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Drawful/jackbox games post thread - Printable Version

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Drawful/jackbox games post thread - OTTO - 04-22-2009

Originally posted by a deleted user

Thread for drawful posts and info. It's the newest flash-in-the-pan game fad

[Image: j8xM6z.png]

1. go to discord room and at some point someone might say they're organizing a game
2. you go onto skype and there's a video call. join it and it'll show you the results/info screen. (a host could do it with some other streaming service too if they wanted but so far skypes been what's used)
3. go to https://jackbox.tv and put in the room code in; that'll be your input screen.
4. draw things, and then later put in titles for things other people drew, and laterer in the "deliberation" part of a turn, try to guess what the correct title is for that thing.  Don't hint at your answer during the deliberation!
5. like other people's titles if they're funny and good

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 06-29-2016

I have worked out how to stream to here for those who don't have a skype or for whom skype is really difficult (i.e. mirdini or agen for example) so if you want in on this and don't have a good skype it's still an option.

PLEASE NOTE: i haven't tested the streaming website to see how the quality is. It may need adjustment or potentially be completely inviable i couldn't tell you at this point in the time. I'll try to test it soon.


RE: Drawful post thread - Reecer6 - 07-02-2016

this is my favorite drawful thing i was a part of.
[Image: RPyWEQ5.png]

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 07-09-2016

everyone brace for quite a hefty helping of drawful

featuring images from ixcaliber, akumu, wheat, papers, kieros and nullpumpkin


my personal favourite of this batch:


and the secret origins of mark and stark revealed at last:


i should post these more often to prevent me forgetting all the real answers...

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 07-09-2016

more good drawfuls, featuring further adventures of mark and stark:


and presenting the origins of the much reviled trumpet meme:


RE: Drawful post thread - Kíeros - 07-09-2016

This was was jackbox.tv, not the random mess of letters.

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 07-09-2016

What, really? I remembered this one fairly clearly and I could have sworn it was grigor etc... i remember thinking it was probably a general eagle time based meme i had missed or something.

RE: Drawful post thread - Dragon Fogel - 07-09-2016

That is a thing Wheat introduced to Cards Against Hawkspace.

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 07-10-2016

[Image: 85f8aa0602b75182d5d37c020a2d4400.jpg]

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 07-10-2016

I was going to work methodically through my drawful screenshot backlog but we had such a wonderful game today i have to post this for everyone to appreciate. Here's the context: I invited Malky to join us and then I pulled out a specially prepared prompt set, which last night I filled with nothing but sanji; literally only one prompt didn't include the word sanji.


RE: Drawful post thread - OTTO - 08-24-2016

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RE: Drawful post thread - Schazer - 08-24-2016

the butt crystal is my new spirit animal

RE: Drawful post thread - Dragon Fogel - 08-24-2016

I'm glad to see the cigar meme is progressing.

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 09-11-2016

Featuring images from Ixcaliber, Akumu, btp, OTTO, Wheat, a52, kieros and the new friend Tantasaur!

sadly not the full set of draws because it took me some time to remember to start screenshotting things consistently.


Now its time for the highly popular Ixcaliber's Personal Favourite Draws of the Session segment of the post!




RE: Drawful post thread - Kíeros - 09-11-2016

Three things.
First, the comma is very important to Mama Obama's Llama-Orama pajama drama trauma,.
Second, I'm pretty sure my answer to the neo-crungle was Screw the Prompt System, and the tentacle answer was just someone defaming me.
And thirdly, those all were good draws. Except for loss.sanji. Whoever drew that one sucked.
It was me

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 09-11-2016

whoops i guess neo crungle must have been an a52 draw i will rectify these mistakes

RE: Drawful post thread - a52 - 09-11-2016

yeah, it was me. (i may have overreacted)

RE: Drawful post thread - Tantusar - 09-12-2016

Oh hey, this thread is a thing. The prompt for the purple box was box. Also, hey, I'm here.

RE: Drawful post thread - btp - 09-12-2016

Are these images taking a long time to load for anyone else?

RE: Drawful post thread - OTTO - 09-12-2016

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RE: Drawful post thread - Mirdini - 09-13-2016

I think I was pretty emphatic about this in Discord at some point but here it is again for the folks that're still using Gyazo: It's bad, please try ShareX instead! It's fully-featured for free, won't install malware on your computer like Gyazo has in the past, and allows you to save and then choose an automatic image upload host from a huge variety.

It also does things other than images like simplifying text-based pastebin uploads, file uploads and loads more!

(S'real good)

RE: Drawful post thread - Tantusar - 09-13-2016

Eh, I prefer puu.sh, but to each their own. But seriously, not Gyazo.

RE: Drawful post thread - Ixcaliber - 09-15-2016

a) i stand by my answer in reference to the box prompt
b) gyazo is trash i am glad to be sort of rid of it though not before it got its claws on many of our good drawfuls

here's the latest batch with draws from me, forge, sruix, akumu, kaynato, wheat, malkytop, btp, kieros & qwerx3 and maybe more people my memory is pretty bad of this drawful session i'm sorry guys.



RE: Drawful post thread - OTTO - 09-15-2016

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RE: Drawful post thread - Kíeros - 09-15-2016

The one with duct tape labelled: House Sticking Contest
Batman and "Yum, orphans": "Your dinner of orphans is ready, Mr. Wayne"
The glass with ice cubes: Simply lemonade
The fish comic: Acknowledge becoming a fish and you'll be fin