Eagle Time
The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - Printable Version

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The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - Kíeros - 12-17-2017

*shows up 15 minutes late with Cherry Limeades from Sonic because I don't like Starbucks*

Y'know, you other threads claiming to be the one I'm submitting forgot one key thing.



Also insert the goo kitty, math, coding, weather, whatever else here. I know I could just copy that here, but that would be boring and not funny at all. And as we know, the key to Hawkspace is being hilarious.

RE: The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - Reyweld - 12-17-2017

This is my thread subission

RE: The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - kilozombie - 12-18-2017

This is y thread subission.

Are we still in a drea? How can we ever know what sort of universe we ight be tubling into?

RE: The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - SeaWyrm - 12-18-2017

Th is tyh dae subissississ y

RE: The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - Kíeros - 12-18-2017

Wwy wwwyyw Y'w wywwywwyww (wywywwyww?) wyw Wwywwyyw Wwyywyyw

RE: The thread I'm submitting (subitting?) for Shutdown Showdown - Kíeros - 12-20-2017

*sips chocolate milk*
It's sure fun seeing the other two threads arguing.