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Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 0/12 [The End] - Printable Version

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Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 0/12 [The End] - Palamedes - 12-24-2017


Hosted, as (almost) always, by your friendly neighbourhood Pala!

It's that time of year again, where good forumites gather round their subforums and get a bunch of free games, complementary of various generous donors while attempting to finally clear my backlog of extras. I'm sure by now many of you have heard this song and dance before, but I'll rehash everything again for those who haven't.

Over the past few years, giveaways have been run (kudos to Coldblooded, SupahKiven, Chirality, and SupahKiven again for their leadership/assistance).
Each basically entails me throwing out free games (both my own and ones donated by others on the forums) to anyone interested, letting people get games they've always wanted, be they big new releases, indie hits, or even just older ones they've never had but seemed interesting.

The penny sale system from the previous giveaways remains in place, and here are the specifics, as cobbled together by Coldblooded, Chirality, and myself:

Quote:It works like this: Every single game up for grabs will be revealed right at the very beginning of the game. (Or a bit before, more likely.) Every player is then given 100 points to divide among whichever games that they like best. After everybody has distributed their points, we will then determine the winners of the four most popular games currently on the table. The more points that somebody has placed into a game, the better their odds of walking away with it.

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Once a deadline is reached the top games of the round will be raffled off. In order to promote activity, players will gain 25 points at the end of each round. Players who have bid and didn't win their game will also receive a consolation prize of 50% of their lost points back (rounded to the nearest multiple of five)! This means that you don't have to worry as much about going big and losing it all on a popular game, since you can be right back in the fight after.

Finally, while you are free to change your points up to the deadline, please only ever do so in a new post - this makes figuring out who voted for what much easier since we don't have to go through the entire thread post by post every time we're calculating who wins what.

I'm going to look over the previous givaways and determine if any other rules would make things better, but those will be announced in thread if they occur.
In addition, if anyone has any suggestions based on previous giveaways to make things better feel more than free to message me!

Unlike last year, Steam has unfortunately changed their policies to demolish the inventory system, meaning that gifting through Steam is going to be next to impossible for any games not purchased before the change. If you're looking to buy games to donate, I recommend looking into GOG
and Humble Bundle, with the former having a sale until the 26th.

Here's the link set up for that. If you're thinking of donating a game to the sale, please make sure to check here. Having an extra copy of a big game isn't a big deal, but having forty copies of Bad Rats wouldn't end well for anyone. Just post what you're donating (or planning on donating) openly or anonymously and we'll keep a more organized version of the list here. Make sure to only post the names of donated games in the quicktopic, send the actual code or link via PM.

Finally, to take part in the giveaway you must have:
1) Been part of the forum before this thread was created.
2) Have signed up in the thread prior to the sale ending and giveaway beginning.

To sign up and get your game, you're going to need is a Steam account and an interest in free games. If you don't already have an account, they're free and very easy to set up.

This game is also being run simultaneously on the Chocolate Pi Forums as well, in case you want to keep tabs on all of your competitors or something.

Signups end January 4th. If we get a lot of late signups/interest this deadline can be pushed back a couple of days but that's going to be it for now.

P.S. A special thank you to Coldblooded, Kocel, and all of our donors for the inspiration, help, and donations that make this whole thing possible.

Livelist: 0/12
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Games List:
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2018 (Signups) - Gatr - 12-24-2017



RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2018 (Signups) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 12-24-2017

i like gamz yes pls

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 (Signups - 5/???) - Palamedes - 12-25-2017

New and exciting update: It turns out Valve has basically removed the inventory system from Steam, and also more or less region locked titles purchased. This means I don't want to mess around with the program in terms of gifting even by starting the giveaway now and letting donors buy games and send them during the sale.

However, fear not, there are already other solutions! First and foremost, I still have well over a hundred titles I have saved up over various sales and bundles before now, and if you're looking to donate you can do so from third parties like GOG
and Humble Bundle (the former of which is having a holiday sale until the end of the 26th). It may not be quite as extensive but it will allow us to keep up the spirit of giving. Changes will be made to the main post in the next 24 hours to reflect all of this.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 (Signups - 7/???) - Paranoia - 12-30-2017

Hello, I'd like to join.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 (Signups - 8/???) - Granolaman - 01-04-2018

There's a couple games on that list I've had my eye on, I'll sign up for one last hurrah

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 (Signups - 8/???) - Coldblooded - 01-04-2018

Oh right, I forgot to actually sign up for this.

In please.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 (Signups - 10/???) - Palamedes - 01-05-2018

Alright, the signup period is over, just going to confirm a few things and then start this in the next day or two.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - Palamedes - 01-10-2018

So sorry about the long delay everyone, I've been really busy over the last couple days and needed to get a project out of the way so that it wouldn't cause delays later. I also had some difficulty culling down the number of games on offer, so I just decided that everything would be on the table. Here is the games list:

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We have an insane total of 144 games available for 10 players. For now, each player is eligible to win five games and after we'll see if we've got enough steam to up that number and keep going. In addition, since our game number is higher than ever before and player number lower than usual, I'd be willing to consider taking in late applicants at the end of each round for people who might have been too busy with the holiday season to catch what was going on.

Everybody will begin the game with 200 points. At the end of each round, if you do not win your bid, you will gain 50% of your points back. If your bids were not on the most popular games, you will not lose points. Every player will gain 50 points at the end of each round.

In order to keep things moving, we will go through with the bids on the eight most popular games, meaning it should only take around 7 rounds for this round of the giveaway to (potentially) be over.

Rules may change in later rounds to keep things interesting.

The first round will end in approximately 48 hours.

Good luck!

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - Gatr - 01-10-2018

Huh. Disappointed that more people didn't sign up for this. I mean, free games? Who doesn't want that?

That being said, I'll start with 100 on One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, and sit on the rest for now.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - Granolaman - 01-11-2018

25 on Armello
25 on Clustertruck
25 on Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

and because I refuse to let this giveaway go without high stakes competition...
50 on One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
50 on ESO
10 on Furi
10 on Passpartout

I will fight you all to the death so help me

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - Palamedes - 01-11-2018

Bidding Tally - High Stakes Edition

Thanks be to Granoloaman for fighting to the death for all of our pleasure:

Galactic Civilizations III: 200 (SupahKiven - 100, Vancho1 - 100)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited: 150 (Supernerd - 100, Granolaman - 50)
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3: 150 (Gatr - 100, Granolaman - 50)
Furi: 110 (SupahKiven - 100, Granolaman - 10)
Passpartout: The Starving Artist: 110 (Vancho1 - 100, Granolaman - 10)
Armello: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Clustertruck: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy: 25 (Granolaman - 25)

And the rest:
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Round ends in ~23 hours.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-12-2018

100 on Darkest Dungeon

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 1: It Begins] - Palamedes - 01-12-2018

Bidding Tally - Round One Ending Edition

Here's where things stand as we go into the end of round:

Galactic Civilizations III: 200 (SupahKiven - 100, Vancho1 - 100)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited: 150 (Supernerd - 100, Granolaman - 50)
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3: 150 (Gatr - 100, Granolaman - 50)
Furi: 110 (SupahKiven - 100, Granolaman - 10)
Passpartout: The Starving Artist: 110 (Vancho1 - 100, Granolaman - 10)
Darkest Dungeon: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)
Night in the Woods: 90 (Coldblooded - 90)
Inside: 80 (Coldblooded - 80)

Superhot: 30 (Coldblooded - 30)
Armello: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Clustertruck: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy: 25 (Granolaman - 25)

And the rest:
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Round has ended. Winners will be announced either tonight or tomorrow morning, giving you all ample time to give me a shout in case I've messed something up.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Palamedes - 01-13-2018

First up of the first round is the third - Galactic Civilization that is. It's also our only fully even bid of the round!

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Next up is the Elder Scrolls Online. It's a little less even but still a competition nontheless!

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Third is another third installment, One Piece Pirate Warriors, and an even fight similar to our second game.

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For the fourth game we really get into Granolaman's meddling in Furi. Will he pull off an upset?

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Passpartout: Starving Artist is next and the last of our competitive games for the round, albeit a one sided one.

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Finally we have Coldblooded and ICan'tGiveCredit's moves to secure games competition free, foiling Granolaman at the last moment. No surprises here for Darkest Dungeon, Night in the Woods, and Inside.

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Games remaining:

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Point totals:
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Round will end in ~48 hours.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Gatr - 01-14-2018

I don't know what to put anything on so I'll just put 100 on Poi, why not.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-14-2018

100 on Streets of Rogue

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Gatr - 01-15-2018

I'm gonna go right ahead and put the other 50 on Silence.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Palamedes - 01-15-2018

I believe that games in the Steam Inventory stay there when transferred, regardless Undertale is a humble bundle game so you should just be able to get the steam key and hold onto it. Anyways, time for a

Bidding Tally - Clarification Edition

Coming up on the last day of the second round our standings are:

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy: 125 (chimericWilder - 100, Granolaman - 25)
Poi: 100 (Gatr - 100)
Streets of Rogue: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure: 100 (Vancho1 - 100)
Undertale: 100 (chimericWilder - 100)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You: 60 (Coldblooded - 60)
Superhot: 53 (SupahKiven - 50, Granolaman - 3)
Silence: 50 (Gatr - 50)

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Mighty No. 9: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Rivals of Aether: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Sonic Generations Collection: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Armello: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Clustertruck: 25 (Granolaman - 25)
Event[0]: 20 (Granolaman - 20)

And the rest:
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Round ends in ~12 hours.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Sunspider - 01-15-2018

Aww dang, didn't catch this thread's existence until just now. Definitely missed signups. ><;

Happy holidays and gaming, all! This is a really great thing y'all made happen. (And whoever wins Banner Saga 2, let me trade you for it pls I can make cookies)

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Gatr - 01-15-2018

(01-15-2018, 08:07 PM)Sunspider Wrote: »Aww dang, didn't catch this thread's existence until just now. Definitely missed signups. ><;

Happy holidays and gaming, all! This is a really great thing y'all made happen. (And whoever wins Banner Saga 2, let me trade you for it pls I can make cookies)

(01-10-2018, 07:27 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »In addition, since our game number is higher than ever before and player number lower than usual, I'd be willing to consider taking in late applicants at the end of each round for people who might have been too busy with the holiday season to catch what was going on.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Sunspider - 01-15-2018

Oh, thanks kindly. I was lazy and only read the OP, so I missed that post. I'd love to hop in after round 2!

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - sprïly - 01-16-2018

I would also like to hop in if there's room between rounds.

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Granolaman - 01-16-2018

Remove all points
51 to Clustertruck
51 to Armello
63 to Getting Over It

Also yay! More players!

RE: Winter Game Giveaway 2018 - 10/10 [Round 2: Two for two] - Palamedes - 01-16-2018

Bidding Tally - Crafty Granola Edition

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy: 163 (chimericWilder - 100, Granolaman - 63)
Poi: 100 (Gatr - 100)
Streets of Rogue: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure: 100 (Vancho1 - 100)
Undertale: 100 (chimericWilder - 100)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You: 60 (Coldblooded - 60)
Armello: 51 (Granolaman - 51)
Clustertruck: 51 (Granolaman - 51)

Superhot: 50 (SupahKiven - 50)
Silence: 50 (Gatr - 50)
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Mighty No. 9: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Rivals of Aether: 30 (Supernerd - 30)
Sonic Generations Collection: 30 (Supernerd - 30)

Winners will be announced tonight so let me know if I've messed something up.

And the rest:
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Round two has ended. Winners will be announced tonight (assuming no large mistakes on my part) and two new challengers will enter the fray.