Eagle Time
What is hawkspace after dark (and this is where the rules are active) - Printable Version

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What is hawkspace after dark (and this is where the rules are active) - btp - 06-04-2016

It hawkspace but with the speed of shooting low threshold vote. Red light from hawkspace area, but with more rules and regulations actually regular hawkspace rather than less. Wildest dream or a nightmare ... your wildest? It's up to you

Quote:Are given all the rules and procedures in this sub-sub for this and can not be extended to other forums / affect the functioning of the forums eagle time. This subsidiary also has any affiliation with Hawkspace even neo not seen a new Trollslum (or any past / other names in the future ones) and rulesets Hawkspace or moderation interchangeably.

ACTIVE rules
  1. The application of all rules regular hawkspace, especially No. 4
  2. But we have different voting rules
  3. And I'm in charge. I am in the socks and shorts.
  4. loather estimated
  5. I do not feel any pain in the butt proposals coordination
  6. Admittedly Queen puck as legitimate and sovereign protector hawkspace. It is recognized as the Queen loather puck from hawkspace after dark, arranged under the only real Queen Jeanne. April 26 and April 27 is now officially in the days rise loather, and to be observed in all parts of the Kingdom. It remains chwoka pants, but also earns the title of a new bundle fool * spins and makes a humming noise *
  7. It must continue to break this rule at all times
  8. Rules do not apply to users of the forum that is between midnight and 04:00 local time
  9. You will not quoting function punished to break rules
  10. And will determine the name malleably Forum on the subject of the name Forum
  11. Rules are not in fact subject to enforcement so they're written in the "What is hawkspace" subject stickied. And it is committed to the supervisors with the power to hawkspace after dark sub to be modified in all the changes ruling as soon as possible.
  12. Users can not be punished for specific rules Hawkspace- after dark when it was published on the subject of the problems encountered.
  13. According to the Guidelines, the user can, at any time, and refused to abide by the Hawkspace- after-dark judgment or a particular outcome, if they think that this violation of their well-being or welfare of another.
  14. The user can, through publication in the ticket subject of inheritance of one or more of their user name] tickets to any other user of their choice. Beneficiary of the [user name] ticket and one ticket may recover to vote yes on any one proposal. Vote yes created by replacing [user name] ticket counts as a yes vote by the [user name]. Tickets replaced in this way is then void and may not be refunded.
  15. The word "pants" should not be stricken from Article 3 and replaced with the word "socks".
  16. Rules in the "What is Hawkspace after dark" theme should establish rules that require action by the user under the category of "Youse gotta", for easier reading.
  17. Any and all significant others have full control and access to any of the topics and s.o. For the purposes of nonsense, as well as other junk
  18. And raises the following reminders on the top of the list of rules: are given all the rules and procedures in this sub-sub for this and can not be extended to other forums / affect the functioning of the forums eagle time. This subsidiary also has any affiliation with Hawkspace even neo not seen a new Trollslum (or any past / other names in the future ones) and rulesets Hawkspace or moderation interchangeably.
  19. Everyone except Reyweld been published HAD personal Chwoka. (Chwoka rules still apply: Do not change the password.) Anyone caught Reyweld granting access to Chwoka situation will have to wear the title of "Snitched and shamed" for a period of one month.
  20. Everyone except Reyweld may vote HAD in with personal Chwoka.
  21. bigro
  22. One can switch quirks without breaking the rules, but only if it declares on the subject of quirks
  23. I [goodbye] is unable to vote
  24. Add the following three laws to the command group in a separate section entitled "Laws of Robotics"
    A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm.
    A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second laws.
  25. More than one color printing is fine
  26. Any suggestions proposed to mention the specific name users require double the regular number of votes to pass
  27. Make NNT and mother BAWK BAWK instead of Hawkspace.
  28. As a form of conflict resolution, it is permissible for a single user defies other publicly Race NEONEWTROLLSLUM DRAG. A third set of conditions DRAG RACE Party may, if approved by all of the users, the DRAG RACE NNTS start. The winner of the DRAG RACE NNTS has put a condition to write a new craze for the loser, which will remain in effect for one week.

YOUSE gets to follow these rules when they are in Hawkspace after dark:
  1. Each poster in hawkspace after dark must create and maintain at least one subject is unique in order to continue the deployment. If it is not the subject of the reference published in the subject once owned at least one week canceled their appointment privileges. Posters delinquent may regain privileges deployment by deploying the topic owned.
  2. Users must choose one dwarf in writing whimsy and color of the text and stick to it.
  3. From now on the economic "Nahmick" issue any other spoken objective and wrong retroactively.
  4. It GIF pronounced with silly g to get it right
  5. Any and all "______ processing / dissemination of" no-go kind of competitions in NNTS

Exceptions to the rules get that YOUSE:
  • Base "I do not feel any pain in the butt coordinate proposals" blanks dwarf writing requirements applicable.
  • "Rules for users who do not apply is between midnight and 4 am local time."
  • Users can not be punished when participating in the subject of the problems encountered.
  • "You will not be punished, citing a function to break the rules."
  • Rules are not subject to enforcement even wrote in "What is hawkspace after dark" theme.
  • The user can at any time refuses to adhere to specific rule HAD if they believe that a violation of their well-being or welfare of another.
  • "One can switch quirks without breaking the rules, but only if it declares on the subject of quirks"
  • "More than one color printing is fine."
  • Either hard or soft "g" is acceptable
  • Base "I do not feel any pain in the butt coordinate proposals" blanks dwarf writing requirements applicable.

Laws of Robotics
  1. A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws

What is the hawk after dark space (and this is where the rules are active) - btp - 06-04-2016

This hawkspace but shooting with voice low threshold speed. Red light from hawkspace field, but with more rules and regulations actually hawkspace regularly, not less. Wildest dream or a nightmare ... your wildest? Everything depends on you

Quote:All the rules and procedures in this sub-sub is and can not be extended to other forums / fora impact on the functioning of the eagle time. This subsidiary also has any links with neo Hawkspace even seen new Trollslum (or any / other names in the future ones) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.

ACTIVE rules
  1. In the rules of regular hawkspace application, and in particular Article 4
  2. But we have different voting rules
  3. And I'm responsible. I am socks and shorts.
  4. loather calculated
  5. I do not feel pain in the butt proposals for coordination
  6. True Queen of hockey as a legitimate and sovereign protector hawkspace. He recognized the Queen loather the puck from hawkspace after dark, down by only real Queen Jeanne. April 26 April 27 is now officially rise loather days and must be observed in all parts of the Kingdom. It remains chwoka pants, but also earns a bundle silly name * spins and makes a humming noise *
  7. It must continue to break this rule at all times
  8. Rules do not apply to consumers a forum that is between midnight and 04:00 local time
  9. You can not quoting function to break the rules are punished
  10. And will determine the name of the name malleable forum forum topic
  11. The rules are not really taking into account the execution because they say 'What is hawkspace theme stickied. And it is committed to the supervisors with the power of the dark hawkspace south need to change all the changes as soon as possible for a decision.
  12. Users can not be punished for special rules Hawkspace- after dark, when it was published on the topic of problems.
  13. According to the Guidelines, the user may, at any time, and refused to comply with Hawkspace- after dark decision whether a particular result, if they believe that their well-being or welfare of other damage.
  14. The user can through the publication of the ticket subject of the succession of one or more of your user name] tickets to any other user of your choice. The beneficiary [user name] ticket and one ticket can recover to vote "yes" to any one proposal. Vote "yes" created by replacing [user name] the number of tickets as a yes vote [user name]. Tickets amended in such a way is then invalid and can not be returned.
  15. The word "pants" should be deleted from Article 3 and replaced by the word "sock".
  16. Rules "What is Hawkspace dark theme should establish rules that require action by the user" yous gotta 'category, making it easier to read.
  17. Any and all significant others have complete control over and access to any topic and S.O. For the purposes of nonsense purposes, as well as other debris
  18. And a couple of these reminders on the top of the list of rules: lists all the rules and procedures in this sub-sub is and can not be extended to other forums / fora impact on the functioning of the eagle time. This subsidiary also has any links with neo Hawkspace even seen new Trollslum (or any / other names in the future ones) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.
  19. Everyone except Reyweld was announced HAD personal Chwoka. (Chwoka rules remain in force. Do not change the password) Anyone caught Reyweld providing access to Chwoka situation will wear "Snitched and shame" the title of the one-month period.
  20. Everyone except Reyweld can vote HAD personal Chwoka.
  21. BIGRES
  22. One can go in Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only if he declares about Photoshop theme
  23. I [goodbye] can not vote
  24. Add to these three laws command group in a separate section of "Laws of Robotics"
    The robot can not harm humans or inaction, allow a person to come to harm.
    The robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders contrary to the First Law.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the first or second law.
  25. More than one color printing is fine
  26. Proposals to the proposals mention the specific name of users regularly require double the votes to pass
  27. Make NNT and mother BAWK BAWK instead Hawkspace.
  28. How to resolve conflicts in the form, it is permissible for one user to another publicly defies Race NEONEWTROLLSLUM resistance. The third set of conditions for drag racing party may, if approved by all users to drag racing ICA start. The winner of the Drag Race ICA put a condition to write a new craze for the loser, who will remain in effect for one week.

Yous receives follow these rules when they are Hawkspace after dark:
  1. Each hawkspace poster after dark to create and maintain at least one thing is unique in that to continue. If it is not referenced in the subject once belonged to at least one week apply canceled their appointment privileges. Posters delinquent can regain privileges installation and deployment of the subject property.
  2. Users must choose one dwarf writing taste and color of the text and stick to it.
  3. From now on, the economy "Nahmick" issue any language other objective and wrong retroactively.
  4. This GIF is pronounced with g stupid to get it right
  5. Any and all "______ processing / dissemination of" no-go kind of competitions ICA

Exceptions to the rules to get that yous:
  • The base "I do not feel any pain in the butt to combine proposals blanks dwarf writing the applicable requirements.
  • "Rules of consumers who do not apply between midnight and 4 pm local time."
  • Users can not be penalized when involved in these problems the subject.
  • "You will not be punished, citing a function to break the rules."
  • Rules do not apply to the execution, even wrote: "What is hawkspace dark theme.
  • CAN user at any time refuse to comply with special rules HAD if they believe that their well-being or welfare of other damage.
  • "One can switch between Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only if he declares about Photoshop theme"
  • "More than one color printing is fine."
  • But hard or soft "G" is acceptable
  • The base "I do not feel any pain in the butt to combine proposals blanks dwarf writing the applicable requirements.

laws of Robotics
  1. The robot can not harm humans or inaction, allow a person to come to harm.
  2. The robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders contrary to the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the first or second laws

hawk after dark space is (and this is where the operating rules) - btp - 06-04-2016

This hawkspace but taken with the low threshold speed voice. red light from the field hawkspace, but with more rules and regulations actually hawkspace often, not less. wildest dream or a nightmare ... your wildest? Everything depends on you

Quote:All the rules and procedures in the sub-sub is and can not be extended to the impact forums / fora about the function of the eagle. This subsidiary has any links with neo Hawkspace even seen new Trollslum (or any / other name in the future) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.

rules ACTIVE
  1. According to the provisions of hawkspace regular application, and in particular Article 4
  2. But we have rules different voting
  3. And I have a responsibility. My socks and shorts.
  4. loather properties
  5. I do not feel pain in the butt proposals to coordinate
  6. True Queen hockey as a legal protection hawkspace and sovereign. He realized the Queen loather puck from hawkspace after dark, down only Queen Jeanne. April 26, 27 tháng 4 Now officially increased loather days and must be observed in all parts of the Kingdom. It remains chwoka pants, but also earn a bunch of silly name * spins and makes a noise *
  7. It must continue to break the rules at all times
  8. This provision does not apply to consumers a forum that is between midnight and 4:00 am local time
  9. You can not quote function to break the rules are punished
  10. And will determine the name of the ductile forum topic forum
  11. These rules do not really take into account the implementation because they say 'What is stickied hawkspace topic. And it is committed to the supervisors with the power of the dark southern hawkspace need to change all of the changes as soon as possible to decide.
  12. Users can not be punished for the special rules Hawkspace- after dark, when it is published on the topic of the problem.
  13. According to the instructions, the user can, at any time, and refused to comply with the decision Hawkspace- evening watching a particular result, if they believe that their happiness or welfare of other damages.
  14. Users can through the publication of the objects of inheritance ticket sales of one or more of your user name] tickets for any other user of your choice. The beneficiary [username] ticket and a ticket can recover to vote "yes" to any proposal. Vote "yes" was created by replacing [user name] as the number of tickets have elected [username]. Tickets amended in such a way is then invalid and can not be returned.
  15. The word "pants" should be deleted from Article 3 and replaced by the word "socks".
  16. Rules "What is essential topics Hawkspace establish rules that require user action" yous gotta 'category, making it easier to read.
  17. Any and all of the important people complete control over and access to any topic and SO For purposes of pointless purposes, as well as other debris
  18. And a few of these reminders on the top of the list of rules: lists all the rules and procedures of this sub-sub is and can not be extended to other fora impact / forums on the official eagle's performance time. This subsidiary has any links with neo Hawkspace even seen new Trollslum (or any / other name in the future) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.
  19. Everyone except Reyweld was announced HAD Chwoka individuals. (Rule Chwoka remain in effect. Do not change the password) Anyone arrested Reyweld provide access to Chwoka situation will wear "Snitched and shame" is the title of a month's time.
  20. Everyone except HAD Chwoka Reyweld can vote personally.
  21. BIGRES
  22. One can go in Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only if he declared for Photoshop Thread
  23. I [bye] can not vote
  24. Add three command groups laws in a particular part of the "Law of Robotics"
    The robot can not harm humans or inaction, allow a person to come to harm.
    The robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the Law on Investment.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the first or second law.
  25. More than one color is good
  26. The proposals mention the specific name of the user often requires double the number of votes to pass
  27. Let taxpayers and instead Hawkspace Bawk Bawk mother.
  28. How to resolve the conflict in the form, it is allowed for a different public users despite resistance NEONEWTROLLSLUM Race. The third set of conditions for drag racing party can, if approved by all users to drag racing ICA started. The winner of the Drag Race ICA put a condition to write a new craze for the losers, who will remain in effect for one week.

Yous received under the rules as they Hawkspace after dark:
  1. Each poster hawkspace after dark to create and maintain at least one thing with which to continue. If it is not referenced in this topic once belonged to at least one week to apply privileges canceled appointment. Posters delinquency can regain privileges to install and deploy the product there.
  2. Users must choose a flavor and color dwarf writing of the text and stick to it.
  3. From now on, the economy is the problem "Nahmick" other language objectively and false retroactive.
  4. This GIF is pronounced with g stupid to get it right
  5. Any and all "______ / handle common" type of competition do not go ICA

Exceptions to the rules to get that yous:
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf proposed text requesting the application.
  • "Rule of consumers does not apply between midnight and 16:00 am local time."
  • Users can not be punished when engaged in the subject matter.
  • "You will not be punished, citing a function to break the rules."
  • This provision shall not apply to the performance, even wrote: "What is hawkspace dark theme.
  • users anytime MAY refuse to perform the special provisions HAD if they believe they are happy or damage the interests of others.
  • "One can switch back and forth between Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only when he announced the Photoshop theme"
  • "More than one color is good."
  • But hard or soft "G" is acceptable
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf proposed text requesting the application.

Law of Robotics
  1. The robot can not harm humans or inaction, allow a person to come to harm.
  2. The robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the Law on Investment.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the first or second law

eagle after dark space is (and this is where the rules operate) - btp - 06-04-2016

This hawkspace hand picked and voice low threshold speed. hawkspace red light from the field, but with more rules and regulations actually hawkspace often, not less. wildest dreams or a nightmare ... your driver? Everything depends on you

Quote:All the rules and procedures of sub-sub is and can not be extended to the forum impact / fora function of the eagle. supporters this has any links with neo Hawkspace even see new Trollslum (or any / renaming of the future) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.

ACTIVE rules
  1. Under the provisions of hawkspace regular application, and in particular Article 4
  2. But we have different rules for voting
  3. And I have a responsibility. My socks and shorts.
  4. property loather
  5. I do not feel pain in the butt to coordinate proposals
  6. True hockey Queen as a hawkspace legal protection and sovereign. He realizes Queen loather puck from hawkspace after dark, down only Queen Jeanne. April 26, 27 tháng 4 Now, officially increasing day loather and must be observed in all parts of the kingdom. It remains chwoka pants, but also earn a bunch of funny Name * turn and make a noise *
  7. It must continue to break the rules at all times
  8. This provision does not apply to a consumer forum which is between midnight and 4:00 am local time
  9. You can not quote function break the rules are punished
  10. And will determine the name of the forum topics ductile forum
  11. These rules do not really take into account the application because they say 'What is stickied subject hawkspace. And it is engaged in supervisory power of the dark hawkspace south need to change all of the changes as soon as possible to decide.
  12. Users can not punish for special rules Hawkspace- after dark, when it is published on the topic of the problem.
  13. According to the instructions, the user can, at any time, and refused to comply with the decision Hawkspace- evening watching a particular result, if they believe that their happiness or welfare of other damage.
  14. Users can object to the publication of the ticket sales portion of one or more of your user name] ticket for any other user of your choice. beneficiaries [username] ticket and a ticket can recover to vote "yes" to any proposal. Vote "yes" was created by replacing [username] as the number of tickets was elected [username]. Tickets amended in such a way is then valid and can not be returned.
  15. the word "pants" should be deleted from Article 3 and replaced by the word "socks".
  16. Rules "What is essential topics Hawkspace establish rules that require user action" required yous' category, making it easier to read.
  17. Any and all important complete control over and access to any topic and jump for reasons why free, as well as other debris
  18. With a few of these reminders on the top of the list of rules: lists all the rules and procedures of this sub-sub is and can not be extended to other impact fora / forums on time performance eagle official. supporters this has any links with neo Hawkspace even see new Trollslum (or any / renaming of the future) and rulesets Hawkspace moderate or alternately.
  19. Everyone except Reyweld announced TE Chwoka people. (Chwoka rules remain in effect. Do not change the password) Anyone arrested Reyweld provides access to Chwoka situation will put "snitched and shame" is the title of a long month.
  20. Everyone except TE Chwoka Reyweld can vote personally.
  21. BIGRES
  22. One can go in Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only if he declared for Photoshop Thread
  23. I [bye] can not vote
  24. Add three groups order laws in a particular part of the "law robotic"
    robots can not harm humans or inaction, allow a human to come to harm.
    robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the Law on Investment.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the law first or second.
  25. More than one color is good
  26. Proposals mention the specific name of the user often requires double the number of votes than
  27. Let taxpayers and instead Hawkspace Bawk Bawk mother.
  28. How to resolve the conflict in the form, it is allowed for a different user despite public resistance NEONEWTROLLSLUM Race. The third series of conditions for part drag racing can, if approved by all users drag racing ICA started. The winner of the Drag Race ICA put a condition to write a new craze for the losers, who will remain in effect for a week.

Yous received under the same rules as Hawkspace after dark:
  1. Each poster hawkspace after dark to create and maintain at least one thing with which to continue. If it does not refer to this subject once belonged to at least a week to apply for privileges canceled appointments. Posters delinquency can regain privileges to install and deploy the product.
  2. Users must choose a flavor and color dwarf write the text and stick to it.
  3. From now on, the economy is the problem "Nahmick" other language objectively false retroactive.
  4. This GIF is pronounced with g stupid to get it right
  5. Any and all "______ / handle common" type of competition do not go ICA

Exceptions to the rules of the found yous:
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf proposed text required application.
  • "Regulation of consumers does not apply between midnight and 16:00 am local time."
  • Users can not punishable when committed in the matter.
  • "You will not be punished, citing a function to break the rules."
  • This provision shall not apply to the performance, even wrote: "What is hawkspace dark theme.
    users anytime can deny special provisions TE if they believe that they are happy or damage the interests of others.
  • "One can switch back and forth between Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only when it was announced the theme Photoshop"
  • "More than one color is good."
  • But hard or soft "G" is unacceptable
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf proposed text required application.

Act Robotics
  1. robots can not harm humans or inaction, allow a human to come to harm.
  2. robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the Law on Investment.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the law first or second

Eagle after dark place is (and this is where the rules work) - btp - 06-04-2016

This havxpase hand picked and voice low threshold speed. Havxpase red light from the field, but with more rules and regulations actually havxpase often, not less. Wildest dreams or a nightmare ... your driver? Everything depends on you

Quote:All the rules and procedures of sub-sub is and can not be extended to the forum impact / out function of the eagle. Supporters this has no links with newly havxpase even see new trollslum (or no / renaming of the future) and rulesets havxpase moderate or alternately.

active rules
  1. Under the provisions of havxpase regular application, and in particular Article 4
  2. But we have different rules for voting
  3. I have a responsibility. My socks and shorts.
  4. property loathes
  5. I do not feel pain in the butt to coordinate proposals
  6. True hockey Queen as a havxpase legal protection and sovereign. He realizes Queen loathes pack of havxpase after dark, down only Queen Jeanne. April 26, 27 Thang 4 Now, Officially increasing day loathes and must be observed in all parts of the kingdom. It remains tshvoka pants, but also earn a bunch of strange name * Shoot and make a noise *
  7. It must continue to break the rules at all times
  8. This provision does not apply to a consumer forum which is between midnight and 04:00 local time
  9. You can not quote function break the rules are punished
  10. And will determine the name of the forum topics ductile Forum
  11. The rules do not really take into account the application because they say 'What is Stickies subject havxpase. And it is engaged in supervisory power of the dark havxpase South need to change all of the changes as soon as possible to decide.
  12. Users can not punish for special rules havxpase- after dark, when it is published on the subject of the problem.
  13. According to the instructions, the user can, at any time, and refused to comply with the decision havxpase- evening watching a particular result, if they believe that their happiness or welfare of other damage.
  14. Users can object to the publication of the ticket sales portion of one or more of your user name] ticket for any other user of your choice. Beneficiaries [Name] ticket and a ticket can recover to vote "yes" to any proposal. Vote "yes" was Created by replacing [Name] as the number of tickets was elected [Name]. Tickets amended in such a way is then valid and can not be returned.
  15. The word "pants" should be deleted from Article 3 and replaced by the word "sucks."
  16. Rules "which is essential topics havxpase establish rules that require user action" required IOUs' category, making it easier to read.
  17. Any and all important full control over and access to any topic and jump for reasons that free, as well as other debris
  18. With a few of the reminders at the top of the list of rules: lists all the rules and procedures of the sub-sub is and can not be extended to other impact outside / groups on time performance eagle official. Supporters this has no links with newly havxpase even see new trollslum (or no / renaming of the future) and rulesets havxpase moderate or alternately.
  19. Everyone except reyveld announced Te tshvoka people. (Tshvoka rules remain in effect. Do not change the password) Anyone arrested reyveld provides access to tshvoka situation will put "snittshed and disgrace" is the title of a long month.
  20. Everyone except Te tshvoka reyveld can vote personally.
  21. bigres
  22. One can go into Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only if he declares for Photoshop Thread
  23. I [Bye] can not agree
  24. Add three groups order laws in a particular part of the "Law robotic"
    Robots can not harm humans or inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    Robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the law on investment.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the law first or second.
  25. More than one color is good
  26. Proposals mention the specific name of the user often requires double the number of votes as
  27. Let taxpayers and instead havxpase cotton cotton mother.
  28. How to resolve the conflict in the form, it is allowed for a different user despite public resistance neonevtrollslum race. The third series of conditions for participation drag racing can, if approved by all users drag racing ICA started. The winner of the Drag Race ICA put a condition to write a new craze for the losers, who will remain in effect for a week.

IOUs obtained under the same rules as havxpase after dark:
  1. Each poster havxpase after dark to create and maintain at least one thing with which to continue. If it does not refer to the subject once belonged to at least a week to apply for privileges canceled appointments. Posters delinquency can regain privileges to install and deploy the product.
  2. Users must choose a flavor and color dwarf write the text and stick to it.
  3. From now on, the economy is the problem "nahmikk" other language objectively wrong retroaktive.
  4. This GIF is pronounced with g stupid to get it right
  5. Any and all "______ / handle common" type of competition do not go Ica

Exceptions to the rules of the match IOUs:
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf Proposed text required application.
  • "Regulation of consumers does not apply between midnight and 16:00 AM local time."
  • Users can not punishable when committed in this matter.
  • "You will not be punished, citing a function to break the rules."
  • This provision shall not apply to the performance, even wrote: "What is havxpase dark theme.
  • Users anytime can deny special provisions TE if they believe that they are happy or damage the interests of others.
  • "One can switch back and forth between Photoshop without breaking the rules, but only when it was announced the theme Photoshop"
  • "More than one color is good."
  • However hard or soft "g" is unacceptable
  • The base "I do not feel pain in the butt to incorporate blanks dwarf Proposed text required application.

Act Robotics
  1. Robots can not harm humans or inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. Robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders are contrary to the law on investment.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection is not in conflict with the law first or second