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A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Printable Version

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A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Lordlyhour - 07-11-2017

You find yourself in a room. What Do?

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2017

Why do you need to do anything? This is your room. Just bask in your ownership of it. Not everyone has their own room in this society, after all.

Then suddenly become fearful that the roomless will become jealous of your room and try to take it from you. Begin erecting defenses against these insidious foes.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Tuesbirdy - 07-11-2017


RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - typeandkey - 07-11-2017

>Tear down strips of the wallpaper and eat them.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Lordlyhour - 07-11-2017

(07-11-2017, 01:33 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Why do you need to do anything? This is your room. Just bask in your ownership of it. Not everyone has their own room in this society, after all.

You yawn and stretch a little, content in the sensation of not having to sleep outside for once. Normally you don't mind all that much, but by the looks of it, there is one heck of a storm brewing. Sleeping outside in the rain sucks!
(07-11-2017, 01:33 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Then suddenly become fearful that the roomless will become jealous of your room and try to take it from you. Begin erecting defenses against these insidious foes.

You're way ahead of you there, buddy. First thing you did was arrange a bunch of trash you'd found as some rudimentary traps and alarms. Broken glass make for some passably good Caltrops and you've stacked some Piles of useless metal in some places where an Intruder is likely to trip over them and raise a racket. It's a good thing there's so much of both of those things lying around. Well, Actually it kinda sucks that the City you were born in is lying in ruins. But it does offer some Pretty nice scavenging Opportunities, so you know. There are tradeoffs.
(07-11-2017, 01:30 AM)bigro Wrote: »open the door, get on the floor
You get off of the Really very Comfortable Plush Chair you'd been sitting in and kick the door open gently. The light from the room you're in catches on all the glass you've strewn across the floor in a really very pretty manner. Huh. Howabout that.
(07-11-2017, 01:36 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »Selfie!
A Sense of Whimsy Overtakes you and you pull out your Pocket Array. You prod a couple of the runes and toss it Gently into the air before you, waiting as it comes to a stop, hovering about four feet off the ground and unfolding into something that looks like some sort of brass flower with a mirror in the middle then flash a peace sign. The Mirror flashes red a couple of times, then the array folds back into brick like shape of its neutral configuration. You prod another rune and it projects the selfie into the air just in front of your face. You grin, then with a few more deft jabs, you send a messenger imp screaming through the Aether into the Social Mediocrity hub. Nice. Normally, you'd think broadcasting your means of defenses to god knew who was really dumb, but the Greater Imp who you've bound to your array is a complete schlub when it comes to art. Just the Worst. About the only reason you even bother is because you have a few friends scattered about who think his attempts are hilarious. They always pester you to have him paint more things for them. You oblige because you think his mutterings about unnaprecitative summoners are hilarious. You drop the Array back into your pocket and sit for a little while longer. Your Stomach begins to Rumble
(07-11-2017, 02:38 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Tear down strips of the wallpaper and eat them.
Haha, no thanks, You're not quite that desperate. You've got some Food Bars in your satchel, you're not quite that hungry yet. You pull one out and take it out of its packaging then pop it into your mouth.
In all Honesty, the Wallpaper would probably taste better, but who knows what the mould growing on it would do to you. It is Never Fun to suffer Gastro-intestinal Distress. Especially when you aren't in particularly hospitable environs.

You are in a Room With Makeshift Defenses. You have Eaten and are as Safe as you are going to get, given the locale. Outside of your small haven, it is preparing to rain with some gusto.
>Why are you Here
>What Do

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2017

You are here because the Gods have willed it, of course.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - BreadProduct - 07-11-2017

(07-11-2017, 03:58 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You are here because the Gods have willed it, of course.

Two of them actually. Light and Dark.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Tuesbirdy - 07-11-2017

(07-11-2017, 10:31 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 03:58 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You are here because the Gods have willed it, of course.

Two of them actually. Light and Dark.

It's rare those two actually agree on what to do with a pawn

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - typeandkey - 07-11-2017

(07-11-2017, 05:06 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 10:31 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 03:58 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You are here because the Gods have willed it, of course.

Two of them actually. Light and Dark.

It's rare those two actually agree on what to do with a pawn
The two headed god is quite demanding and a big micromanager. Not a good combination for a deity.You're hear awaiting further instructions. Probably for something weird, like building a shrine to tacky pants.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - Lordlyhour - 07-17-2017

(07-11-2017, 06:28 PM)typeandkey Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 05:06 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 10:31 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »
(07-11-2017, 03:58 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You are here because the Gods have willed it, of course.

Two of them actually. Light and Dark.

It's rare those two actually agree on what to do with a pawn
The two headed god is quite demanding and a big micromanager. Not a good combination for a deity.You're hear awaiting further instructions. Probably for something weird, like building a shrine to tacky pants.

You sigh, Humming a little tune. You've been waiting for the Conjoined Deities to get in contact with you for literal hours now. You've owed them a favour for the last seven years and they finally decided to call it in last week. Chances are they're still bickering about what, exactly, they're going to have you do.
It's definitely going to be something here in the city, since that's where they told you to go to await further instruction, but, chances are, they're still hashing out the Minute details of what you're actually going to do now that you're here. Chances are, you're going to be here for several hours more. Possibly even days. Joy. you sit back onto the very nice chair that you found and sigh again.

You ponder your options. You could always futz around on some of the Demonhubs to kill some time, or Build up your defences.
You could even reflect on things from the past, if you were really that interested in the chain of events that lead up to this moment. Or, you could do something else entirely. Just so long as you're not just staring at the walls.
You really will start nibbling on the wallpaper if you're forced to wait for the Chiaroscuro Godlings to get their shit together. Possibly out of nessesity, if they take too long. They have been known to squabble about the pettiest shit for decades and you only have enough supplies for a couple of weeks at most. Still, they must e somewhat close to a decision, since they Told you get yourself here within the next few days.

You sigh, for a third time and get back out of your chair again. You're really not very good at sitting still. or waiting, for that matter. You've gotta be up and doing something. Having said, It's entirely your call here

>What Do?

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - typeandkey - 07-17-2017

>Cut a rug and do the jitterbug. I'm saying you should dance. Surely no one, especially not those gods, will walk in at an inopportune moment thereby embarrassing you greatly. Don't be silly, be dancey.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - BreadProduct - 07-17-2017

Get your imp to scout the area since you're stuck here.

RE: A Right Well Plotted And Entirely Original Adventure (Probably a Lie) - FlanDab - 07-22-2017

Dance your cares away. It's not like the fused gods would just poke their heads there, embarrassing you. Beings of such great power are probably jaded to such as acts being seen due to their overarching awareness of reality.