Eagle Time
POLY - Printable Version

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POLY - Aryogaton - 04-29-2017

[Image: hn2Hhzk.png]

  • Nothing at (0,0) does nothing, because... nothing is there.


RE: a new adventure - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-29-2017

(2800,-34666663): ADD DRAGON

RE: a new adventure - SC - 04-29-2017

> (0, -2.5) - add PLAYER CHARACTER (nonbinary, age 23, human)

RE: a new adventure - btp - 04-29-2017

(0, -2.5) - add NARCOLEPSY

RE: a new adventure - Aryogaton - 04-29-2017


[Image: 47jPSJ6.png]
  • A HUMAN [AUTONOMOUS] has been added to (0,-2.5) (0,-2) with personality NARCOLEPTIC. As an AUTONOMOUS ENTITY, the HUMAN acts of their own accord and does not accept commands.

[Image: eXiiSNy.png]
  • A DRAGON [AUTONOMOUS] has been added to (2800,-34666663). With no personality specified, it has been given a random one.

[Image: Ez4vJJU.png]
  • The DRAGON at (2800,-34666663) falls into the abyss. Perhaps you should ADD things to somewhere you can see?

[Image: xkElv63.png]
  • The HUMAN at (0,-2) falls asleep on the spot.


RE: POLY - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-29-2017

add trampoline to where the dragon is

RE: POLY - Schazer - 04-29-2017

Add obsidian spire at 0,0

RE: POLY - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

Add corner store at (7,11)

RE: POLY - Aryogaton - 04-29-2017


[Image: YJIJF0X.png]
  • A TRAMPOLINE [BASIC] has been added to (2800,-34666663). As a BASIC ENTITY, it can be interacted with but is otherwise completely inanimate.

[Image: 4V725YM.png]
  • The TRAMPOLINE at (2800,-34666663) falls into the abyss.

[Image: nIg8tiE.png]
  • An OBSIDIAN SPIRE [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (0,0). As a COMMANDABLE ENTITY, it does not act of its own accord but can be commanded to do something within its capabilities.

[Image: KAJsBKu.png]
  • A CORNER STORE [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (7,11).

[Image: AoQoPqP.png]
  • The HUMAN at (0,-2) gets into a more comfortable sleeping position, unaware of their surroundings.


RE: POLY - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-29-2017

OBELISK: enlighten

RE: POLY - Schazer - 04-29-2017

Create Anti-obelisk at 0,0,-1

RE: POLY - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

Add DOG with EXCITABLE personality at 0,5

RE: POLY - BreadProduct - 04-29-2017

Add Floating Platform to (2800,-34666663)
Add Human with Lonely Personality to (2800,-34666663)

RE: POLY - Aryogaton - 04-29-2017


[Image: 1321GSz.png]
  • The OBSIDIAN SPIRE at (0,0) radiates, granting all who gaze into its all-seeing eye arcane and forbidden knowledge.

[Image: LgcNze9.png]
  • An ANTI-OBELISK [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (0,0,-1) (0,0). Its appearance nullifies the OBELISK'S enlightenment.

[Image: gHFlxrH.png]
  • The HUMAN at (0,-2) stirs from this commotion.

[Image: fsdXXQI.png]
  • The HUMAN at (0,-2) regards the TWIN OBELISKS with surprise and moderate concern, unsure if it was there before.

[Image: 8VYHBhb.png]
  • A DOG [AUTONOMOUS] has been added to (0,5) with personality EXCITABLE.

[Image: cbXJbBf.png]
  • The DOG at (0,5) barks and scampers about, moving to (1,2).

[Image: tuHazO9.png]
  • The DOG at (1,2) approaches the HUMAN, moving to (0,-2). A new friendship is formed.

[Image: EdtQ8lu.png]
  • A FLOATING PLATFORM [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (2800,-34666663).

[Image: Xb2xIOO.png]
  • A HUMAN [AUTONOMOUS] has been added to (2800,-34666663) with personality LONELY.

[Image: uencZle.png]
  • The HUMAN at (2800,-34666663) sits down, expressing moderate distress regarding their surroundings, or lack thereof.


RE: POLY - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

Jeez you guys that's straight up cruel
Add FLOATING PLATFORM at (2801, -34666663)
Add WARP GATE at (2801, -34666663)
Add WARP GATE at (7, 12)

RE: POLY - Myeth - 04-29-2017

>Add A.I to man the corner shop at (7,11) with personality fabulous

RE: POLY - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-29-2017

add GRID GROUND (300 SQUARE AREA) at (2800,-34666663)
anti-obelisk: MISLEAD

RE: POLY - Swirly - 04-29-2017

Add PARABOLA with vertex (10,15) and intercepts (5,10) and (15,10)

RE: POLY - btp - 04-29-2017

Add MEMORY (undefined) - (0, -2)

Add CORRUPTION ORB at (8, 12)

RE: POLY - BreadProduct - 04-29-2017

Add Void Fishing Pole 2800,-34666663

RE: POLY - Aryogaton - 04-30-2017


[Image: M3ji5ZA.png]
  • A FLOATING PLATFORM [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (2801,-34666663).
  • A WARP GATE [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (2801,-34666663).

[Image: 8gS1Pec.png]
  • A WARP GATE [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (7,12).
  • An A.I. [AUTONOMOUS] has been added to (7,11) with personality FABULOUS.

[Image: ierAp3c.png]
  • A GRID [BASIC] has been added to (2800,-34666663).

[Image: QMrHugc.png]
  • The HUMAN at (2800,-34666663) throws the GRID off his head and into the abyss.

[Image: ynJjbPm.png]
  • The ANTI-OBELISK at (0,0) radiates, entrancing all who gaze into its all-seeing eye with dark temptations.

[Image: kXyx1yN.png]
  • A PARABOLA WITH VERTEX [BASIC] has been added to (10,15).
  • An INTERCEPT [BASIC] has been added to (5,10).
  • An INTERCEPT [BASIC] has been added to (15,10).

[Image: rFuhSmb.png]
  • A MEMORY [BASIC] has been added to (0,-2).

[Image: vOggFyA.png]
  • A CORRUPTION ORB [COMMANDABLE] has been added to (8,12).

[Image: RahTbu5.png]
  • The A.I. at (7,11) looks over the new additions to its CORNER STORE. The WARP GATE could be a source of customers or stock, and it bets that CORRUPTION ORB could fetch a pretty penny. There are even neat sculptures around that you can look at and sit on!

[Image: 6pIXhpH.png]
  • A VOID FISHING POLE [BASIC] has been added to (2800,-34666663).

[Image: Kp65oTz.png]
  • The HUMAN at (2800,-34666663) catches the VOID FISHING POLE.

[Image: 9qZG73R.png]
  • The HUMAN at (2800,-34666663) gingerly approaches the WARP GATE, hoping it will take him somewhere that doesn't have a featureless, endless abyss extending in every direction. Something about the other end of the WARP GATE disturbs him deeply, and he opts not to go through. He wonders what cruelty is in store for him next.

[Image: PDZ4RxE.png]
  • The DOG at (0,-2) nips at the HUMAN'S jacket, snapping them out of their trance. The HUMAN finds a huge blank photograph on their head.

[Image: yVi5pqP.png]
  • The HUMAN at (0,-2) faces away from the ANTI-OBELISK and makes their way towards the CORNER STORE, moving to (4,5).
  • The DOG at (0,-2) follows, moving to (4,4).

[Image: CzLndzx.png]
  • The HUMAN at (4,5) walks to and sits on the closest nearby thing to a chair, moving to (5,10).
  • The DOG at (4,4) starts frolicking about, moving to (7,10).
  • The A.I. at (7,11) welcomes its first customer. The HUMAN asks if their DOG can use the A.I.'S doghouse. The A.I. clarifies that this is a CORNER STORE. After some conversation, they realize that the HUMAN does not have any money other than maybe the photograph, and the A.I. does not have any stock other than the CORRUPTION ORB.


RE: POLY - Schazer - 04-30-2017

ADD waterfall at 5, -8

RE: POLY - Douglas - 04-30-2017

Spawn HUMAN at (2805,-34666667).

Let the human on the floating platform see what happens to those who have not been chosen to spawn on floating platforms so he knows how lucky he is to be favored by us.

RE: POLY - BananaPanda - 04-30-2017

ADD golem [autonomous] with protective and empathetic traits (9,13)

RE: POLY - BreadProduct - 04-30-2017

Add Rain Generator 100,100