Eagle Time
You are Dlorph. - Printable Version

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You are Dlorph. - Ixcaliber - 02-04-2017

[Image: ZEqdUgN.png]

[Image: v3QL7cH.png]

You are Dlorph.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Sruixan - 02-04-2017

> oh shit it's dlorphaoke night you're gonna be late

RE: You are Dlorph. - nonexistentPumpkin - 02-04-2017

>Examine room.

>Go to your cosplay closet.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Dragon Fogel - 02-04-2017


RE: You are Dlorph. - BreadProduct - 02-04-2017

Proceed with your Mid-Dlorph Crisis

RE: You are Dlorph. - Rivenforge - 02-04-2017

Look at your beautiful dlorph house, your beautiful dlorph bed, your ambiguously gendered possibly dlorph life partner

RE: You are Dlorph. - a52 - 02-04-2017

your legs are half too short

RE: You are Dlorph. - OTTO - 02-04-2017

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RE: You are Dlorph. - Lankie - 02-04-2017

>Examine Table

RE: You are Dlorph. - Reyweld - 02-04-2017

>get the umbrella, that looks like Dlorph

RE: You are Dlorph. - ICan'tGiveCredit - 02-04-2017

Dlorph. We're breaking up.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Kíeros - 02-04-2017

> Hire space monkey mafia.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Electrum - 02-05-2017

> It's time to throw that pizza out

RE: You are Dlorph. - Ixcaliber - 02-05-2017

(02-04-2017, 02:49 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »> oh shit it's dlorphaoke night you're gonna be late

(02-04-2017, 03:14 AM)Wheat Wrote: »you'll be late for school

[Image: xH3FqGT.png]

You check the time... and yeah maybe you might have overslept just a little... Not so much that you're gonna be late to tonight's dlorphaoke but enough that there's a good chance you might be late to your own class if you're not careful.

(02-04-2017, 02:25 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>get the umbrella, that looks like Dlorph

[Image: 3yN2VW6.png]

You think the weather report predicted rain today, and even if it didn't your umbrella is very fashionable. You slide it into your inventory, where it takes up one of your four inventory slots.

(02-04-2017, 02:52 AM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>Go to your cosplay closet.

[Image: PkVh4gg.png]

OH NO! What happened to all your beautiful cosplays?! You had so many wonderful outfits you'd put so much hard work into making as authentic as possible and they're all gone?? All but one... All but your prized Sanji outfit.

[Image: hEfIPgp.png]

You bring up your Cosplay Menu.

Dlorph can change their outfit at any wardrobe or changing room. Dlorph's cosplays, being as masterfully crafted as they are, confer special benefits upon them though some cosplays also come with drawbacks.

[Image: RA6RQxP.png]

Your Sanji cosplay was one of the first you made. You love how he... just... kicks so hard! He is an inspiration. You're very grateful that whatever happened to the rest of your cosplays at least your Sanji was spared.

[Image: Vab4MDG.png]

All Cosplays have a Special mode which further enhances the abilities granted by that Cosplay. Check the Special page of a Cosplay for further information on how to unlock their special mode.

[Image: 0swgPj9.gif]


[Image: KLGOx7x.gif]

How disappointing! Maybe actually it's a little early to be eating pizza, but even so you're still disappointed.

(02-04-2017, 01:53 PM)Lankie Wrote: »>Examine Table

[Image: Smiu18t.png]

You've got a bowl with a couple of loose candies, some sort of loose paper and three short stacks of (respectively) ruby, emerald and gold coins.

(02-04-2017, 07:58 AM)Wheat Wrote: »don't forget to feed your completely normal dog.

[Image: uV5lwXN.png]

Oh yeah feeding CND is pretty important. But wait, they haven't touched any of the food you put out yesterday.

[Image: J8On45x.png]

CND informs you that they've gone off the usual completely normal dog food and they'd really like to try any one of the wide variety of delicious Mars confectionary products.


RE: You are Dlorph. - Reecer6 - 02-05-2017

>Search trash bin for Mars culinary goods.
>Continue to Dlorph.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Schazer - 02-05-2017

(02-05-2017, 11:53 AM)Wheat Wrote: »add some t s c to the completely normal dog food to make it delicious and confectionary.

do this but but make it tlc instead. You can't replace affection with trendy brand candy

RE: You are Dlorph. - Sruixan - 02-05-2017

> maybe there are some Mars products in the candy bowl?
> also look at the "loose paper"

RE: You are Dlorph. - Justice Watch - 02-06-2017

Put on the sanji outfit and beat up the dog

RE: You are Dlorph. - Lankie - 02-06-2017

No son of mine will consume this DEVIL CANDY.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Ixcaliber - 02-07-2017

(02-05-2017, 09:01 AM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>Search trash bin for Mars culinary goods.
>Continue to Dlorph.

[Image: QG9Q7H6.png]

You decide to check the trash bin, despite Completely Normal Dog's protests that any delicious Mars confections contained within would already be completely spoiled. Inside you discover a secret cache of trash. There's stuff like banana peels and fish bones and also less cartoonish stuff like plastic wrappers and empty drinks cans.

(02-05-2017, 11:53 AM)Wheat Wrote: »add some t s c to the completely normal dog food to make it delicious and confectionary.

[Image: 10GL5mF.png]

Okay you probably don't have any Mars products, but maybe you can cook up something just as good. Completely Normal Dog looks nonplussed as you open up your seldom used cooking menu and drop in the ingredients. Unfortunately you're not exactly very good at cooking and 1) you're unable to determine the potential outcome of this culinary experiment and 2) you've only got roughly a 5% chance of success. You resolve to further consider this possibility.

(02-05-2017, 12:27 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »> maybe there are some Mars products in the candy bowl?
> also look at the "loose paper"

[Image: fTEjJXD.png]

Unfortunately no Mars products here and you have absolutely no idea what the heck is going on with this paper.


(02-06-2017, 03:15 PM)earthexe Wrote: »Put on the sanji outfit and beat up the dog

(02-06-2017, 03:39 PM)Lankie Wrote: »No son of mine will consume this DEVIL CANDY.

[Image: EracxiB.png]

You're having a number of conflicting emotions about Mars bars right now. These emotions include confusion, suspicion, irritation, maybe even a little bit of desire now that you come to think about it. You even briefly consider beating up your beloved Completely Normal Dog.

You guess maybe you're feeling a little irritable from your unwanted lie-in and are reminded that you're gonna be late and this quest for Mars bars is only making you later. Of course it's important that Completely Normal Dog doesn't go hungry but maybe you should consider your priorities at the moment...


RE: You are Dlorph. - Schazer - 02-07-2017

promise mars bars in the future if CND eats its regular food for now. Dogs have no sense of future so if it believes you you've got no obligation to fill the promise

RE: You are Dlorph. - Mirdini - 02-07-2017

destroy the puzzle scroll before it warps the whole adventure world into a puzzle dungeon

RE: You are Dlorph. - Sruixan - 02-07-2017

[Image: yZTQx2b.png]

RE: You are Dlorph. - nonexistentPumpkin - 02-08-2017

>Tell CND that if they promise to eat their completely normal dog food you will return with Mars confectionery products.

RE: You are Dlorph. - Pharmacy - 02-08-2017

Do your tried and true solution: ignore your problems and play video games.