Eagle Time
Completely Random Adventure - Printable Version

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Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

So, uh...
This is just a completely random adventure. No plot, and nothing else. It's up to YOU, reader, to throw random ideas at me. I will try my best to stitch them into a coherent story.

Now to start!
Who is our hero/heroine?
Where are they?
What are they doing?

RE: Completely Random Adventure - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

Oh boy.

Username is sitting at his computer, drawing the first page of a forum adventure. Unfortunately, he just realized that he can't draw.

Why was even doing that in the first place?

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Dragon Fogel - 08-21-2016

Because it's the only way to stop the killer robots from the future, why else?

RE: Completely Random Adventure - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

(08-21-2016, 05:14 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Because it's the only way to stop the killer robots from the future, why else?

Oh yeah. That's really quite important, isn't it. Username supposes he should go back to drawing, but he doesn't quite feel like it. He decides to go and call his friend...

RE: Completely Random Adventure - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

Of course! Eagle-Tim! How could he have forgotten?
(Username: Blue

So, how has your day been?
Good. How has yours been?
Great! Just drawing to appease some killer robots. What are you doing?
I have been..

RE: Completely Random Adventure - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: Completely Random Adventure - Schazer - 08-21-2016

eagle-tim is back from the fremp mines

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

Wow. That seems really intense. I'm just eating some FSH brand fish.
I wish my life could be as simple as that.
It's been kinda boring, really. Is there any way to join in on your robot appeasing thing?

RE: Completely Random Adventure - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-21-2016

You could go mining for fremps!
What's a fremp?
I have no clue!
If I don't know what a fremp is, and you don't know what a fremp is, then who do we ask about fremps?
I know! Let's ask...

RE: Completely Random Adventure - a52 - 08-21-2016

Grigor Grigoronovnovich Yosyvslovsky, Russian cheese maker.

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Ixcaliber - 08-22-2016


RE: Completely Random Adventure - Dragon Fogel - 08-22-2016

The magic 8-ball.

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-22-2016

(08-22-2016, 12:23 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »The magic 8-ball.

Let's ask the magic 8-ball!
Sure, why not.
Magic 8-ball, what is a fremp?

That makes lots of sense.
I'm starting to think that the magic 8-ball isn't the best source of info.
You just go research these fremps, and I'll draw some more.

Okay bye.

(Follow Username or Eagle-Tim?)

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Schazer - 08-22-2016

Neither, follow the smell of corn

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Ixcaliber - 08-22-2016

(08-22-2016, 01:14 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Neither, follow the smell of corn

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-22-2016

(08-22-2016, 01:14 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Neither, follow the smell of corn

As the reader, you instead follow the smell of corn.
You find a corn field.
Inside, there is...

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Ixcaliber - 08-22-2016

Trumpet and the number 7

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Schazer - 08-22-2016

A computer, switched on with no visible power source. There's a web browser with a blank tab open and in the url bar it says https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1062

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-22-2016

(08-22-2016, 02:03 AM)Schazer Wrote: »A computer, switched on with no visible power source. There's a web browser with a blank tab open and in the url bar it says https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1062

It seems like you, the reader, has tricked yourself. And me.

What will you do now?

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Dragon Fogel - 08-22-2016

Look for someone else to trick, obviously.

RE: Completely Random Adventure - Username - 08-22-2016

Unfortunately, there seems to no one in the cornfield currently.

Will you create a new character?