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vie tries to comics - Printable Version

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vie tries to comics - vie - 04-25-2018

Heya! I've been telling myself I should learn how to make an comics for a long time now so I'm gonna try posting stuff online in the hopes that that will motivate me to actually do it what's uuuuuuuuuup

Also I'm not sure if this goes here or the Projects subforum? It's comic-y, but not actually A Webcomic, but I figured this seemed like the closer fit.

Anyway chances are this'll all just be dumb video games jokes(?) and canon(?) stuff based on my forum adventure because those are apparently the ideas that I have
Also it's finals time so these are all gonna be five minute doodles because that way they get done?

So here's the ones I did yesterday and today:
Remember how apparently there's two guys praying constantly to maintain the master sword's power because I will never be over thatShow

this one isn't canon(?) its just straight canonShow
probably won't be a consistently daily thing?
also probably won't keep calling them comicz like I'm some 40-year-old out of touch marketing exec trying to appeal to an image of The Youth that hasn't even been relevant for two decades, skateboards are likely involved, which I did for some reason???
Maybe it was to bookend Zelda ComicZ, it is a mystery

RE: vie tries to comics - Electrum - 04-25-2018

Looks good!

RE: vie tries to comics - Reyweld - 04-25-2018

I like it!

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 04-26-2018

if you put four parallelograms together you get the same shape cause that's how length works but I guess that works for at least some triangles too neatShow

Geez thanks dudes :o

RE: vie tries to comics - Electrum - 04-26-2018

I've read most more skilled comics artists advise people to write the lettering first before drawing the bubble around it. I got the impression that you might have a little bit of trouble with word bubbles. Although I could be totally and awfully wrong.

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 04-27-2018

I don't even know anymoreShow

(04-26-2018, 12:16 PM)Bobert Wrote: »I've read most more skilled comics artists advise people to write the lettering first before drawing the bubble around it. I got the impression that you might have a little bit of trouble with word bubbles. Although I could be totally and awfully wrong.
I actually have been writing the lettering first, I think I just need to spend more (read: any) time thinking about composition. Thanks though!

RE: vie tries to comics - a52 - 04-27-2018

fucking love that

RE: vie tries to comics - Reyweld - 04-27-2018

That one was my favourite so far

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 04-29-2018

small brain: making accessible standalone strips; illuminated brain: making strips semi-contingent on people having read your adventure; cosmic brain: making strips including characters who haven't even made an appearance in your adventure yetShow
I'm glad you enjoyed my physics shitposting your support means a lot in these trying times

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 05-03-2018

it is i who doubleposts with garbage
my textbook has used some unfortunate words, also, what is up EnricoShow

"finals is the perfect time to try a new creative thing" -a horrid fool, a clown

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 05-12-2018

a single line of blood runs inexplicably from the corner of my mouth, smoke billows, im drawn with more lines and harsher shadows nowShow

apparently i just have lots of thoughts about the sages or smthnShow

RE: vie tries to comics - Electrum - 05-12-2018

Oh hey you're back! Awesome

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 07-15-2018

(05-12-2018, 03:07 PM)Electrum Wrote: »Oh hey you're back! Awesome
yyyesss.... definitely back....

I've been working full time hours now! It's nice because school money but it sure makes updating the ol adventure take 9000 yearsShow

Also I went on an unexpected hiatus because my friends and I are starting a pbta rpg! So my creative time got hijacked by that here have a dumb joke that won't make senseShow

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 01-16-2019

Howdy meowdy folks! It turns out I'm much slower at finishing projects if I'm not doing anything with them, whoops. I've been trying out some projects and stuff lately, so i'm going to try and re-commit to this broken commitment over here. Looking to make posting stuff here a bi-weekly (Tues/Fri) thing? I'm hoping that's a pace I can keep as the semester ramps up.

2day: I've picked up a comic based on a game of The Veil I'm in; I'm also trying out a new style for it. No clue how accessible it'll be without the campaign context, but I hope it holds up enough. It's going to be 13 pages total. idk how the image quality is rn?
Not sure about the black border all the way around :|
I mostly just did it because I wasn't sure what to do.

(Also, I apparently wasn't even trying with speech bubbles when I made this one? lmao)

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 01-19-2019

I think I might be making these final pngs too small, idk. This sure is another one though!

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 01-23-2019

double posting etiquette? never met her

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 01-26-2019

fuckin, make one of the borders white, idk

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 01-30-2019

i don't feel like fixing this one up lmao

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-02-2019

squished this one down less
it continueth

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-09-2019

well hot diggity fuck i got so deep in the lab i forgot to even post a notice that i missed a day |:-|

anyway have this hot mess of a page

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-13-2019

beep boop aww man I should redo some of this older stuff

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-16-2019

more like dragons dogma ha ha

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-20-2019

This is especially lazy but I got exam so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-23-2019

Last week gobbled up my buffer and I almost didn't finish this, but I think it's alright overall.

RE: vie tries to comics - vie - 02-27-2019

Lab work and three consecutive exams is an oof. I'll aim for Friday, but even that's the kind of long shot you'd expect to find in some sort of dank subaquatic temple. In the meantime, have an old pencil and paper comic.