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Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - Printable Version

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Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-10-2017

Zephyr Nepres brought it to my attention that this zone exists, and they've asked me a few questions, some I can and can't answer, depending on the spoiler level, so now there is one of these things so Zeph doesn't have to worry about 'clogging up' the main Cloudsea story thread with questions. ' <' YOUR MOVE, ZEPH.

Discord Shenanigans - Zephyr Nepres - 07-10-2017

Prepare for infodump. Spoilers in spoiler if you haven't seen the most recent Cloudsea update (go do it, it's super rad.)


So to add onto the pile of blood related questions, does Qhen control the blood in a telekinesis like fashion? Or is it something else entirely?

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - A-cha - 07-10-2017

Viss is the best shipper.

Viss> Now kisssss

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-10-2017

Q: Does Qhen control Blood in a telekinesis like fashion? or is it something else entirely?

A: Questions like these go in a very interesting stack for me, because these are things that the characters themselves don't know. Qhen has NO idea how their power works. They have had it for less than ten minutes. They've managed to mantle, emerge from their voidspace, and utterly WRECK the Choirbeast off screen. Whatever it was, it took 30 energy or less, and if less, does qhen use energy j ust by being FreeFormed? That is something you'll have to find out by trying things. I'm not going to say you can't kill these guys, because you totally can. But if I think you're going to do something COMPLETELY inadvisable? I will try to find a way to suggest that maybe you rethink that, or, more likely, the character themselves will have a realization, (or in qhen's case, free might just yell at them.) and they'll do something different. Considering in lore you're all a bunch of floating voices that plague Alice (and now Qhen), they're free to interpret everything you say however they like. ` -`

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-10-2017

Q: Viss is the best Shipper.

A: Not a question, and also no. I could easily imagine a character whose entire deal is trying to bring people together romantically. New note for the party member possibilities list...

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - typeandkey - 07-10-2017

In addition to the fantasy setting, with bio-mechanics, what level/era of technology is the cloud sea's overall aesthetic currently in? Does their society resemble the Victorian era, with revolvers and top hats? Or perhaps the golden age of sail with flintlock weapons, tricorn hats, and flying ships that resemble the Clipper and the proud Man-of-War? Maybe even the turn of the century with massive industrial power ships like the RMS Titanic? Perhaps a mix, or is it something entirely new?

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-10-2017


Q: In addition to the fantasy setting, with bio-mechanics, what level/era of technology is the cloud sea's overall aesthetic currently in?

A.1: Good question. The answer is probably as simple as going "wherever my hyperactive imagination ends up" but there are some preset ideas I have.

A.2: On the subject of society? It's probably more Victorian. We'll probably be getting more into that much sooner in terms of the story than maybe I thought we would, but the Imperial Sphere likes to think it's very forward thinking, but they live in a pretty restrictive society, once you leave the safety of your home island. The CloudSea is brutal, and only the strongest survive, and an empire is not built on compassion.

A.3: On the subject of weaponry, specifically firearms: Revolvers, Pepper box pistols, Simple shotgun/blunderbusses, Long powder rifles and the like are PROBABLY the high-end technology wise that most people would see, but considering the wealth of technology to be had from exploring, cartridge based firearms exist, mostly if not almost all in the hands of Imperial military. For an absolute value: Low-end industrial era cartridge fed weapons are probably the be-all end all 99% of the time. The other 1% could be just about anything. I hope that wasn't too confusing. Crap, I'm bad at this. ' <';

A.4: On the subject of FASHION: Top hats? Sure! Tricorn Hats? Yeah! Get unnecessarily fancy with your bad self. Slacks, pants, dresses, camisoles, cloaks, jackets, long coats, tailcoats, formal wear, casual wear, work wear, armor and accessories. Cram it all together!

A.5: On the subject of Ships: Most boats are wood. Between alchemy and other magical processes, it's much easier to mass produce wood. There are metal ships, and just about anybody (read: rich people, military, or pirates) could have one for the right price. Most airships are supported on a gas-bag system, but destroying it doesn't meant that they fall out of the sky. Thanks to the churning winds of the CloudSea, a ship can deploy wings, or sometimes even just float on the waves, and hope to get rescue. There are a few islands down at that level, just for such a purpose. Although they are not officially Imperial Land, and are thus open to a much more... fanciful interpretation of law and order. Also yes, depending on their abilities, there could very easily be someone riding around the CloudSea, on their own, on a bike.

This was probably more confusing. Sorry. Lemme know if this helped? '> ';;;;

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - typeandkey - 07-11-2017

(07-10-2017, 10:50 PM)NotABear Wrote: »This was probably more confusing. Sorry. Lemme know if this helped? '> ';;;;
It did help. Thanks.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-11-2017

(07-11-2017, 09:29 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »
(07-10-2017, 10:50 PM)NotABear Wrote: »This was probably more confusing. Sorry. Lemme know if this helped? '> ';;;;
It did help. Thanks.

' <'b

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-15-2017

fite me zeph

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - Zephyr Nepres - 07-15-2017

It takes two to tangle, you nerd.


Bear was the one who came up with sex dungeon.

EDIT: Oh also


RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - A-cha - 07-15-2017

Amazing. + _+

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-15-2017


RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - Zephyr Nepres - 07-15-2017

EDIT: That was a joke in poor taste, I'm a trash raccoon.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-15-2017

NO, it's JUST TRASH PANDA, a Racoon is a trash panda! calling yourself a trash racoon doesn't make sense! ZEPH YOU ARE JUST THE BEST. ` -`

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - typeandkey - 07-18-2017

I'm gone for a day and this is what I come back to? Why hasn't the madness progressed farther than this? It's like you're not even trying. If order and conduct haven't been completely abandoned in wholesale the next time I check in, I shall be sorely dissapointed.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - A-cha - 07-18-2017

*lights the couch on fire and serves it over rice?*

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-18-2017

I had been hoping there would be one more post, but I figured I'd give it a day. There will be more COMPLETELY OFF THE HOOK SHONEN ANIME HIJINKS, don't worry.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - typeandkey - 07-21-2017

Here's a question: does the Cloudsea have the ability to record sound? Like, say, an amberola and cylinder set up, or a phonograph and vinyl record?

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-21-2017


Counter Question: Why is some part of your suggestions always so weird and interesting? Here, I'm talking about the Vinyl Record, but previously- Duke from Fear and Loathing? You absolute madman. Also I had to take some time and effort not to give him green and red sunglasses, if you'd catch that accompanying reference.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-21-2017

Also, it was really neat of you to ask that. There are some very unusually omissions in CloudSea- The Imperial Sphere's technology.

They do not- For instance: Have long range communication.

Signal lights, flares, and speakers for blaring alarms or messages to the nearby area. . .

But no two islands can usually communicate, outside of sending someone over with a message. Or I guess, firing one at them.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - typeandkey - 07-23-2017

(07-21-2017, 10:37 PM)NotABear Wrote: »Weird and interesting? Why? Counters?

Let me answer your question with a question. Imagine it's your birthday, and you're opening your presents. You get the usual fare: more sweaters and socks than any one person will ever need, an action figure, some movies, maybe that video game you've been wanting. Then you get to the last present. Instead of wrapping paper like all the others, it's wrapped exclusively in out-of-print newspaper comics from the 1940's. You gingerly tear through the paper to see a repurposed George Foreman grill box. The present couldn't possibly be a grill, the box is too light. You pop the top of the box open, perhaps needing help or a tool since the box was sealed with industrial-strength water-resistant sealant putty instead of actual tape. After you manage to get the box open and dig through the mismatched packing peanuts, you finally find your gift. It's a pineapple holding an airhorn duct-taped to an electronic, singing fish. What do you do with these things? What will you do?

As for your counter question, I really don't know that much about them. You might be able to find some more reliable answers Here.

Also, heck yeah I caught the reference! That's my favorite Shakespeare play.

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 07-23-2017

I cannot tell if we are even having the same conversation anymore. ' -'

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - gloomyMoron - 08-25-2017

I won't rant, I guess... but I did think of some questions, so...

Any song or musical inspirations for characters? Like, thoughts on songs or types of songs that would describe a character? (I could probably put together some thoughts together for songs that make me think of the characters honestly. >.>)

RE: Cloudsea Q&A - Ask things you were afraid to ask yesterday, today, for tomorrow! - NotABear - 08-25-2017

Hahahaha- oh man. I guess Tuesday was right, I should have made a youtube playlist of the music I use. I'll make a note to put it together. Or at least note down the music.

Anime Themes/Osts, A good deal of Vocaloid content... it's all over the place really. Heck, for one post, I used Weezer's California Kids and the Birthday Massacre version of I think we're alone now...

' -' So... yes! There are particular songs I use for particular characters, there are setting and mood themes I use. . .