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Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - Printable Version

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Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 11-28-2017

I've done a couple of Ludum Dares before, but mostly by myself. Does anyone want to join forces and make a strange game with me in the upcoming LD, this weekend?

EDIT: Game is available here.

I have made these games in the past:

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-02-2017

Okay, I'm going by myself, but I've got a kicking idea for the game jam. Further bulletins as events warrant.

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-03-2017

Theme is "The more you have, the worse it is", so I'm working on a dungeon crawl where the dungeon becomes tougher as you pick up treasure.

[Image: Ow0yng5.png]

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-03-2017

UI is in place, mostly. You can roam the dungeon and generate text popups.

[Image: N4mMGpc.png]

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - Reyweld - 12-04-2017

Looking good!

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-04-2017

Combat exists now!

When you run out of health, you don't die; instead, you take damage to one of your stats, making combat more difficult. The game is over if any of these stats reach 0.

[Image: Ok9iULt.png]

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-05-2017

Game is released! Go here to play it. Bring graph paper if you're hardcore, or you can draw on the map templates I added.

[Image: KqO5gO0.png]

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - Schazer - 12-11-2017

Whoops I played this until 1:30 and still haven't beaten it. It's Good.

Are there more than 61 coins collectable in the dungeon?

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-12-2017

There are, I believe, 71 coins to collect: 52 around the dungeon, and 19 from beating each monster the first time.

Thanks for playing my game! I've been working on the game a lot, especially over the weekend, and some pretty big changes are going live tonight.

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 12-13-2017

I changed the game to be proper 3D so it would be easier to explore and navigate without a map.


[Image: LJZDxXX.gif]


[Image: YulbDWj.gif]

You can also name your character, save / load games and visit a couple of healing fountains in the dungeon.

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - Sunspider - 01-13-2018

It's rare I see a First-Person Dungeon Crawler come out of Ludum Dare. Pretty nifty!

I very much appreciate the use of full 3D; the smooth movement transitions definitely help with navigating, and making sense of the space!

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - a52 - 01-13-2018

Oh right, I forgot about it but I made complete maps of every level, I should upload those some time.

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - Justice Watch - 01-15-2018

Oooooh, this is pretty impressive

RE: Ludum Dare 40 - In Temperance Ruin - June Stargal - 01-15-2018

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

I plan on making a fully-fledged, fully-3D dungeon crawling rpg some day.