Eagle Time
Ennui - Printable Version

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Ennui - MismatcherReese - 07-22-2016



[Image: rY7kTag.png]


[Image: naoIKtR.png]

You… are bored. Like, really bored. Words cannot even begin to describe how bored you are… Okay, maybe they can, but you’re too lazy to come up with any.

You have been lying on the floor like a goddamned idiot for the past hour, trying to think of something to do. However, you couldn’t, and still cannot come up with any ideas. Life is hard. This floor is hard. Everything is hard.

For some reason, it seems appropriate to randomly recall your name. Perhaps doing that will give you some inspiration?

RE: Ennui - Kaynato - 07-22-2016

> Alex Cress

Maybe, sit up, try to write a poem - look around you, explore the surroundings...?

I relate to this.

RE: Ennui - jack_fractal - 07-22-2016

Instead you could sorta wriggle off your sweater and use it as a pillow!

Or better yet, you could think about wriggling off your sweater and not actually do it.


That second one feels like a better plan.

RE: Ennui - neo - 07-23-2016

> Your name is Anthea. Just Anthea.

RE: Ennui - BreadProduct - 07-23-2016

>Go channel your pent up boredom in destructive ways that you will never ever regret.

RE: Ennui - shadowCaller - 07-23-2016

> Consider doing a flip, but then realize that you might break things by doing that.

RE: Ennui - Heyoceama - 07-23-2016

> Do what you always do, waste your life doing pointless things on your computer like commenting on forum adventures.

RE: Ennui - Starlit-Drakon - 07-23-2016

>roll around on the floor, because WHAT ELSE are you gonna do?

RE: Ennui - Kíeros - 07-23-2016

> Bo Red.

RE: Ennui - Electrum - 07-23-2016

> Terry Schwartz
> Jerry Barks
> Larry Snarks
> Garry Tarts
> Gerry Rafferty
> Alex Weiss

> Well life is hard and that's an undeniable fact. You just got to keep hammering away at it until it shatters and falls apart.

RE: Ennui - a52 - 07-23-2016

Play Minecraft for five minutes, then give up and absentmindedly browse the internet.

I like the name Alex, because it's a good neutral gender name and we don't know theirs yet.

RE: Ennui - Electrum - 07-23-2016

That's why I suggested it.

RE: Ennui - Colby - 07-23-2016


RE: Ennui - ForestGardener - 07-23-2016

> Go for a walk. A long one. Bring a water bottle.

RE: Ennui - Gimeurcookie - 07-23-2016

> Eh you're too lazy to remember your name. Just be Unknown / Unnamed

RE: Ennui - MismatcherReese - 07-24-2016

> Alex

[Image: SUwKOLS.png]

Your name is Alex. Just Alex. You’re too lazy to remember your last name right now.


[Image: lPzKFSN.png]

That's enough moping around for today. Or at least, you hope that's enough.

> Observe your surroundings.

[Image: xr7Pios.png]

You look around the room you are in. There isn’t much here, considering you just moved in today. There are some unopened boxes on the floor containing most of your belongings, a bag which has a few books and art supplies inside, and a open book which you discarded an hour ago. Some of your neighbors offered to help you move in. They should be arriving in 30 minutes or so.

> Do a flip.

[Image: 9ERsT0l.png]

You try to do a flip, but your athletics stat isn’t high enough. You flop on the floor, and consequently, your sense of self falls as well.

You are beauty, you are grace, you are not technically flat on your face.

> Suddenly reach existential apex.

[Image: KgRSSIz.png]

As you lie on the floor, you contemplate life’s trials. Life is hard, yet what makes it so hard? The obstacles? The people we meet in our everyday lives? Or perhaps we are the ones making it hard.

In a situation like this, we must be forced to face life’s trials and hammer them back down with an equal force.

You think you just destroyed several of your brain cells in the attempt to think that hard about life.

> Try to take off your sweater.

[Image: URBjDx6.png]

It IS getting hot in here. No one would see you take it off anyways.


[Image: AHYmB4N.png]


[Image: CPBGUvx.png]



[Image: NqZ2JSs.png]


> Scream internally. Scream eternally.

[Image: 3MxOYSW.png]

Why the heck did she open the door without knocking?! Wait a minute, of course she would enter without knocking! You told your neighbors not to bother! Dang it, you are stupid, stupid, dumb! Now you look like a total pervert! You should’ve told her that you had a tank top on under the sweater! Idiot, idiot, idiot!


RE: Ennui - shadowCaller - 07-24-2016

> Attempt to recover from the shame that you just experienced. Fail. Realize that you should probably apologize for screeching like that.

RE: Ennui - Heyoceama - 07-24-2016

> Find a way to reverse time or will yourself out of existence.

RE: Ennui - MismatcherReese - 07-24-2016

I made music for this piece of poop. Why? Because I hate myself.

RE: Ennui - Kíeros - 07-24-2016

> Are you stuck in the sweater now?

RE: Ennui - Kaynato - 07-24-2016

> Convince yourself that you are paralyzed.

RE: Ennui - Colby - 07-24-2016

depersonalize, leave your body in shame and be a ghost-like spectre for the rest of your "life"

RE: Ennui - MismatcherReese - 07-25-2016

> Try to get up.

[Image: 0UTbkhJ.png]

Okay, enough laying on the floor doing nothing! You already spent most of your day doing that!


[Image: s8MTYxX.png]

Oh… Oh no. You’re stuck. You try to maneuver yourself in a way that would get the shirt off, but you’re pretty much stuck. Without the use of your arms, you can’t get up.

> Use all of your pent up boredom to gain super strength.

[Image: HznSln6.png]

No… Not even this sweater can constrict you. You will become no article of clothing’s prisoner.


[Image: xgYSbZI.png]


[Image: LatvJQ6.png]



[Image: pO11ie7.png]

… That shirt cost 20 bucks…

You could have just shimmied it off normally, in hindsight.

> Apologize to random girl for screaming at her.

[Image: gfjNx8w.png]

Oh, yeah! That woman. You think she lives across the hall, the last door on the left. Her name was Iris or Lily or something… She was the first person to greet you when you came into the apartment complex. She’s really nice, a bit spacey though.


[Image: xQ5Nd4Q.png]

You go out of your room, welcomed by a long hallway lined with doors. Before you visit the woman, maybe you should greet someone else?

RE: Ennui - shadowCaller - 07-25-2016

> Visit the people that live across the hall from you. It's the closest door so nothing can go wrong right?

RE: Ennui - Kaynato - 07-25-2016

> The indentation on the right of the hallway - a stairwell? Maybe someone on another floor. Reduce the chance of danger.