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Swamped Talk - Printable Version

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Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-19-2017


Swamped is a text adventure I write about an ongoing struggle between two factions in a nameless swamp populated by ferocious beasts. I update it daily.

Since I update it so often, catching up can be a pretty big time investment. If you're attempting to do so, feel free to talk about your progress in this thread.

Of course, feel free to talk about anything else Swamped-related. You can ask me about the world, about choices I made, come up with your own fan-characters, whatever floats your boat.

Please use discretion when discussing spoilers, at least until it becomes clearer how far along people who use this thread are. In particular, some important things happen when the rain comes, and I wouldn't want to spoil those events for new readers.

RE: Swamped Talk - btp - 04-20-2017

I am 100% ready for the Clancy-spin off adventure where he tries to make it big in the Holly-Woods.

RE: Swamped Talk - Zephyr Nepres - 04-20-2017

Considering Crosswinds has like, rank, do greblings get discriminated against often?
Also please make swamprats cards and stuff, I would be 100% down for that.

RE: Swamped Talk - btp - 04-20-2017

Okay so question for everyone, what do you imagine the swamp looks like?
Example images would be helpful.

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-20-2017

(04-20-2017, 10:49 AM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »Considering Crosswinds has like, rank, do greblings get discriminated against often?

I haven't fully fleshed this out (a lot of the worldbuilding I just make up as I go along), but here's a rough summary.

In the not-too-distant past - let's say, around a century ago - humans carried out extermination campaigns. Usually what happened was that a village was struck by a plague, and the survivors blamed the "filthy greblings", and rode out to the nearest colony and wiped it out.

However, as the pace of these attacks picked up, there was an act of divine intervention. (At least, that's what everyone says it was.) In the wake of it, the purges were stopped completely, for fear of reprisal from Reth. There are still small bands of humans who occasionally make random attacks, but they're not acting with authority from any city or kingdom.

That's not to suggest greblings are treated with respect now. Many of the old stereotypes still hold, and few human cities are willing to allow greblings to live there. There are plenty of humans who will still hold greblings in open contempt, they just won't cross the line into violence.

As for Crosswinds, well, the Marshguards are primarily outcasts. Their leadership has had to take a strong stand against prejudice for a long time, just out of necessity. When you're taking in deserters from both sides in a heated conflict, you need to make sure they're not always going for each others' throats. There are Marshguards who privately gripe about a grebling having so much influence, but they won't dare say it if they think an officer would overhear them.

RE: Swamped Talk - Zephyr Nepres - 04-20-2017

Do wizards actually exist or are they all like Long?
What does darkwood actually do?
Are Long and Rider on equal footing in terms of pure physical strength?
Has it been particularly difficult with a text only adventure?
Is it hard keeping up with so many characters (there's like, a hundred)?
What is Marshall's sexuality?
What exactly is the call of the swamp?
You have one of the rare adventures that seems to adhere almost completely to what the readers suggest. Have there been any specific moments where you tried to avoid suggestions (like the original flamethrower suggestions and the mallows)?
Where do you find most of your inspiration from?
Is Lisa Black the best cards player in your universe?
Does having different Toms and Johns confuse you often?
Who's your favourite character (either personality or to write for)? Mine's probably Corvus. He reminds me of Davos from Game of Thrones (very humble). Stacey is also great.
Do you have bigger plans for Swamped in the future?
Any advice you can give to a novice writer such as myself?

Thanks for your time.

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-21-2017

That's a lot of questions. I'll take a few right now, and get to the rest later. Putting it in a spoiler tag to avoid taking up too much space in one post.


I'll get to the rest of the questions later. Thanks for your interest!

RE: Swamped Talk - btp - 04-21-2017

(04-21-2017, 05:41 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »I write scene-to-scene, and what I generally do is try to make the characters within a scene distinct from each other. That tends to make them stand out from the cast as a whole. The rest is just trying to keep them in-character.
I've noticed that since we've introduced Corvus, Marshal has started to become a little more...whiny. I suppose it gives him a lot of room to grow as a character. Not sure how much of a "coming of age" aspect there will be to his story.

Quote:it's not considered unusual in any way that Marshall has two fathers, for instance.
Actually, this has never been asked or addressed in the adventure, but does Marshal have a biological mother?

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-22-2017

Okay, had a rough day and I feel somewhat drained, but I'm going to try to answer some more questions.


I'll try to finish up the questions tomorrow. Thanks for taking an interest, everyone!

RE: Swamped Talk - Zephyr Nepres - 04-22-2017

I'm sorry you had a rough day! Please don't push yourself or anything. Only choose ones you want to answer (or not at all, I don't mind)

RE: Swamped Talk - btp - 04-22-2017

Will we ever see the legendary "Double Jump" move in Swamprats?

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-25-2017

Okay, let's see if I can finish polishing off these questions.


RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

DF, would you mind me mirroring Swamped somehow? For my own rereading sanity at least, haha.

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 04-29-2017

I've got no problem with that. Thanks for the offer!

RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

Also, I lowkey ship Yvonne and Strings. Just. Yeah. :'D

RE: Swamped Talk - Zephyr Nepres - 04-29-2017

I highkey ship them :p

RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 04-29-2017

I kinda ship this mysterious Simone with Yvonne too tho...
But cute piano playing scene...
Can't I just. Ship all of it.

RE: Swamped Talk - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-29-2017

not gonna lie i think they should be a couple too

RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 04-30-2017

I'm v. curious for more info on Yvonne's people... right now, I imagine them as reptilian!

Also, outside the Marshguard Petting Zoo (capitalized because it's Important) inhabitants, are there plans for anyone to somehow be saddled with a pet? One of these innumerable poor souls could use a pet.

RE: Swamped Talk - Zephyr Nepres - 05-18-2017

How do you feel about people coming up with new wildlife? I like making up fictional creatures but if it gets too deus ex machina after a while just shout.

Also animal nerd Rider is absolutely one of the greatest things in the adventure so far, aside from maybe Swamprats and bird calls.

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 05-18-2017

Yeah, feel free to suggest creatures, I'll use them if I think I can.

RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 05-18-2017

I think it would just be mean for Marshall to ever meet another swamphen but I'd like if someone else did

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 05-20-2017

Just a reminder that our timeline is pretty close to catching up to this update, before Yvonne's Exciting Adventures.

People may want to bear this in mind as things converge.

RE: Swamped Talk - Tuesbirdy - 05-20-2017

I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Swamped Talk - Dragon Fogel - 05-24-2017

Well! Here we are.

Feel free to discuss your options in here if you feel like you have too many thoughts to fit in the main thread.