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Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Printable Version

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Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-01-2016

2016 has B33N 4 H4RSH Y34R in many ways, so let's try to send it off with some kindness and shitposts to our fellow forumgoersfurries.

(Disclaimer: you don't have to be a furry, and I couldn't be happier to have you all around.)

So! It's Secret Shitposting Santa time. As usualCompletely new for this year and quite the astrological anomaly, Sruixan and I will be running this(but also me), and I will provide backup shits if your Secret Santa doesn't give any by The New Year.
Special backgrounds for the win!!
Basically, we're going to have a list of people, and then randomly assign you to someone else on the list, and it will be your responsibility to secretly make a shitpost(s) for them! It's fun times for all, especially if you share your gifts with the Space Consortium afterwards. **cough cough shameless PMC plugin cough**

We expect mostall gifts to be digital, be it artwork, writing, or perhaps music or something even more ambitious. But if you want to send something through the mail, then let us know and we'll ask the recipient for you, and get their address to you if they're willing to share it. shitposts.

Signups will last until the 10th of December. There isn't a particular limit to the number of participants, so sign up now mourn that you didn't sign up in time or rejoice that you did.
1. Reyweld
2. Sruixan
3. Sleepy
4. Dragon Fogel
5. a52
6. Gatr
7. Robust Laser
8. Schazer
9. Kaynato
10. Bigro
11. Wheat
12. Goblin's
13. Kieros
14. Mirdini
15. ICan'tGiveCredit
16. Btp

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting Santa 2016 - Sleepy - 12-02-2016

emag mi

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting Santa 2016 - Sruixan - 12-02-2016

I have promised to randomise my half of the list through as convoluted a process as possible, and you can bet it will be documented, anonymised and posted here for your pleasure! So, if you've ever thought to yourself "gee, someday I'd really love to read a long, semi-coherent report in which piece of paper inscribed with a number representative of my identity is subjected to a series of increasingly bizarre procedures", then this is quite probably the only time you'll ever get a ~50% chance of this happening!

...so long as you sign up!

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Dragon Fogel - 12-02-2016

Just to be clear, this cheap knockoff has my full support and endorsement.

Sign me up.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - a52 - 12-02-2016

me me me me me! !!!! me!!!!!!

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Gatr - 12-02-2016

oh dear god i have so many ideas


RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Robust Laser - 12-02-2016

I have zero ideas but that won't stop me

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Schazer - 12-02-2016

Yes yes yes

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Kaynato - 12-02-2016


RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - goblin's - 12-02-2016

im unclear on the general concept but tentatively am in? yea

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Kíeros - 12-02-2016

0w0 whats this? nya~~~

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Mirdini - 12-02-2016


RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 12-02-2016

*spins tongue into wide assortment of shapes*

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - btp - 12-05-2016

Whooo wants links to the tricked thread????


RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 12-05-2016


otherwise known as Spank Santa 2016

the irony, when santa is on his own naughty list

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Electrum - 12-06-2016

I'll probably gift a very poopy drawing to whomever I am assigned to, which will be circumstantial and affected by the individual. Since it will be a shitpost quality is not guaranteed and even if I could, I do not have a working scanner at my immediate availability. I like to gift things that I am able to gift basically.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! - Reyweld - 12-10-2016

Signups closing in ~3 hours!

Sign up because why not

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-11-2016

And signups are closed! You will receive your target within a shortish timeframe.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-11-2016

Many of you have gotten your person by now. If you have gotten your person and made your shitpost, don't send it yet, because I have come up with a great idea to make them anonymous! I will be making an alt account, and sending everyone who is part of the shitposting santa event the login details.

Then, on Christmas (or whenever people have time) we can "open them", and it will be very fun

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - The Ghost of Shitposting Past - 12-11-2016

It's me, I'm an alt account.

And please, when you send things with this account, don't save receipts. Or, if someone does by accident, don't look at them. Please.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Sruixan - 12-11-2016

Everyone should now have received their victim recipient now, so if you haven't please get angry at someone and send them a sternly worded letter. It would probably help if you sent said letter as a PM to Reyweld or I, but you never know.

(also if you are the person who got two PMs from me then the second one with the panicked allcaps in the title is the right one sorry I can explain)

But yeah, I promised I would randomise my half of the list in the most convoluted manner possible; unfortunately, since that promise was made my laptop's hard disk has died, and today also turned out to be the day I travelled home for the holidays. Consequently, I swapped "convoluted" for "downright atrocious", opting for a really quite terrible idea that came to me during the journey, and sadly the mechanism behind it cannot be publicly shared... yet. I can reveal that I resolved all quibbles with the setup with the help of a shitty online Magic 8 Ball, and that all my PMs have been sent from my decrepit but miraculously functional first-generation iPad (hence the aforementioned mistake), so I've kept to the spirit of shitposting the best I could.

May all of you have a great time shitposting!

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-12-2016

I love the Ghost of Christmas Past profile picture! Charles Dickens would be proud.

Keep up the good work everyone, and may the lord Jesus Christ heavenly lamb of god grant you a good shitposting time just in time for his 'birthday'.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-15-2016

So I somehow missed Bobert and so he didn't get on the list and so he did't get assigned a secret santa. Sorry Bobert! Expect a windfall of shitposts coming your way.

If Sruixan hadn't noticed something in the thread and drawn it to my attention, I would never have reread the thread and noticed... Doip

Again, sorry.

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RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - Reyweld - 12-25-2016

Reminder: this exists. Don't feel panicked or anything (as you still have until the first!), but you can starting giving your gifts in secret.

RE: Hawkspace Secret Shitposting (Santa) 2016!!! [no more signup] - The Ghost of Shitposting Past - 12-26-2016

i've sent a bad post to kaynato