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One Through Ten - Printable Version

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One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-21-2016

Please select your character: One, Two, Five, Six, Eight, or Nine.

[Image: uhaErVL.png]

RE: One Through Ten - a52 - 10-21-2016

Four plus Three equals Seven

RE: One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-21-2016

Unfortunately, none of those three are available, and neither is Ten, for that matter. He's dead too, currently.

RE: One Through Ten - Schazer - 10-21-2016

One is the loneliest number

RE: One Through Ten - So_Spooky - 10-21-2016

Sure, one sounds good.

RE: One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-21-2016

(10-21-2016, 04:22 AM)Schazer Wrote: »One is the loneliest number

A fine choice.

[Image: szqceJf.png]
It is morning. Light streams through the window.

[Image: 0AfNwl5.png]
One wakes up.

[Image: 0RYoyGk.png]
[Image: uIs8xG9.png]
[Image: H3GAly8.png]
[Image: Cqu20iI.png]

One quickly dresses herself, as she has done for years, and regards the To-Do list, as she has done for years. She regards herself as the most dour, reasonable, task-oriented and level-headed of her siblings. Her siblings say she has a stick up her ass. They agree to disagree. Her to-do list consists of her usual tasks of greeting her siblings, ensuring her boss, The Lawyer is fed and dressed, or ensuring that one of her siblings is completing that task, taking care of extraneous paperwork, and inspecting the castle for anything that is dirty or damaged.

She could do these. Or she could do something else.

What do you think?


RE: One Through Ten - So_Spooky - 10-21-2016

>Greet siblings, yo.

RE: One Through Ten - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-21-2016

let's go on a paperwork adventure!

RE: One Through Ten - Schazer - 10-21-2016

Which of your siblings would be up to handling your boss?

RE: One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-21-2016

(10-21-2016, 05:43 AM)So_Spooky Wrote: »>Greet siblings, yo.

[Image: WQQ63jc.png]

A fine idea. One activates the hivemind she shares with her siblings. It's one of her various magical abilities, also including flight, not needing to breathe, only needing to eat about once a week, and in One specifically, short range teleportation. Oh, and also hearing the ghostly voices of unknown beings of the endless beyond who sometimes give her and her siblings suggestions on what to do.

(That would be you.)

"Good morning, everyone. What are we all up to today?"
"Morning, One. Just training."
"Oh! Last night I discovered a new polymer-
that had improved resistance to elemental wear and tear,
but it was very difficult to induce polymerization in it, so I spent all night looking for a possible catalyst and-"
"Oh! Morning, 2! Did you just get up too?"
"Uh, no, I've been working on The Lawyer's breakfast..."

(10-21-2016, 07:05 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Which of your siblings would be up to handling your boss?

Guess that answers that, then.

"Do you need any help?"
"No, I've got it... I'm finishing up the orange juice now..."
"Ok, sounds good. Call me if you need me."

Well good, that's all sorted out. What now, then?

RE: One Through Ten - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-21-2016


RE: One Through Ten - glompadomp - 10-21-2016


RE: One Through Ten - Kíeros - 10-21-2016

> Don't do anything on that list.

RE: One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-22-2016

(10-21-2016, 04:12 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »PAPERWORKADVENTURE
(10-21-2016, 09:03 PM)glompadomp Wrote: »Who da heckie is The Lawyer? also PAPERWORKADVENTUREPAPERWORKADVENTURE

Hmm, yes, there certainly is quite a bit of paperwork that needs doing- nothing too important, just side things that aren't worthy of The Lawyer's limited attention span.

[Image: uGE9l2h.png]

As for who The Lawyer is... that's something that needs a bit of explaining. One will do so on the way to the paperwork processing room though, which is...

[Image: I1THb1r.png]

All the way over there, across the courtyard. Below her, she can see Eight, carrying out her morning exercises, and in the distance, she can see Nine passed out on a hill. She could exit her window and fly to the room, or she could take a walk through the castle, passing by Five and Six's rooms.

(10-21-2016, 09:36 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Don't do anything on that list.

Now that she thinks of it though, there is something that One needs to do that isn't on her list.

[Image: yffMPuO.png]

Nine and Six should probably be woken up, which would require One's personal presence as it's impossible to wake someone up through a hivemind link. It just gives you funny dreams. One could visit one of them on the way to the paperwork processing room, depending on which route she takes.

RE: One Through Ten - So_Spooky - 10-22-2016

>I vote we wake up six. Maybe visit five on the way to the paperwork adventure.

RE: One Through Ten - a52 - 10-22-2016

(10-21-2016, 04:09 AM)Fallingfeather Wrote: »Unfortunately, none of those three are available, and neither is Ten, for that matter. He's dead too, currently.
Why do you think I chose them?

Visit Nine, they look interesting.

RE: One Through Ten - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-22-2016

just knock really loud on their doors as you pass, don't even break stride

RE: One Through Ten - glompadomp - 10-22-2016

As much as I'd love to watch One interact with what appears to be a living hat

bed. six.

RE: One Through Ten - Fallingfeather - 10-22-2016

(10-22-2016, 01:11 AM)So_Spooky Wrote: »>I vote we wake up six. Maybe visit five on the way to the paperwork adventure.
(10-22-2016, 04:32 AM)glompadomp Wrote: »As much as I'd love to watch One interact with what appears to be a living hat

bed. six.

[Image: pZZTQsx.png]

One exits her room. Jumping out a window isn't really her style, to be honest, and while Nine is probably going to wake up soon on her own, Six usually needs a bit more of a push to do anything.

(10-22-2016, 02:48 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »just knock really loud on their doors as you pass, don't even break stride

[Image: 96Bec55.png]

She raps on Six's door.
"Up and at em, lazybones."

[Image: LIH2aSc.png]
[Image: IY0yCZ9.png]
[Image: sHQtuas.png]

[Image: CLBuM6J.png]
[Image: 66WDMMN.png]
"Hey there One! I didn't get to finish talking to you earlier! Lucky you showed up! So about my polymer-"
Oh no. One silently pleads, but...

[Image: oCDTQzx.gif]
He's already off and ranting.

[Image: uj8GppN.png]
So, she recalls someone wanted to know more about The Lawyer. Now's a good time for that.

[Image: nFTsgI2.png]
For ages upon ages, the kingdom of Infinum was ruled by a line of kings, each named Infini, each with extraordinary power. Infinum was also split into 10 different lands, each of which was ruled by a Lord to administrate that area for the king, as he could not be everywhere at once. The latest King, Infini X, created One and her siblings to assist his Lawyer in his day to day duties. Unfortunately, the king died heirless. Fortunately, the start of King Infini X's Will stated that one of the lords would be the next ruler, and who it was was to be announced after all other parts of The Will were carried out. Unfortunately, The Will was incredibly long.

[Image: 7Ew91FP.png]
Double unfortunately, The Lawyer, your boss, is a sort of sloth-creature. It has been about 150 years since the king died, and the Lords have been waiting that long to find out which one of them are to rule. However, it was also stated in the beginning of The Will that if any of them attempted to threaten or harm The Lawyer or steal The Will to make the process go faster, they would be barred from receiving any of the gifts The Will would have bestowed upon them, including the potential kingship. So they've been waiting. As it stands, several of The Lords don't like each other, but each of them has so far kept from snapping at each other in anticipation of the execution of The Will.

One and her siblings were created to make The Lawyer's life at least a little bit faster; filling out extraneous paperwork for him, delivering messages, filling out forms, feeding, cleaning, and dressing him, etc. Despite his slow speed though, The Lawyer does truly care about his little helpers, occasionally buying them little gifts and such. He is the closest they will ever have to a parent.

[Image: o4kKZuN.png]
One and Five arrive at the paperwork room.
"Aaaand that's it! Thanks for listening, One!"
"Oh, it was no problem. Let me know when the, uh... polymer is ready for general use. Also, do me a favor and make sure Six is actually up."
"Can do! See you later, sis!"

Is there anything else you'd like to know before she gets started?

RE: One Through Ten - Justice Watch - 10-23-2016

Don't forget to wake up Nine.

RE: One Through Ten - glompadomp - 10-23-2016

>do some paperwork. also scream out the window and HOPEFULLY nine will get to...whatever nine does.

RE: One Through Ten - smuchmuch - 10-23-2016

>You should probably tried to get at least the gist of what he was saying. Sure you're no chemistery buff but you never know when a new polyer might come in handy (... probably not)

>So uh, which one is the lasiest sibling ?

>So, ... overly long wil with the important bit buried in an not obvious place, slow engineered lawyer with short attention spann.... one could almost suspect someone, possibly the late king, to have enginneered the whole system to volunteily put the kingdom in a stasis.. Almost

>Did thy ever tried sending their own lawyers to analse the will alongside the Lawyer, the condition don't stop from doing that, do they ?

RE: One Through Ten - Gimeurcookie - 10-23-2016

> What are each of the kingdoms like?

RE: One Through Ten - tronn - 10-24-2016

>Wouldn't it make your task easier if you just shut down the paperwork factory where all the paperwork is being produced?

RE: One Through Ten - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-24-2016

(10-24-2016, 07:24 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Wouldn't it make your task easier if you just shut down the paperwork factory where all the paperwork is being produced?