Eagle Time
Operation Chilling Sky - Printable Version

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Operation Chilling Sky - box - 04-25-2018

You're stuck in a snowstorm. There's no possible way you can get out of this alive.

Looking at your paw, its beyond recognition. You can't tell what species you are. Its completely mutilated by the virus that's inhabiting your body. Its so cold being in this snowstorm that your entire body is numb, as you can't feel the pain from any limb. You're drained of any energy capable of moving, and you feel like this could be the end.

The only thing you have is a badge in your hand. Your blurry vision can't distinguish details, and the only thing you see is just a big expanse of just cold, unrelenting snowstorm. Even you can't function correctly, since you know barely anything about yourself except being a past time mouse, a shorter, more magic-attuned version of mice. You're more closer to your ancestors than anything; but for now, the only thing you can do is observe.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - UnshornRam - 04-25-2018

Take the best look you can at the badge, just to try to figure anything out.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - FlanDab - 04-25-2018

>Check pockets.
>Feel the shape of badge. Identify shape.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 04-27-2018

UnshornRam Wrote:Take the best look you can at the badge, just to try to figure anything out.

Your vision is so blurry that you can't make out a shape. However, you can still see colors, as you see blue and yellow on the badge. Besides that, you can't distinguish a shape.

FlanDab Wrote:>Feel the shape of badge. Identify shape.

Your sense of touch is still clinging on, but by a very loose string of consciousness. It feels like a small shield. With your mutilated hand, you can't feel anything though.

However, you soon lose this touch to the numbness from the cold. You feel paralyzed. Its starting to get hard to move each passing minute in this snow.

Maybe this is it, as you're left to perish from the virus that inhabits your soon to be dead body; and the brutal, unforgiving, white snowstorm.

You feel no pain anymore, as your entire body is engulfed by numbness. All you feel is coldness.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - UnshornRam - 04-27-2018

Die, you guess, then come back to life. It's a virus, so you'll be an ice zombie.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - Dragon Fogel - 04-27-2018

Might as well pray. Not like you can do anything else at this point.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 04-27-2018

Dragon Fogel Wrote:Might as well pray. Not like you can do anything else at this point.

You start muttering some words, as you pray to be in a better situation after this. You couldn't hear your words over the deafening wind, but you know what you've said.

UnshornRam Wrote:Die, you guess, then come back to life. It's a virus, so you'll be an ice zombie.

Closing your eyes, you accept the coldness that washes over you. You lose your sense of touch, and then your hearing and smell, as if you could smell anything. The conciousness you had a few minutes ago is fading, as if its time to leave this world.

The virus made you suffer for so long, and only to die to both a snowstorm and the virus. This world has been cruel to you, especially with the outbreak that happened in Reicalon City. Maybe you'll be reincarnated in a new body, or maybe that's it. You don't know what the future may be, but you're sure it will get better.

This is goodbye. To all of your friends and family who have survived with you.


You feel like your body is intact. How is that possible? Its only been... Wait, how long has it been?

Your body is no longer paralyzed or numb, which is a very unexpected result. But how did that happen? You feel confused and curious at the same time. At least you're still alive.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - Justice Watch - 04-27-2018

Did any time pass? What can you sense now?

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 04-29-2018

Justice Watch Wrote:Did any time pass? What can you sense now?

Your sight is back to normal, which is good. You observe that you're in a blanket, arms covered. Your touch is however gone in your right hand, which is abnormal. The other hand is fine. Raising your right arm, you observe your right hand is gone. It's just a stump. It's covered in bandages though.

Speaking of the virus, it seems like there's no sign of it. You feel perfectly healthy. Odd.

You notice a clock. It reads 11:30AM. You don't know what day you fainted, or what day it is today. You just remember that you just gave up and let yourself die in the snowstorm.

You can smell soup, but you can't identify what specific soup it is. Its far away. Your hearing seems a lot more sensitive, since you can hear footsteps further than before. Maybe.. 2 meters? That's just a guess however.

The footsteps get louder each step, assuming that he's coming. All of a sudden, you hear the unsettling screech of the door opening, and behind it was a cat. He's wearing a blue long coat.

"Oh, I didn't expect a past-time mouse. Haven't seen one in a while. Anyways, have soup." He says, smiling and handing you a tray with a bowl of soup, and a glass of water. From just sight and smell, you can easily single out each ingredient to chicken soup. It's warmth is refreshing, after being in a snowstorm.

"Well, while I'm here, I'd like to ask you some questions, starting with your name." He pulls out a pen and a notepad.

That's right, everyone has a name. Your name is... wait, what is your name? Maybe that virus must have knocked out your memory.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - Pharmacy - 04-29-2018

Coriander Fielding

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - a52 - 04-29-2018

Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - UnshornRam - 04-30-2018

Charles Entertainment Cheese.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - FlanDab - 04-30-2018

Micah Taleon

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 05-05-2018

Pharmacy Wrote:Coriander Fielding

"Ok then." He says, while looking down and writing some stuff. "Well Coriander, welcome to the colony. This is your house for... well, forever. That snowstorm is a death sentence if anyone dares to go out there." His cat ears perk up and smiles. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you this, that badge belonged to... no one. That means you're part of our guild now I guess...?" He seems confused..? "We can however get you registered in no time, but that means speaking with some higher ups on how you got the badge." Wait, registered?

"Anyways, stay here for the moment. You're recovering from hypothermia, and we had to amputate your hand off to prevent the virus from spreading all over your body." Oh, that's why your hand is gone. "Anyways, now's the time to ask questions if you want to. If you don't have any, I'll be on my way."

So many questions, yet so little time. Looking at the clock, it's now 12 AM. You should probably eat by now, since your stomach is growling at you for not feeding it. I mean, it doesn't hurt to know a bit more about your immediate surroundings and what's happened over the time you were unconscious.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - CSJ - 05-05-2018

> Coriander soup? Gee. It's a good thing we remember our name properly and didn't just subconsciously think about how delicious that soup is whoops what soup I think we just drank it all. *hic*

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - Dragon Fogel - 05-05-2018

What's this about a guild?

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - FlanDab - 05-05-2018

>What is the badge?

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 05-06-2018

FlanDab Wrote:>What is the badge?

"The badge is a way to keep track of guild members. We can change the markings on the back of the badge to adapt to their rank within the guild. The crest on the front is just to distinguish what guild that person belongs to." Ah, okay.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:What's this about a guild?

"Oh, its a bounty hunting guild. We are the Old Hunter's guild, a well known and respected bounty hunting guild in this colony. We're kind of like the underground cops, you know what I mean?"

CSJ Wrote:> Coriander soup? Gee. It's a good thing we remember our name properly and didn't just subconsciously think about how delicious that soup is whoops what soup I think we just drank it all. *hic*

"O-Oh. You must've been really hungry, chugging that entire bowl of soup. And no, its not coriander soup, Coriander. It's chicken soup." He gets up and walks over to the door. "If you ever need me, press that button to your right. You should stay here so you can recover, its the best for you. I have other matters to attend to right now, like registering you." He closes the door and leaves.

You're still laying in bed. That soup was pretty good, considering that you've haven't eaten soup in a while. It tasted just like home-made soup your roommate made you while you were in college.

You wonder where your hand is still. It's obviously been amputated, but you feel no pain.
You feel like you can go anywhere at this point, but you're not so sure what condition your legs are in.
You drank the soup already, but there is a cup of water you can drink.
There's actually a couple of buttons to your right. There's a red button thats blank, and a blue one that says "req. food."
You're also in a blanket. Maybe check your lower half in case anything happened?

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - CSJ - 05-06-2018

>resist urge to test blue button twice (Fail miserably)

>Try to get a good look at yourself. You haven't changed at all, have you? Apart from the hand, anyway.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - FlanDab - 05-06-2018

>Reveal lower torso.
>Investigate room.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 05-10-2018

CSJ Wrote:>Try to get a good look at yourself. You haven't changed at all, have you? Apart from the hand, anyway.
FlanDab Wrote:>Reveal lower torso.

The food was on a tray on the blanket, so you take that off first and put it near the buttons. Uncovering your lower half of your body, it seems fine. You can still move your legs and tail. Now that you know you're fully functioning, maybe its time to move around a see what's going on.

CSJ Wrote:>resist urge to test blue button twice

...Maybe you should press this button. However, you still feel hungry, and decide to press it. It's stuck though, probably meaning they put a cooldown on when you can request food. That sound's counter-intuitive, but alright then.

FlanDab Wrote:>Investigate room.

Deciding to get up from the bed, you land on the floor since its a bit of a height for you, considering your short height. Looking around, you see the two doors. The clock you previously looked at now reads 12 AM. Walking around the room a bit, you then hear a conversation below you. It's somewhat faint, but you can still make out the words.

"You know I told you Lance, you can't just go out into the zone without a gas mask!" One person says. Your ears start to tune into the conversation. It becomes clearer with each second passing.

"I know," The other person says, which you assume is Lance, burps right after that. "but the gas wasn't too bad. At least I didn't get infected, eh?"

"Still doesn't mean you can be infected. Go back to your post Lance. Shouldn't you be on the base floor?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go there in a second. Just give me some of my whiskey.

From all of that, he seems like a guard. Otherwise, you should probably ask that cat before you go.

The rest of the observations is just medical monitoring stuff, and a tray of some surgery instruments. Wait, hold on a second, is that your hand that was cut off there? It seems to be in a jar, so thats good to know that they have it contained.

There's plenty of options right now. Maybe meet that Lance guy, or go check out your hand.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - wiltingMyosotis - 05-16-2018

> Why not both? Let's check out our hand and rhen go say hello to the Lance guy!

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - FlanDab - 05-16-2018

>Feed thy curiosity. Inspect thy hand.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - box - 06-05-2018

FlanDab Wrote:>Feed thy curiosity. Inspect thy hand.
wiltingMyosotis Wrote:> Why not both? Let's check out our hand and then go say hello to the Lance guy!

You're too curious about your hand in a jar. Climbing up to the jar, its in a fluorescent blue fluid. Inside, you can see the silhouette of the virus-tainted hand you once had attached to you. Knocking on the glass jar, it's sturdy enough to not break from a mere lazy punch.

Hmmmmmm... Maybe you should take it. Maybe not. Considering it's infected, you probably shouldn't. Too risky. Especially if you can already see the consequences right here.

Leaving the room and the jar behind, you should look for a elevator. However, you know he's coming up to the floor you're on. Maybe you should also get to know this place a bit better.

RE: Operation Chilling Sky - The Purple Meanie - 07-29-2018

>Maybe take the elevator down. There's probably a lobby or a ground floor where everyone hangs out. Lance and the other guy are below you, and there must be other people around.