Eagle Time
INTERVENE - Printable Version

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INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016

[Image: em2jmRn.png]

[Image: jCgvWKP.gif]

A man stands alone in his CONSOLE ROOM. This man has been on one hell of a journey. Ever since he has received his TARDIS from an old friend, this man has been looking for answers across a multitude of universes.
And you have come by to make his day.

What will you do?

RE: INTERVENE - Panur - 07-10-2016

> try to recall your name

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016

>Become your own grandfather.

[Image: 1Ke4Z2M.gif]

You would not want to do that. That would be very very very bad. At least to your knowledge. You'd have to consult your friend on that, but otherwise its not a possibility you think could or should happen.

>Introduce yourself

[Image: N2ahLeu.gif]

Why would you want to introduce yourself... to yourself? You have an odd train of thought today. All aboard the wierdo express! choo choo!

RE: INTERVENE - Princezz - 07-10-2016

>Do you even have a name?

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016

(I'm live streaming here: www.twitch.tv/tamtam18_2 .
That's where all the random commands have been coming from ;)
The stream is over )

>Consult your friend on your hot grandma.

[Image: 3Ba62HL.gif]

You could do that, but you're already on an important mission of your very own. You can't get sidetracked; especially NOW of all times.

And besides, you fell out of contact with your grandmother about 200 years ago. Its been a long time since you thought about where you came from.

> take off your eyepatch

[Image: j9AwEEY.gif]

You don't really want to go through with that and give yourself a headache over that.

In fact you don't think the universe is ready for that magnitude of a headache either.

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016

>Do you even have a name?

[Image: DR26ab3.gif]

Of course you do! You could say your name a thousand times and never think about it twice.
You know your real name, but you prefer people to call you by your code name instead:


[Image: zNkXZs7.gif]

Using your code name quite often has left other people in the dark when they think about you. And that's good by your standards. You want to be all secretive even to yourself if you must.

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016

> check what items are you carrying

[Image: 9x3Gu9n.gif]

You have tw~ no is that a third? Ok your wallet can apparently hold your NOTEBOOK and SONIC SCREWDRIVER too.

*cough* you have THREE inventories.

Your Trench coat is where you keep most of your things. It’s quite handy for when you want something on demand. The down side is that it’s a bottomless pit and any DUPLICATE items stored are randomly pulled.

Sometimes it’s hard to get what you want from it.

>SC: Make sure the handbrake is released so that this TARDIS isn't making that god-awful whirring noise akin to someone running a house-key over a piano's innards.

[Image: hAuAlYm.gif]

Last time your friend showed you how to drive you only saw the hand break once and never touched it again. After messing with the desktop settings you somehow lost the hand break in an organization fit. You haven't seen it since.

Other than that messing with the console controls now wouldn't be entirely necessary as you are already at your destination.

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-10-2016


[Image: 1iEl653.gif]

The last time someone else tried that it didn't end very well for them. The black hole that followed the wake of their TARDIS exploding was named after the guy. Cygnus X-1.

RE: INTERVENE - Panur - 07-10-2016

>SC: Look outside

RE: INTERVENE - Schazer - 07-11-2016

Doff your best travelling hat and go hit that town like you're ready to party

RE: INTERVENE - Kíeros - 07-11-2016

> Before leaving, make sure to engage anti-theft security. You wouldn't want to lose this, would you?

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-12-2016

[S]SC: Look outside

[Image: WhvYAqW.gif]

This is it. There is no going back from here on out.

[Image: 4LtiwOz.png]

> Before leaving, make sure to engage anti-theft security. You wouldn't want to lose this, would you?

[Image: sBh9LqL.gif]

The Tardis? Nah it should be fine on its own. These type 40 TARDISs' are engineered to perfection you could say. Yeah there's nothing that wouldn't disturb your ride. Your baby. Your vessel through the multiverse.

It sure is a long way down though. You're surprised you ended up at the correct destination for once and not somewhere else.


[Image: c4l3cje.gif]

An underling sneaks up on the TARDIS! There's no time to react!

What should you do?

RE: INTERVENE - Mirdini - 07-12-2016

Don't react, instead trip off the cliff in shock.

RE: INTERVENE - TerraTorment - 07-12-2016

>sparta kick the imp off of the cliff

RE: INTERVENE - Panur - 07-12-2016

>SC: act

RE: INTERVENE - ForestGardener - 07-12-2016

>Threaten it with your screwdriver. Then kick it.

RE: INTERVENE - PurpleLurker - 07-12-2016

>Strike up a conversation with the motley fellow

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-14-2016

Author FigmentShow

[Image: SHOlMth.gif]

The H.A.D.S. engage.

A Tardis absconds to safety.

>SC: act

[Image: A754hve.gif]

You make a jump for it, but it's too late. You eat some dirt trying to catch a ride on the Tardis.

>sparta kick the imp off of the cliff

[Image: jShtfBn.gif]

[Image: WGZRV7u.gif]


[Image: kzX4AYH.gif]

A flying monster catches the attention of the server player.


[Image: Q4qapFr.gif]

[Image: H8wlelK.gif]

A subtle change to an ancient conversation happens.


RE: INTERVENE - TerraTorment - 07-14-2016

i guess there's not much else to do now than

>Enter the house and intervene whathever it is that needs intervention.

RE: INTERVENE - juddy555 - 07-14-2016

>Cry for the loss of your TARDIS... No, for the loss of your FRIEND.

RE: INTERVENE - Lylac - 07-15-2016

>Cry for the loss of your TARDIS... No, for the loss of your FRIEND.

[Image: bFGw3GR.gif]

You don't need to cry for any loss. Since the HADS had been left on by mere accident you know it fled to a more safe place. Your trusty SONIC SCREWDRIVER will notify you when it has landed, and where in morse code.


>Enter the house and intervene whathever it is that needs intervention.

[Image: BzBKv39.gif]

[Image: ps0cVej.gif]

You try the door and surprisingly its been left unlocked!

Unsurprisingly you can clearly see the mess inside blocking the door from opening.


[Image: 6XWEc59.gif]

[Image: gVrBKA5.gif]

As for intervention, you'll need to have full access to an alchemy set to do the thing you came to this exact point in time and space for. And they're just out of reach unfortunately. You came so far, but you're so close!! Obstacles such as these are no problem as you can fly or portal your way around them.
  • Fly pupa fly!
  • Portal in Portal out
  • What. Explain this bullshit.

RE: INTERVENE - ForestGardener - 07-15-2016

>Grab the roof above the door, standing on the doornob and/or breaking the window if necessary. Climb onto the roof, then onto the porch.

RE: INTERVENE - TerraTorment - 07-15-2016

>think with portals

RE: INTERVENE - juddy555 - 07-15-2016

(07-15-2016, 08:11 PM)TerraTorment Wrote: »>think with portals



RE: INTERVENE - Panur - 07-16-2016

> climb up, you tall beansprout