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Placeland-venture - Printable Version

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Placeland-venture - bo - 08-29-2016

[Image: udQ1Em0.png]

You are a fine lad.
like many other fine lads you are in control of your mind.

To do something you have to think of it first. You do kind of feel like your mind just started being controlled today. Or maybe that the world just started existing today, but both of those things sound stupid. But then again, you don't actually remember getting here from home. As a matter of fact, you don't even remember what home looked like.

You start questioning if you were abducted by aliens, or.. something else?

You put all of that aside and think about starting your quest.
Start to think of it you actually aren't sure if you were supposed to go on a quest. Did you even have a quest? You ponder.

Whatever, that doesn't matter anyway.

You should do something now.

RE: Placeland-venture - wyatt - 08-29-2016

>Look at gun on table.

RE: Placeland-venture - Kíeros - 08-30-2016

> Get all the things on the desk.

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Look at gun on table.

[Image: 6qcsE2e.png]

Ah, yes. This is your trusty gun. Or, at least you think it's trusty?
Either way, this is your gun. You've had it for one day.
That day is now. Actually, would it technically be considered zero days? You're not particularly interested.

Right next to it is the Cookbook of the Damned.
You don't look at it, you're far too horrified by it..

> Get all the things on the desk.

[Image: 65SOyMm.png]

You grab the two items. ( inventory 2/8 )
What now?

RE: Placeland-venture - Dragon Fogel - 08-30-2016

Shoot the cookbook. That's why you got the gun in the first place, isn't it?

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Shoot the cookbook. That's why you got a gun in the first place, isn't it?

[Image: ReItOvh.png]

You drop the cookbook back on the table... You feel as if you're ready..

[Image: 7GJyzel.png]

But what is this? You feel as something is missing?
Oh, what could it ever be!

It's your gun, numbnuts! You never equipped it!

RE: Placeland-venture - wyatt - 08-30-2016

>Equip gun in W spot.

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Equip gun in W spot.

[Image: v9eVA5V.gif]

[Image: RUIsEXL.png]

You definitely feel much more ready to do this now.

But, at the same time.. you aren't exactly sure if you want to shoot it.
I mean look, even the book seems to be crying for mercy!
Or, maybe it's swearing at you? You're honestly not sure, you can't tell.

RE: Placeland-venture - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 08-30-2016

shoot the book

RE: Placeland-venture - Colby - 08-30-2016

Shoot yourself in the foot on accident

RE: Placeland-venture - Whimbrel - 08-30-2016

Shoot the briefcase overhead

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Shoot the book.

[Image: GU0PixR.gif]

[Image: wYSS14u.png]

You're scared.
You shouldn't have done this, you're afraid of dying.
Because, if you die, you can never continue your quest.

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

You feel a presence.
But suddenly, the lights are off.

In the dark, you > shoot yourself in the foot on accident.

You've lost the use of your foot.

You also > shoot the briefcase overhead, also on accident.

Your inventory disintegrated.

Your finger is slipping too much.

RE: Placeland-venture - Whimbrel - 08-30-2016

Put the safety on

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Put the safety on.

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

You try to put the safety on but you can't. The thingy is stuck.

Ow! Something just hit you!

5 Commands until you're dead.

(And you sure as heck won't come back.)

RE: Placeland-venture - Dragon Fogel - 08-30-2016

Beg the book for mercy.

RE: Placeland-venture - Whimbrel - 08-30-2016

Clap your hands to turn on the lights

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Beg the book for mercy.

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

You beg the book for mercy in hopes that it will stop.

It doesn't.

> Clap your hands to turn on the lights

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

In hopes that it will work, you clap your hands to turn on the lights.

It doesn't work either.

3 Commands until you're dead.

RE: Placeland-venture - Whimbrel - 08-30-2016

Accept your fate

RE: Placeland-venture - SirBlizz98 - 08-30-2016

>Don't give this book the satisfaction of killing you. Go out on your own terms.

RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Accept your fate.

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

You attempt to accept your fate.. However, the book doesn't care, really.

> Don't give this book the satisfaction of killing you. Go out on your own terms.

[Image: d0uHOyB.png]

You can't. You're too scared to do so.

1 Command until you're dead.

RE: Placeland-venture - OTTO - 08-30-2016

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RE: Placeland-venture - bo - 08-30-2016

> Jump out of planet and do a flip.

[Image: qReuMES.png]

You can't. You're dead.
And you're dead for good.
And along with the captain sank the ship. (In this case the adventure.)

That's all.

You're dead.

RE: Placeland-venture - Kíeros - 08-30-2016

> Contemplate on where you went wrong in your life to have died so young.

RE: Placeland-venture - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 08-30-2016

you're all very welcome

RE: Placeland-venture - wyatt - 08-30-2016

>Become mysterious stranger.