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! - Norivia - 07-11-2011

[Image: dumbventure1.gif]

Oh my gosh!

Re: ! - Pinary - 07-11-2011

> What the heckeroonie is that?!

Re: ! - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2011


Re: ! - Norivia - 07-11-2011

[Image: dumbventure2-1.png]

Oh, those sweet words~

I knew it! It must be you!

Re: ! - Schazer - 07-11-2011

Yo. What's shaking?

Re: ! - Not The Author - 07-11-2011

What'cher prob, lady? We only ever Are if there's probs. |:I

Re: ! - Norivia - 07-11-2011

[Image: dumbventure3.png]

(Did one of them just...!)

You just addressed me?! This is like a dream come true! ... E-er um I'm doing well! It's a very... very nice day out! How, eeeh, are y-you?

... P-problem? O-oh I'm sorry I guess I'm just a bit flustered. I didn't expect any of you to ever show up here...!

Re: ! - Pinary - 07-11-2011

> So what're you doing in these parts, anyway?

Re: ! - Selward - 07-11-2011

>What's your name, miss? And where is "here"?

Re: ! - SleepingOrange - 07-11-2011

>Dance! Dance for our amusement!

Re: ! - Norivia - 07-11-2011

[Image: dumbventure4.png]

W-wow, that's a lot of people!

Uh, here? Here is here... I don't know, what am I supposed to say? It's, er, a pretty quiet town. I've lived here my whole life. Tables don't wait themselves, y'know? Everyone's gotta do their part.

Muh-my name? I- oh geez, this is so... eeeeeh- I don't have a name. Did you want to, uhh, rather, do any of you want anything? D- a dance!? I- no really, I can't. I-I'm so sorry!

Re: ! - Schazer - 07-11-2011

Yeah, I'll take a gin and tonic.

So I don't get it. Were you looking for us, or are we looking for you?

Re: ! - MaxieSatan - 07-11-2011

I choose to ignore all societal norms and immediately ask probing questions, because THAT'S HOW I ROLL.

You like being a waitress, or just do it because you have to? Got any friends? How'd you hear about us?

Re: ! - Woffles - 07-11-2011

> Wanna grab some drinks? You know, hang out? You can't wait tables all your life, take a break!

> So what's life like?

Re: ! - Ixcaliber - 07-11-2011

We could give you a name if you'd like. You look like a Joanne to me.

Re: ! - Anomaly - 07-11-2011

Your name shall be Camelia Stelymes. Probably. If that's a good name or something.

Re: ! - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2011

Aw, don't be so nervous! We're friendly.

Just relax a little. Pull up a chair and sit down. Can we get you anything to drink?

Re: ! - Hellfish - 07-11-2011


Re: ! - Woffles - 07-11-2011

Can I call you Dottie?

Re: ! - Not The Author - 07-11-2011

'Spect this t'go on fer a while, lady. Probably best if ya picked one fer yerself, save us some confusion later. Person'ly a fan of Camelia, but 'sup t'you.

Re: ! - Norivia - 07-11-2011

[Image: dumbventure5.png]

L-leave? I can't just... eeer, Sit down? No, I've got to- uu-uhh...! A n-nuh...n-name? Well I I guess I Um that's a good n- eeehh. Oh! A gin and tonic? Right away, miss!

[Image: dumbventure6.png]

They wanted to give me a name! It was... Dahlia? Josie? Oh dear...

B-but I shouldn't be worrying about that! I've got a drink to deliver!

Re: ! - MaxieSatan - 07-11-2011

Hey. Which way's the bathroom?

Oh, also. Could I get an order of hot wings?

Re: ! - SleepingOrange - 07-11-2011

Oooh, whatcha distilling back there?

Re: ! - Ixcaliber - 07-11-2011

We can still see you, you know?

What's in the cupboard, the heavily locked one?

Re: ! - Aves - 07-11-2011


Hey lady.

Lady do you have the key to that great big lock?

Also Dalia is a very pretty name c: