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Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Printable Version

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Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Sunspider - 07-03-2017

[Image: 0Zoom1.png]

[Image: 0Zoom2.png]

[Image: 0Zoom3.gif]

Well, Captain? What a fine kettle of fish you've gotten yourself into this time.

You've got no ship. No crew. No riches. No high adventure. Not even an actual, non-metaphorical kettle of fish... which would at least take the edge off. Instead there's just you, alone with your thoughts, drifting through the endless glimmering void of Deep Space. Quite the predicament indeed!

With nothing but far away constellations for company, you can't help but wonder; what happened to get you here? Where did it all start to go wrong? When was it that the tale of Captain Lucky Stars began to take such an ironically unfortunate turn?

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Arcanuse - 07-03-2017

>Maybe not paying the crew for the third month in a row had something to do with it...

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - BreadProduct - 07-03-2017

It all started on your first day working as a janitor at the space academy.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - sprïly - 07-03-2017

Probably that encounter with your nemesis blowing up your ship.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Dragon Fogel - 07-03-2017

It all started when you assumed a fake identity to get out of your debt payments.

You just HAD to put "Captain" in there and one thing led to another.

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - Schazer - 07-03-2017

Failing to knowledge you've got a kipper addiction

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - Zephyr Nepres - 07-03-2017

Who knew that attempting to slice the ship in half with your cool sword was a bad move? Certainly not you.

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - Myeth - 07-03-2017

Sometimes, luck just runs out.

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - Lordlyhour - 07-04-2017

Excessive amounts of fire

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - NotABear - 07-04-2017

That is the first, Only, and FINAL time you order Quantum Qullback Fish Sandwich from the Great Mysteries of Life sandwich cart on your way back to your ship. You can't even SEE your planet from here. . . . Did you leave the oven on?

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - The One Guy - 07-05-2017

Welp, that's the last time you're taking Sam ice skating.

RE: Thank You Lucky Stars! - Wessolf27 - 07-05-2017

Mutiny, that's what happened. That's what always happens, and you're getting reeaaaaallly tired of unsavory peeps just ruining everything

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Sunspider - 07-06-2017

(07-03-2017, 07:10 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Failing to knowledge you've got a kipper addiction
(07-03-2017, 07:02 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Maybe not paying the crew for the third month in a row had something to do with it...
(07-05-2017, 11:42 PM)Wessolf27 Wrote: »Mutiny, that's what happened. That's what always happens, and you're getting reeaaaaallly tired of unsavory peeps just ruining everything

[Image: 1Remember.png]

Sure, tins of Terran Kippers, smoked Cloud Eels, and Quantum Quillback fillet sandwiches can be pretty expensive. And maybe garnishing your crew's wages so you could keep the pantry well-stocked with exotic space fish wasn't the wisest choice you've ever made? But how were you supposed to know they wouldn't appreciate them like you do? And was it really worth all that talk about "reckless leadership that takes advantage of the crew's good nature" and "the Captain's 'fish problem' has gotten out of hand" and "we should probably just mutiny at this rate", and all that?

[Image: 1Paff.png]

In any case, no sense dwelling on it. You had a good run, Captain Lucky... but through no fault of your own, it seems like your illustrious career as Space Captain is finally over.

(07-03-2017, 07:16 PM)Myeth Wrote: »Sometimes, luck just runs out.

Ain't that the truth!

Every Terran knows that Black Cats are among the most unlucky critters in the known universe. They say folks like you are cursed; that a cloud of misfortune follows you everywhere you go. You've had plenty of first-paw experience of all that. One day though, that just kinda stopped being a problem for you? You don't know why, and you've honestly never thought much about it... but since then, everything has pretty much worked out in your favor. Up until this whole "getting mutinied and Spaced by your own crew" thing, anyway.

[Image: 1Unlucky.png]

Who knows why your luck suddenly turned from bad to good back in the day, or why it's run out now... but it sure was nice while it lasted.

(07-03-2017, 07:04 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »It all started on your first day working as a janitor at the space academy.
(07-03-2017, 07:07 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »It all started when you assumed a fake identity to get out of your debt payments.

You just HAD to put "Captain" in there and one thing led to another.

Thinking back on it, the first time you noticed your change of fate was shortly before you were Space Captaining professionally. Back then, you were desperate for work; no one on Earth wanted to hire a walking bundle of bad juju, so you'd started looking for work off-world. You'd sent an application for a job as a Space Janitor, at the prestigious (and more importantly very far away) Lyncis Space Academy. Far enough away that your reputation didn't precede you.

Of course, they still never hired you. Instead, thanks to some impossible glitch in the database, your application got swapped with some newly-enrolled Space Captain at the Academy, with a full-ride scholarship. Whoever they were, that must've sucked for them... but for you, it was a huge stroke of luck! Sure, maybe it was a little bit academically dishonest to not correct the Space Academy on their mix-up... but getting enrolled there marked the start of a whole new chapter in your life. Who'd pass up a once-in-nine-lifetimes opportunity like that?

That was definitely your first Lucky Break... but what was the next one, you wonder?

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Schazer - 07-06-2017

You were in the wrong place, at the wrong time, for the right reasons

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Tuesbirdy - 07-06-2017

^ Seconded

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Lordlyhour - 07-06-2017

YOu Completely failed to be assassinated

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Dragon Fogel - 07-06-2017

You had a very nice lunch!

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - BreadProduct - 07-06-2017

You saved the life of someone in high standing entirely by accident.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Myeth - 07-06-2017

You tried to hit the ground, but you missed.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - eerr - 07-07-2017

>You broke the lottery with several winning tickets.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - Wessolf27 - 07-07-2017

>You got to meet someone famous!

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - typeandkey - 07-08-2017

>You accidentally saved the president's daughter and the entire universe. Then you got a movie deal.

RE: Thank You, Lucky Stars! - tronn - 07-09-2017

>Start to wonder if there's such a thing as luck to begin with or are you just assigning undue significance to inherently arbitrary sequence of events to shirk taking responsibility of series of your own bad decisions.
>Nah the scratch and sniff lottery ticket was definitely luck!