Eagle Time
Wayward --- You are a Little Confused - Printable Version

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Wayward --- You are a Little Confused - Solekii - 05-31-2016


[Image: tumblr_o9dj1eNNjc1tbnguso2_r3_400.png]


[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso7_r5_1280.gif]

A game.


[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso1_r5_1280.gif]


[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso2_r2_1280.gif]

You find yourself playing a game.

The current menu appears with only one option. You guess that means this decision is pretty easy. It's really just a title screen, and you're really just a player. The choice is obvious.

You press "START".

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso3_r2_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso4_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso5_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso7_r2_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso8_r2_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso9_r3_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7xeoyFpOy1tbnguso10_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso2_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso3_r2_1280.gif]


[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso4_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso5_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso2_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso4_r1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso3_r2_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso5_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso6_r2_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso8_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso9_r2_1280.png]


[Image: tumblr_o7z0tgoH0K1tbnguso10_r2_1280.gif]

Seems you've stumbled onto some REAL options here.
You suppose you could just name him anything, right? So long as it's a 'first name'.

So, what will you go with?

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - GuardianTempest - 05-31-2016


RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Schazer - 05-31-2016

Vencenbrance, or Vence for short

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Sadgi - 05-31-2016


edit: alternatively, "Limeon"

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-31-2016


RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - SirBlizz98 - 05-31-2016

>Samsonite aka Samson aka Sam.

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Colby - 05-31-2016



RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Curris - 05-31-2016

Those are some pretty planets and astronomical phenomenon!

This fella seems like a Terry to me.

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Kíeros - 06-01-2016

> Lemmy

RE: Wayward --- You press "START" - Trusty McCoolguy - 06-01-2016

He looks like a Kaune to me. (kay-yu-une) I'm thinking it'd mean Sweet. Because what's cuter than sweet & sour fluffy beings? : D

Also, this is BAD ASS. I knew you could do an amazing job!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name... eventually - Solekii - 06-01-2016


ENTER: Citrus

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso1_r5_1280.gif]

Ah yes! Citrus is a cute name for...


ENTER: Vencenbrance, or Vence for short

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso7_r1_1280.gif]

Or maybe that's a good name for him.... Unique and strong!

But what about...


[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso8_r1_1280.gif]

Maybe this one will--

ENTER:edit: alternatively, "Limeon"

[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso9_r1_1280.gif]



[Image: tumblr_o7yy3polsk1tbnguso10_r1_1280.gif]

You could just...

ENTER:Samsonite aka Samson aka Sam


[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso1_r1_1280.gif]

Or perhaps...

ENTER:This fella seems like a Terry to me.

Hm. Maybe, but--


ENTER:He looks like a Kaune

You're becoming just the slightest bit indecisive. You're going to need to narrow these down.

If his sisters call him "Lemon", then maybe Limon works out. Or even "Citrus". But you could be more unique and go with Vence.

....How about a compromise?

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso2_r2_1280.gif]

Okay, you'll admit that one is kind of muddled. It would seem you're rather bad at making name-based decisions.

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso3_r1_1280.gif]

Alright, alright, you'll pick one. Let's go with the logical answer, then. Option one.


No. Option one. That's final.

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso4_r2_1280.gif]

Well there's no need to be rude about it. You're not totally sure how you feel about being sassed by a text-box, but yes, this is your decision.


[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso5_r3_1280.png]

Perfect. Now that the little guy has a name, let's continue.

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso7_r1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso8_r2_1280.png]


RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - Schazer - 06-01-2016

Get your sisters first and let them take all the UFO-discovering credit? Not on your watch!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - Colby - 06-01-2016

you should probably get geared up! everyone knows UFO hunters need a lot of gear! the TV says so!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - SirBlizz98 - 06-01-2016

>Put on your booties adventure awaits!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - Justice Watch - 06-01-2016

Oh heeellllll yeah, world building, cute characters and pretty colors, three of my favorite things.

Hey, it's probably cold outside. Grab something to protect your bod from the elements.

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - Curris - 06-01-2016

Put on your rainboots! Take Pillow. Remove Pillow from Pillowcase. Equip Pillowcase as a LOOT SACK Inventory Management System.

Kiss Beloved plush goodbye!

Bring paper & Crayons to get "photographic" evidence of UFOs!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - LoverIan - 06-02-2016

>Think about astronomical phenomenons in the area
>7 moons right
>Maybe more?

>Examine chest for weapons to defeat the aliens with pew pew

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - tronn - 06-02-2016

>Take your flashlight out of the box and go investigate!

Citrus is the best name, yay!

RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - OTTO - 06-02-2016

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RE: Wayward --- You decide on a name....eventually - Kíeros - 06-02-2016

> Peek out the window, just to be sure what you saw.

RE: Wayward --- You prepare for adventure - Solekii - 06-03-2016


➤ Get your sisters first and let them take all the UFO-discovering credit? Not on your watch!

[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso9_r1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o82lp61C9D1tbnguso10_r3_1280.png]

➤ You should probably get geared up! everyone knows UFO hunters need a lot of gear! the TV says so!

[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso2_r4_1280.png]

➤ Put on your rainboots!

➤ Put on your booties adventure awaits!

[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso3_r3_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso4_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso5_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

➤ Hey, it's probably cold outside. Grab something to protect your bod from the elements.

[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso7_r2_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso8_r1_1280.png]

➤ Take Pillow.

[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso10_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o84nh6flgX1tbnguso9_r2_1280.png]

➤ Remove Pillow from Pillowcase.

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso2_r1_1280.png]

➤ Equip Pillowcase as a LOOT SACK Inventory Management System.

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso3_r1_1280.gif]

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso4_r2_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso5_r1_1280.png]

➤ Bring paper & Crayons to get "photographic" evidence of UFOs!

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso6_r2_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso7_r1_1280.png]

➤ Think about astronomical phenomenons in the area
➤ 7 moons right
➤ Maybe more?

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso9_r3_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso10_r1_1280.png]

➤ Examine chest for weapons to defeat the aliens with pew pew

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso10_r1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso1_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o84znsFPF61tbnguso8_r1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso2_r4_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso2_r1_1280.png]

➤ Take your flashlight out of the box and go investigate!

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso3_r2_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso3_r1_1280.png]

➤ Peek out the window, just to be sure what you saw.

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso4_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso4_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso5_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso5_r1_1280.png]

➤ Stop to hug cat thing.

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

➤ Don't let go

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso7_r2_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso7_r1_1280.png]

➤ Kiss Beloved plush goodbye!

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso8_r2_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso8_r1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o857t6czdo1tbnguso9_r2_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_o86nx8lNng1tbnguso9_r1_1280.png]


RE: Wayward --- You prepare for adventure! - Colby - 06-03-2016

Hug and kiss them too just in case!

Take cactus and teapot. Open piggy bank for any money.

RE: Wayward --- You prepare for adventure! - Sadgi - 06-03-2016

arrange them so they're all hugging so then everyone is happy!

RE: Wayward --- You prepare for adventure! - tronn - 06-03-2016

Ohgod those weren't eyebrows but another set of eyes.

It's oddly endearing, though!

>Extrapolate on your SISTER and PARENTS as you travel.

RE: Wayward --- You prepare for adventure! - Kíeros - 06-03-2016

> Go on, hug all of them. Don't be partial at a time like this.