;5869054 Wrote:He seems pretty proud, ask him about his species/people so he thinks you're interested. These types tend to like people who appreciate their history.

[Image: 009.png]

”This one is ashamed to be in exile. This one was outcast for killing broodmate during mating contest. This act brings shame to my brood and weakens the bloodline.
Atonement is found through difficult work for the benefit of brood. This one risks life daily in pursuit of worm extracts. These materials are not available on homeworld, which is unscarred by worm, desert or warfare.
Acquisition of materials benefits all of Cys'tar. This one may return home in seven more years.

This one will not be sad to never see Earth again.”

SuperChocobo;5869054 Wrote:After that try and milk as much sandworm hunting tips out of him as possible - maybe ask for some supplies.

[Image: 010.png]

The Cys'tar rolls all of his eyes at once, a very impressive sight. It appears that he has given this speech many times in the past.
”It wishes to fight sandworms?
This is our advice to you, most worms will not pursue a person unless angered. They do not eat people.
Juvenile worm may decide it wants the car, in that case this one advises it abandons the vehicle and proceeds on foot back to nearest area of safety.
Adult worm will only eat car by accident, if it decides to do this then passengers already are dead. Large worms too big to outdrive in car.

Worms fear the road markers and the ruined city. If worm attacks, flee to there.
Do not attack worm because worm cannot be killed.”

[Image: 011.png]

”Deep inside sand is worm's real body, made of many spinning stone rings. It cannot be destroyed, only disabled temporarily.”
”There's no need to be patronising, we do live here.”
”To hunt worm we attract it with special apparatus, spray with fixative until sand hardens into solid trap, carry track to refinery and dissect to death with high-frequency laser array. We can take only small worms, and capture attracts bigger ones that want to eat it so speed is required.

It has no fixative, no hose and no laser array. If it fights worm, worm will not die and noise of fighting will make bigger worms appear.
And watch for riders.”

”I bet I could rig up a laser array...”
”It is welcome to try, this one will not attend tiny metal man's funeral.”

He makes no motions to get any supplies. Your welcome appears to be quickly wearing thin.

[Image: 012.png]
You say a few goodbyes and decide to leave before something bad happens. He might not have been willing to lend you anything but it feels good that you managed to warn them about the attack, they probably wouldn't have had any idea it was coming otherwise. Hopefully he'll take it to heart!
The worm advice at least will probably prove useful to know as well, although you aren't sure that Coat was actually listening to it. You might have to remind him before he tries driving directly at its mouth, guns blazing.
With any luck it won't happen anyway.

A few minutes later you're off towards the ruins again, where there'll be nothing to do but sit in an old apartment eating rations for a few weeks until the Trolls roll in and sorts everything out.
I mean, the invaders did blow up that cruiser but there's pretty much no way anyone could hold out against those guys.
You're surprised it's taken this long for them to show up really, would have thought they'd be in like a shot when someone broke the treaties.
You guess they just haven't realised what is going on yet, it feels like six or seven months have passed but you guess that really it's only been a few hours.
You're not worried though.
They're coming.
It's not like anything could have stopped them.

[Image: 013.png]

While our heroes undergo their undoubtedly boring and uneventful journey maybe it would make sense to look somewhere else.
Of course if that was true it would imply we were following anything in some kind of linear time frame which obviously isn't true because by the time any of the following events happen Robert and Coat have already arrived. Perhaps this is just another side-effect from that time that girl in the green tank forced your vision elsewhere, who knows?

A Black Temple agent sets off on what he knows full well is meant to be his final mission. With a boss like his, you don't have to be a mind reader to pick this kind of stuff up. Not that he isn't a mind reader.

[Image: 014.png]
Hell, maybe if he somehow completes this nigh-impossible task he can just retire instead of dying. Ha. Ha ha.
Not that it'd be a long retirement either way, he's getting on a bit. Might as well go out with a bang, right?

The job is to retrieve the drive core of a malfunctioning Temple vessel which really doesn't sound hard at all, the problem here being that when you get to the bigger and more complicated stuff the higher ups really don't want anyone else getting their hands on the technology. So much so that the entire Grey Temple division was formed just to keep their secrets... secret.
So he'll be racing against a force far more powerful than any that could be brought to bear by the cavemen on this dump of a planet with the only advantage that he doesn't quite have quite as far to walk. Whether they'll just calmly hand it over instead of pulling rank or opening fire even if he beats them to it is going to be the killing question.

Frankly he's not quite sure how far this interdepartmental conflict will go, would they lay siege to the HQ if he managed to deliver the goods there? It's be an interesting thing to find out.

[Image: 015.png]
Of course first he's going to need to go and gather his crew (he has a feeling this is not going to be a solo job). And requisition some kind of vehicle (let's hope the Troll Squad hasn't already snatched all the good ones).
The former are probably scattered around on various forms of guard duty and tracking them down could be a pain. His waving friend Meathook over there's the closest you could get to a right-hand man in these circumstances and probably knows where a fair few of them have got to, though the longer he's kept waiting the more of them are going to wander off. Unattended Amputees aren't the smartest or most dutiful bunch.
The latter isn't going anywhere but the various war engines certainly are, leave it too long and there'll only be crawlers and one-man craft left anyway. The agent's unfortunate lack of limbs mean he probably couldn't use half of the one-seaters in the first place, and they'd be unsuitable for transporting anything.
Decisions, decisions.


RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Dragon Fogel - 07-26-2012

>Well, you may as well take Meathook with you to the docking bay or wherever it is you keep the vehicles. You can ask him about other recruits on the way.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Woffles - 07-26-2012

If you get the whereabouts from Meathook, you could always send him to go get a vehicle while you round up the gang. Or vice versa, no real rush. Take it skeezy with these suicide missions.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 07-26-2012

Make sure to spread your swagger and woo any ladies before you go

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Ixcaliber - 07-27-2012

Commandeer the most dangerous and destructive war engine you can find. Sounds like you will need it.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 08-05-2012

Armok;6588083 Wrote:> how far is it? Could you just go there in a suitably aimed drop pod or something like it?

[Image: 016.png]
It's really not that far from the city, fortunately. It even had the decency to land in a nice sand-free zone so it's not going to have riled up the worms.
God those things are a pain, if there's one thing the Temple does right it's wiping those things and their creators out. “We've coincidentally shown up to help you just as you are faced by an insurmountable apocalypse” who even falls for that kind of rubbish?

But no, there's no way anyone is getting you into one of those death traps.

(07-26-2012, 05:32 PM)Woffles Wrote: »If you get the whereabouts from Meathook, you could always send him to go get a vehicle while you round up the gang. Or vice versa, no real rush. Take it skeezy with these suicide missions.

[Image: 017.png]
Yeah... if someone were to describe me and the rest of the Overseer class as the brains of the operation it would be almost literally true.
Looking at Carrion's pointy stumps it's easy to understand where the slave race's derogatory nickname comes from but in truth there's barely a soul among them that hasn't had some kind of body part removed. Just in most cases its in the head, rather than a more conventional amputation. Don't have to worry quite so much about a revolution if only a fifth of the population can think for themselves.

They're all smart enough to follow orders and Meathook's got a longer memory and a bit more cunning than most of them but you wouldn't trust him to pick out the right car if the one you ask for has already been taken out by someone else.
Truth is, most of the work after peppering the city with drop pods was rounding up lost soldiers rather than subduing the populace, once we got organised it wasn't much of a fight at all.

(07-26-2012, 05:20 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Well, you may as well take Meathook with you to the docking bay or wherever it is you keep the vehicles. You can ask him about other recruits on the way.

[Image: 018.png]
That sounds sensible, it's probably just most efficient to drive around and keep everyone in the back rather than making them walk.

By the sounds of things most of them were just posted near the containment zone to watch people going in and make sure nobody hurts themselves too much in an attempt to escape, which is convenient because the main screening area is just down the hill in this park that got picked for a landing site.
Shambles and Legs appear to have been recruited to check out the AMP building though, which I suppose only makes sense.

(07-27-2012, 03:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Commandeer the most dangerous and destructive war engine you can find. Sounds like you will need it.

[Image: 019.png]
Most of the Temple's actual war machines are “unmanned” in that the pilot is an integral part of the vehicle and they also don't have passenger bays.
Actually the transport trucks have built-in drivers too but they are at least a bit more spacious... though there don't seem to be all that many of them parked here. A lot fewer than expected to be honest.

The one in charge of the loan of armoured vehicles is a good man, though a little over fond of heights. The instinct to crane your head up to look at something in the air, even with unseeing eyes, is a heavy and unwanted reminder.

”Greetings Lord Carrion. It is an honour as ever to serve you.”

“Don't call me lord, we are of equal rank. Besides, you know they don't appreciate it.”

“Alas this is true.
If it is transport you're after then I'm afraid I can't offer you much choice. Much of the armour remains in space for whatever reason and a good number of the vehicles we did get access to have already been taken. What's left is all yours, of course.
As far as I can tell plans are to just hole up in this city, do you know why we would do that?”

”You know that she doesn't tell me any more than she does anything else, your guess is as good as mine.
Heaven knows we could be done with this planet in a couple of days if she told us to, I have no idea what the delay is for.”

From the look of it we've still got “Fast, light and entirely unarmed”, “Slowish but almost completely impenetrable” and “Not too slow, not too heavily armoured, six extra guns”.
Take your pick.


Eagle Time and MSPA Forums use very slightly different quote formatting but I am too lazy to change it for each one.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 08-05-2012

Let's play this like we play mario kart
Which means play as the mario mario

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Ixcaliber - 08-05-2012

We choose Six Extra Guns every time.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - AgentBlue - 08-05-2012

Six extra guns, duh!

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 08-24-2012


Quote:Fast but Unarmed: IIIII
Lots of Guns: IIIII
[Image: 020.png]
”Let's go with fast, we've got our own guns and to be honest if we need to shoot anything we're probably already going to be dead. Cloak and Dagger is my usual modus operandi.”
”You're entering dangerous territory? I didn't think this rathole even held such a place.”
”Probably best I don't talk too much about it.”

Quote:Just paint the one with the guns red, then it will go faster and have a load of big fuckoff guns.
I've always wanted a custom vehicle but apparently I'm not worth the expense.
We don't even keep paint around, Ercite black and green are all the colours the temple care about apparently.

[Image: 021.png]
”PleAse inDiCatE YouR DeSTinAtiON.”
This is why I travel “on foot” whenever possible, it's hard to forget that this could have been me.

[Image: 022.png]
Fortunately it's not far to the containment zone.
The easiest way to round people up usually turns out to just be walling off a section of the city and then figuring out who belongs on each side.

I may pity the drivers but I suppose it's still a better life than being a forcefield.

[Image: 023.png]
”Greetings sire.”
”I hope the day finds you well, great one.”
”Please stop with the honorifics. I'm just here to find my specialists...
Is that a gnome? As in, not a pet one?”

”We know you're fond of the things so we held onto it for a bit, he wasn't being very cooperative anyway. Got your man to restrain him for a while.”
”Looks like he bit someone.”
”Those teeth are sharp!”

[Image: 024.png]
”Enjoying yourself up there?”
“You freaks had better let me go right now!”
”I do hope he hasn't bitten you too, Spider. He seems a little stressed and we wouldn't want him growing any extra arms.”

”Can they even do that this fast?”
”Faster than you can, reduced surface area.”

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 08-24-2012

AWWWWWWWWWWW, Isn't it cuuuuuuuute.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 09-09-2012

(08-24-2012, 03:32 AM)Solaris Wrote: »AWWWWWWWWWWW, Isn't it cuuuuuuuute.
Shadow Phoenix;6651260 Wrote:Okay, so who do you have here, and what are they useful in?
[Image: 025.png]
It is a little, isn't it? Though maybe not so much at the moment... They were designed to be after all. That's what pets are for!
Not that this particular one would make a particularly good pet, haha.

Gnomes aren't really useful for anything but they are a special interest of mine. We're distantly related you see, and any opportunity to further knowledge of my own race is one to be treasured!
I have never actually been to an Earth this far back and it's a wonderful opportunity! Such a shame that I really don't have time to take advantage of it.

Skelatox;6654292 Wrote:>Get Gnome, keep him from chewing anything metal, or worse, Ercite. Wouldn't want him developing some sort of metallic coating, would we?

[Image: 026.gif]

Well... maybe I do have time for a short lecture!
Gnomes (or rather, domesticated ones) are most famous for their engineered ability to read DNA from any floating tissue particles in the air, reinterpret it into a usable form and then slowly alter their bodily structure over time. This requires organic material, and thus you can't turn yours into a robot by exposing it to mechanical parts! That would be absurd.
Iron isn't alive and Ercite... doesn't quite fulfil all the right criteria either.

Naturally this doesn't usually happen particularly quickly, there's a lot of dust and unrelated mess in the air that needs to be filtered out if it's going to fulfil any of the above promises and safe transformation takes time. In times of stress though, adapting to the environment becomes more important and DNA assumption quickens! This is sped up again by skin and especially body fluid contact rather than simple proximity.

[Image: 027.png]

Sequester biology (that being me and mine, let's not use derogatory slave race names among friends shall we?) is virulent enough on its own, the fact that it's so similar to the state the Gnome was “born” in and the fact that he's suspended several feet over the ground make it no wonder that he's picking up extra traits so quickly.

This particular specimen is clearly already aware of the stress-related effects on his own metabolism because Gnomes are not meant to be sapient. Insufficient testing means that they happen every so often under specific circumstances difficult to replicate in a lab, creating a race of individuals that are only ever grumpy, depressed or less intelligent than your average cat.

Personally I'm not sure this was actually unintentional on AMP's part but obviously I don't have many peers to discuss the point with. Our circumstances are not entirely dissimilar.

ProfessorLizzard;6651236 Wrote:>Contemplate recruiting the gnome
[Image: 028.png]
Oh dear me no, whether or not we were ultimately engineered by the same parents I can't take anyone who isn't part of my squad out of the internment zone. I'm in enough trouble already!
Besides that, what help would he be? He's adaptable certainly but it's not like he'd be willing to follow the orders of his oppressors, and while my men were designed as soldiers his were just meant to be ethical lab-test specimens that someone realised they might be able to make money from with a bit of tinkering.

As a matter of fact I could probably tell you some more about that as well, it's pretty interesting actually I-

[Image: 029.gif]

Ok maybe we don't have time for this.
”Any other time I would love to stay and have a chat with your prisoner but I'm in a bit of a hurry at the moment, have you seen my other associates?”

[Image: 030.png]
”Whiplash was patrolling the fences somewhere but we couldn't really figure out what to do with the other one, I think he's just going to be wandering around somewhere?
Look, I know you said no every other time I asked but are you sure you don't need any help on this mission? There's really not a lot to do here and you know you can trust me!”

”Well I appreciate the offer but ah... my team is a-”
”A specialised unit without room for the Temple's more “standard” troops, yeah ok...”

”Yes as I told you before.
There is also the fact that I am not certain that I will be coming back for this one, I need people I can trust
here as well.
If “Our Glorious Leader” suddenly finds herself looking for a new hand I have put in several recommendations.”

”What? How could you possibly have a dangerous mission here? How can anything on this planet even be anything near a threat, let alone more dangerous than what I know you've been up to in the past? What would we do without you around?

”Probably best I don't tell you too much I'm afraid.”


RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 09-09-2012

Well, do you have anything else here, or can we go on the probably suicide mission now?

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 10-08-2012


ProfessorLizzard;6686040 Wrote:>Tell him liiiieeees
[Image: 031.png]
”Surely you can tell me something? The Temple aren't keeping some credible threat a secret from us are they? I'm sure you wouldn't just let them drop us in the fire by surprise!”
”Oh no it's nothing like that. There's not a huge list of dangerous things you'd find on this planet, hmm? I mean, apart from us.”
“Is it Trolls? I wouldn't put it past them to hide something valuable in a place that looked so pointless. What is it they've got?”
”I can't tell you anything else.”
“Don't worry, I've got the message. Good luck out there.”

I try not to lie when I don't have to, most of my kin are far too easy to mislead. I suppose that's a quality that is induced intentionally.
Frankly from what I've heard there aren't even as many trolls around the place as there usually are either, this planet really is tame. Just my luck that I'll be competing with what we brought with us instead...
Better get a move on.

Shadow Phoenix;6692657 Wrote:Go look for the missing "men". Have you started to devise a way to evade your masters during this mission?
[Image: 032.png]
Not even really safe to think too loudly around here, there are ears everywhere.
Especially here.
Few of my brothers would turn me in voluntarily but I'd rather not expose them to decision regardless.

Wait, what's going on over there?

Crowstone;6686236 Wrote:go find whiplash
Mibbs;6693082 Wrote:Go find Mibbs as well.
[Image: 033.png]
“You think you're better than me? I could take every one of you, even with your stupid stun batons! I demand freedom!”

[Image: 034.png]

[Image: 035.gif]

[Image: 036.gif]

At least some of my men are being put to good use and they're even both in one place, though they are making a bit of a spectacle of themselves.
I'm probably going to have to think of some way to attract their attention, though. Whiplash is never easy to deal with when he gets himself worked up like this.


RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 10-08-2012

Can you just use that duck as transportation?

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - btp - 10-14-2012

> everything seems to be going smoothly here. Move along.

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - AgentBlue - 10-15-2012

Air horn!

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Jacquerel - 11-24-2012

[Image: 037.gif]

Shadow Phoenix;6755906 Wrote:Ask that the vehicle fire a warning round.
[Image: 038.gif]
Alas, we picked the one that doesn't have any guns.
If it helps I doubt it would have stopped him, he's been through active warzones before and they tend to be fairly loud.

Asmodemus;6762758 Wrote:Telekinetic wall?

[Image: 039.png]
I... can't actually make a “real” wall, or manifest any kind of impermable surface from thin air.
Our “gifts” are not distributed equally or indeed in any particularly predictable pattern, though I'm sure I could find someone who can. Making him think that there's a wall there is certainly possible though.

[Image: 040.png]
Unfortunately, he's pumped full of concentration-enhancing chemicals and fairly difficult to fool with illusions. The line he came from was designed solely for going as fast as possible, he has better reaction speeds than I could ever match.
This has the unfortunate side-effect of making him virtually impossible to directly control without flying him into walls and is probably also the reason that since they went out of production the only one left is the one kept safe in my employment.

That said, at his current speed I'm not sure if it's that he actually saw through me or that he just didn't have enough time to stop...

[Image: 041.png]

At least I've achieved half of my objective.
Did you enjoy yourself up there, Arms?

Crowstone;6757155 Wrote:>Use your mind to calm him down
[Image: 042.gif]

Carrion Wrote:> Get down here
[Image: 043.gif]
[Image: 044.png]

That didn't work either.

Hydrothermal;6829366 Wrote:Throw your hat on the ground in disgust and frustration.
[Image: 045.gif]
I'm not quite sure what to do now, acting up is all just a game for him but we're still on a fairly close schedule and he's not even the last guy we need to... oh.
Right. OK.

[Image: 046.gif]
Yes yes you won. Very funny.
Don't do that again.

I'm getting worried about lost time now though. The AMP tower isn't that far away but... if I arrive first then this should be all I need. If I've been too slow though, I'm going to need all the firepower I can get...
Should I continue or head out?


RE: Black Temple: Deserters - AgentBlue - 11-24-2012

continue continue continue

RE: Black Temple: Deserters - Solaris - 11-24-2012

Get one more hilarious member to die with you on this wonderful hilarious adventure into the funzone.