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A New Song - Printable Version

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A New Song - Gen - 01-23-2017

[Image: your%20orator.png]

Hello~ I'll be your beloved Orator tonight!

Names are very important, and mine is Gen, Orator of New Worlds. Quite a grand title, but one that fits my stature and passion, this I assure you.

What is an Orator? Well it's been quite a while since I've told a tale, but I can at least start there: You see an Orator to you is someone gifted in speech, but to us we are so much more! We are the librarians of memory, dedicating the rich oral history of the land to our minds and passing it between others of our troupe diligently so that no story may be forgotten. It's a heavy responsibility, but the alternative would be to let our world forget the lessons it took such dear sacrifices to learn.

These are, as we say, the songs we sing, and to us they are everything. Words grow, they flourish, they repeat, and they spread. And tonight they will reach you as well.

Now let me start another story, maybe not quite an epic of the sorts you may have heard of my world before but more of a slice of life, a cross section of my world, which will be hosted unknowingly by someone special.

But who?

Well that's the fun part.

[Image: The%20deck.png]

I'll treat you to an old tradition of my land: a spread of cards, featuring the domains. These domains are archetypes which both compose the world and compose the hearts of those who walk that world.

I will show you four cards of the four suits. I will briefly explain each but not in all that much detail. Please then choose whichever card calls to you most from each set until you have a card from each suit.

[Image: Swords.png]

The Suit of swords, we take action upon the world, and it is with this suit we learn how our will is inflicted upon the world.

The Bell, clear and piercing

The Sign, demanding yet guiding

The Gesture, Simple but adaptable

The Chamber, Intense and noisy

[Image: Pentacles.png]

Our world is a complex organism, intricate and alive. The suit of pentacles contains the building blocks of the world which we become closer to so we can understand it.

The Stasis, Contemplative and bitter

The Canal, Flowing and connecting

The Smoke, Consuming and rising

The Walls, Dividing yet supportive

[Image: wands.png]

The suit of Wands are the skills which we learn and perfect in our hearts. They are our hobbies and responsibilities. They are forms of expression, and subjects of deep contemplation.

The Music, Charismatic and ubiquitous

The Map, Helpful and precise

The Cure, Soothing and responsible

The Alley, Inconspicuous and wise

[Image: cups.png]

Last but definitely not least: The Cups. This is a suit which determines our relationships, or bonds, the families we were raised in and the company we keep.

The Dream, Fantastic but gentle

The Hunt, Diligent and honorable

The Ashes, Transformative and new

The Lantern, Curious and faithful

Again, choose one card from each suit until you have chosen four, then we shall see the type of person you have chosen to learn more of.

RE: A New Song - Schazer - 01-23-2017

The Chamber, the Stasis, the Cure and the Hunt

RE: A New Song - Kíeros - 01-23-2017

> Bell, smoke, music, and ashes

RE: A New Song - Mirdini - 01-23-2017

The Sign, the Smoke, the Alley, the Hunt

RE: A New Song - Stovie - 01-23-2017

The gesture, the smoke, the alley, and the hunt.

RE: A New Song - Electrum - 01-23-2017

> The Chamber, The Smoke, The Map and the Hunt.

Wholly Molly am I looking forward to this. Really pumped up right now!
EDIT: Ah shit I meant to type Chamber and not Canal

RE: A New Song - Zenthis - 01-23-2017

Bell, walls, cure, dream

RE: A New Song - Dragon Fogel - 01-23-2017

Randomly selected:

Sign, Smoke, Cure, Ashes

RE: A New Song - Not The Author - 01-23-2017

Chamber and Smoke, Alley and Ash... Implies a tale all its own, but I suppose that's the point, eh?

RE: A New Song - Benedict - 01-23-2017

>The Gesture, the Smoke, the Map, and the Ashes

RE: A New Song - Monkeysky - 01-23-2017

gesture, smoke, music, and dream

RE: A New Song - Kitet - 01-23-2017

The Bell,
The Stasis,
The Alley,
The Ashes.

RE: A New Song - Gen - 01-23-2017

Claiming post for update + also announcing the domains with the most votes

Pentacles- Smoke won by a landslide
cups- Ashes pulled ahead of hunt after being neck and neck for a bit
swords- gesture broke a 4-way tie by 1 vote

Once the 3-way tie on wands gets broken I'll announce that one

(All this math is based on third party voters as well so sorry if it doesn't add up to anyone keeping track also)

update: Alley it is!

RE: A New Song - a52 - 01-23-2017

The alley

RE: A New Song - SirBlizz98 - 01-23-2017

>The Alley

RE: A New Song - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-23-2017

the alley

RE: A New Song - Gen - 02-03-2017

>The Smoke
>The Ashes
>The Alley
>ǝɹnʇsǝפ ǝɥ┴

[Image: Introduction.png]

You are a lady in one heck of a hurry!

Hurrying is what you're good at however, and you're letting the rubber hit the road, though your feet are made of metal, so you find metal hitting the floor to be a lot more fitting here.

Other's hearts would be pounding right now but your heart revs. Revving is a bit like pounding but it goes harder! Louder! It sounds like a beast in your chest! And that's how you like it compared to weak little thumps. Y'see this heart is on account of you being an Armature.

What's an Armature? Lots of folks aren't all that sure of the answer nowadays so you can't blame someone for asking and you'd like to know the answer yourself. People but not? Artificial but full of life? You yourself were dug out of a grave in some ruins and after a few knocks that heart of yours revved on up!

But enough of that, names are very important, and yours is...


RE: A New Song - Schazer - 02-03-2017


RE: A New Song - Raibys - 02-03-2017

How about...Rev?

RE: A New Song - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 02-03-2017


RE: A New Song - Solaris - 02-03-2017


RE: A New Song - Kitet - 02-03-2017


RE: A New Song - Electrum - 02-03-2017

> Iskra

RE: A New Song - BreadProduct - 02-03-2017

> Twelve

RE: A New Song - Mirdini - 02-08-2017

(02-03-2017, 05:00 AM)Schazer Wrote: »D#er