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ROT -Plants and shit- - Printable Version

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ROT -Plants and shit- - MismatcherReese - 11-03-2016


[Image: Zm0owhP.png]

Once upon a time, when there was nothing, there was a lone spirit named Lis. Lis was very lonely. She had no one to talk to, and nothing to look at. All she had was a vast and empty white void surrounding her.

[Image: PQyb54E.png]

As she sat alone, she wept. She asked herself how she had come to be cursed with this eternity of nothingness, her tears dripping down her cheeks. In her desperation, she eventually decided that she would gladly give up her identity to live with others.

[Image: lcYlgWb.png]

In that moment, she felt all of her energy fade. Her aura branched out to become the atmosphere, and her tears became the stars. Her breath became the wind, and her eyes, the sun and the moon. Her physical form curled itself into a ball, and became the planet. Living beings, like plants and animals and people, appeared on the planet, acquainting themselves with their new environment.

[Image: 9v43bNL.png]

Lis’ wish had been granted. Where there once was no life, humanity thrived. Lis herself became known as the Divine Flower. However, like all flowers, she will one day wilt, and the world will be reborn. Her eternal soul will migrate to the Divine Bud, and once it sprouts, all will end.

[Image: 2J9Qeah.png]

[Image: JjBoSLa.png]


[Image: SHKLtSh.png]

You set the book down beside you.

It didn’t work… You don’t feel sleepy at all.

You thought that reading the book that momma used to read to you every night would clear your worries, but it didn’t. You’re still as restless as before, maybe even more.

It’s been this way for weeks, ever since momma left you alone to go to the monastery. She has to do that every year for one month, but this year she had to go for much longer. She said you would be fine without her. After all, you’ve been able to stick it out for a month before. But this year, you feel especially lonely. You wonder why.

You had written your name on the cover of your book…like everyone in Fiore, you were named after one of the many indigenous plants scattered about the earth. Your name ... what was it again?

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - BreadProduct - 11-03-2016


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - SirBlizz98 - 11-03-2016


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Schazer - 11-03-2016


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - tronn - 11-03-2016


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - AScWCC - 11-03-2016


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Electrum - 11-03-2016

> Dracaena

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - BananaPanda - 11-03-2016

Cedar Apple Rust Fungus

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - MismatcherReese - 11-03-2016

> Pel Dracaena

[Image: 0dxZlFc.png]

You look to the left, gazing at the poorly handwritten signature: Pel Dracaena. That’s your name. You’ve come to hate it after all of these years.

The Dracaena family is an extremely devout line of shrine holders, or people who take care of the Divine Flower’s main monastery and shrine. Your mother is the current shrine holder and frequently has to leave on business trips because of this. She told you that in 3 years, when you become 18, she’d pass the title on to you. You really wouldn’t like that.

Everyone has high expectations of you because of this and you’re frequently chastised by the village monks because of your bad behavior. Though, they are very nice when they need to be… You wish you weren’t so negative.


[Image: NMtPNJL.png]

A wave of loneliness and unease washes over you again and you whimper. You’re scared. Normally, you would just try to sleep and cover yourself with your blankets, but that didn’t work before. You swear to Lis, you hear someone moving outside… No... It’s probably just your overactive imagination. Maybe you should do something to distract yourself.

* Pel’s house is two stories big and has a lot of items and secrets inside! It’s currently 12 am, past curfew, so Pel can’t go outside right now. Please keep this in mind!

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - BananaPanda - 11-03-2016

>Hug that stuffed bear

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Schazer - 11-04-2016

Prepare a midnight snack

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-04-2016

cut your pigtails off, you know you want to

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - BreadProduct - 11-04-2016

>Heeeelll no pigtails for life!

>Look outside

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - SirBlizz98 - 11-04-2016

>Looks wistfully outside thinking of your dreams that can never be.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Electrum - 11-04-2016

(11-03-2016, 11:48 PM)BananaPanda Wrote: »>Hug that stuffed bear
(11-04-2016, 02:56 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »cut your pigtails off, you know you want to
> Better yet, cut that teddy bear apart instead. Your 9th birthday was simply the worst. 6 years worth of memories of green felt hell.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Gimeurcookie - 11-04-2016

> Look at the board behind you, are there pictures there?

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - tronn - 11-05-2016

>Why is there a curfew in the middle of the day?

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-05-2016

(11-05-2016, 07:45 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Why is there a curfew in the middle of the day?


RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Kíeros - 11-06-2016

> Look to see what's making the noise, if you can make it out.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Justice Watch - 11-07-2016

What do you like to do normally? Do you like to draw, play games..?

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - MismatcherReese - 11-11-2016

> Look at the board behind you, are there pictures there?

[Image: 31I6ZZ2.png]


[Image: XbwDumS.png]

No, just a few reminders about what you should do in the morning. You like to keep up a very strict morning routine to stay responsible when momma leaves to go to the monastery. You also like to put little positive affirmations for when she’s gone…

Huh? What are those sets of numbers? You didn’t put that there.

Maybe your mother did. It’s strange that you didn’t notice it until now.

> Hug your bear for comfort.

[Image: HNHD35W.png]

You walk over to the bear you received for your 9th birthday. Even though your 9th birthday was the worst, you still keep it around to comfort you when no one’s there. 6 years worth of memories of green felt coziness.

You give it the biggest hug ever, making sure to put in extra effort for extra happiness. You feel your worries melting away.

> Stare out the window and think about the dreams that could never be.

[Image: cAJ11qb.png]

You sigh and stare wistfully out the window.


[Image: P3lGXaV.png]

You can’t really see much, considering midnight here is especially inky. However, one of the streetlights seems to be on. Usually, they don’t turn on unless someone walks under them...

Your heart skips a beat. You can just barely make out a figure under the light. You're not really sure who or what it is, but its presence is making you very uneasy.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - AScWCC - 11-11-2016

>Make sure those doors are locked.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Gimeurcookie - 11-11-2016

01110100 01101000
01100101 00100000
01100010 01100101
01100001 01110010
00100000 01101001
01110011 00100000
01110011 01100001
01100110 01100101
the bear is safe

I guess we run back to the bear if stuff goes down.

> Keep watching? Do you know who it is?

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - Kíeros - 11-11-2016

> Keep on squinting, trying to make whoever it is out.

RE: ROT -Plants and shit- - SirBlizz98 - 11-11-2016

>Just ignore it, it's probably nothing... definitely nothing. definitely.