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The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Printable Version

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The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-21-2016

This thread contains tiny adventures.

Tiny adventures are adventures with little effort that I hope I can successfully motivate myself for, and are an ideal place to experiment with some ideas and attempt to sustain for their brief, but definite lifespans.

I hope to use this to improve in quick drawing as well.

I will not make a new one until the previous finishes.

I hope this will be a worthwhile exercise.

List of Tiny Adventures:

  1. The Contested Choice

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-21-2016

The Contested Choice

You, hero, you are needed to salvage this world.

[Image: 1.png]

In the year 20XX, the so-called "thing thinging contests" had become rampant.

Their sheer number and ridiculous complexity had aggregated into a sentient being, capable of defeating the greatest of minds, wearing away the most patient, driving all others insane, and enslaving uncountable numbers to follow its cruel will.

[Image: 2.png]

Now, only you remain. The last resistor. Wielding the mighty PEN and the powerful POST, only you can defeat the tyranny of the Selector and the Five Terrible Rulers.

[Image: 3.png]

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Ixcaliber - 05-21-2016

> fremp

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Sruixan - 05-21-2016

> Head to the Space Consortium

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Solekii - 05-21-2016

Use the pen to draw yourself a friend

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-21-2016

(05-21-2016, 11:05 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »> fremp

[Image: 4.png]

Yes - fremp. The evil which stalks the conveyor belts and sends taxes throughout all valid - and sometimes some invalid - locations.

A perpetrator of unforgivable crimes is fremp.

If it were not for its seemingly inescapable presence, many a common folk would perhaps find the dominance of the Selector to be something even vaguely tolerable... But, fremp exists. Fremp spreads the tax.

Fremp is also very powerful and you do not think you are prepared to face fremp at this moment.

(05-21-2016, 11:07 PM)Solekii Wrote: »Use the pen to draw yourself a friend

[Image: 5.png]
You attempt to use your CRUDE DRAWING SKILL to draw a companion.

A friend with a DIAMOND HAND and a PICKER HAND. With this your team will be better able to weather the harsh demands of whatever trials you may encounter.

(05-21-2016, 11:06 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »> Head to the Space Consortium

[Image: 6.png]

Alas! The Space Consortium was one of the first places which was overtaken by the Selector. Consulting your map, the only available places are The N Realm, Giant Book Object, and the Box Stack.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Ixcaliber - 05-22-2016

The Box Stack sounds like a cool time.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Colby - 05-22-2016

crude friend draw an even cruder friend, repeat until universe collapses in on itself

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Ixcaliber - 05-22-2016

crude friend: make vulgar jokes, be generally crass and boorish

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-22-2016

(05-22-2016, 12:23 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »The Box Stack sounds like a cool time.

[Image: 7.png]

You proceed with Diamondhand Picker to the Box Stack, home of the Box Stacking Contest. Box Stackers were one of the first ploys of the Selector, and through this treachery the world's natural resources were severely damaged. Even today the remnants of the great Box Towers tower over the lands.

Today, nothing remains of the participants of the Box Stacking Contest but this testament to the power of the Selector.

(05-22-2016, 02:11 AM)Colby Wrote: »crude friend draw an even cruder friend, repeat until universe collapses in on itself

[Image: 8.png]

Diamondhand Picker, unable to wield the mighty PEN, does their best.

(05-22-2016, 02:24 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »crude friend: make vulgar jokes, be generally crass and boorish

[Image: 9.png]

"Your creator is a foolish fool who cannot create properly," mumbles the inchoate thing. "All talk and no work. Do something you've actually bothered with for once instead of things you know you'll lose interest in since you never really cared."

That's what you'd imagine if it could actually speak, or move, or really do anything beyond exist as a scribbling in the sands.

Without the PEN, creations lack a certain spark.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - a52 - 05-22-2016

>First guy: draw your friend a pen

edit: looks like this was my 1000th post

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Ixcaliber - 05-22-2016

Unstack these boxes

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-22-2016

(05-22-2016, 03:02 AM)a52 Wrote: »>JUMP ROTATE STAND
>First guy: draw your friend a pen

[Image: 10.png]

You draw a pen with the PEN, hoping the Diamondhand Picker should be able to similarly create with it.

[Image: 11.png]

It is difficult to pick things up with the Picker, unfortunately. You resolve to increase your drawing capabilities.

Diamondhand Picker emits an unfortunate noise.

(05-22-2016, 03:12 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Unstack these boxes

[Image: 12.png]

Briefly, you consider undoing the travesty of eons past.

It seems, however, you might need a bit more thought to do something of that magnitude.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Justice Watch - 05-22-2016

Why don't you give them a hand, then?

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-22-2016

(05-22-2016, 03:17 AM)earthexe Wrote: »Why don't you give them a hand, then?

[Image: 12.png]

Indeed! Perhaps a hand could suit Diamondhand Picker.

[Image: 13.png]

Diamondhand Picker gets the new hand stuck between two Boxes, unfortunately, after using it to climb upward. It'd be rather unfortunate to lose a friend so quickly.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Ixcaliber - 05-22-2016

destroy these boxes

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Justice Watch - 05-22-2016

Make a big ol bulldozer

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Solekii - 05-22-2016

Diamond Picker >Abandon Hand

Draw your now-handless friend another hand

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kaynato - 05-22-2016

(05-22-2016, 03:35 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »destroy these boxes

(05-22-2016, 03:36 AM)earthexe Wrote: »Make a big ol bulldozer

[Image: 14.png]

If you can't go up, maybe you can bring your friend down?
(05-22-2016, 03:37 AM)Solekii Wrote: »Diamond Picker >Abandon Hand

Draw your now-handless friend another hand

[Image: 15.png]
It might be better to avoid the risk of toppling one of these gargantuan towers, though - you send a hand up instead, but the creation doesn't seem to budge. You give it another push - still, no response. What's the difference that makes this not work?

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Justice Watch - 05-22-2016

Keep your eyes peeled. What if one of the secret rulers comes around?

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - OTTO - 05-22-2016

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RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - a52 - 05-22-2016

that hand seems a little too big for him

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Electrum - 05-22-2016

> How powerful is Fremp when compared to the 5 rulers?

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Kíeros - 05-24-2016

> Say something like, "all boxes must be larger than the box beneath it" while pushing on the stack.

RE: The Tiny Adventure Serial Thread - Electrum - 05-25-2016

> Encounter Enemeey, the superior of Fremp.