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Hidden Witch - Printable Version

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Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 04-30-2016

It's a cold winter night. Stars shine above you, twinkling and guiding you. You've been wandering for quite some time now, with only your magic to keep you nourished and protected from the things that go "bump" in the night.

The area you are currently walking through is a lonley road that seems to lead to no where. There seem to be no lights around you to indicate you're in a town. No chatter, no nothing. There are only your lonley foot steps, crunching in the snow.

You've been wandering for so long, you're not even sure if you can remeber your name.


RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 04-30-2016

Ash Mason

RE: Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 04-30-2016

(04-30-2016, 06:12 AM)Toasted Wrote: »Ash Mason

Right, it was Ash Mason. You're not sure how your travelling made you forget that. It's strange, in your opinion. But you digress.

Your name is Ash Mason, and you've been chased by several covens for over a year now. Honestly, you really wish they would leave you alone! They make your power more of a curse than a blessing.

Your magic, like everyone elses, is indicated by a tatoo on your body. For you, it's on your hand. The most common, you think. The tatoo represents you, in a way. At least, it's what the schools taught you. You're not sure what the spirits think about it. The longer, or bigger it is, the more power you hold.

Your tatoo is a fox; known to be sly and cunning. Your tatoo's tail is long; long enough that it practically covers your entire body. You tried to keep it hidden, to prevent the Witch's Leauge from forcing you to be enlisted. Alas, your efforts were in vain.

Now you just follow the trail, casting glamour spells and making sure you're practically invisible. To all but the spirits, of course.

Footsteps chime behind you. You feel a small sense of dread. What should you do?

RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 04-30-2016

Jump into a nearby bush and remain very still.

RE: Hidden Witch - OTTO - 04-30-2016

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RE: Hidden Witch - Pharmacy - 04-30-2016

Go make an illusion decoy, so they'll chase the wrong you while you abscond.

RE: Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 04-30-2016

(04-30-2016, 07:00 AM)Toasted Wrote: »Jump into a nearby bush and remain very still.
(04-30-2016, 07:15 AM)Pharmacy Wrote: »Go make an illusion decoy, so they'll chase the wrong you while you abscond.

You're already invisible; you're not sure what magic can do for you now! Though maybe the spell is already fading... But netherless, you cast a small sheilding spell.

The footsteps come closer.

For good measure, you hide yourself behind a bush. You are the bush, now. It is you.

You try to cast an illusion spell, but... Your magic doesn't come. This isn't good. Whoever it is, they're close enough to stop your flow of magic.

They stop. The air is suddenly chilling you to the bone.

"You can't hide forever, child of Ash." The owner of the voice says.

You hear the fire cackle. Literally.

Oh Nyx and Erubus, you know who this is.


RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 04-30-2016

It's that awful salesman who keeps showing up wherever you go "You can't hide from these OUTRAGEOUS DEAAAAALS" he proclaims loudly to the forest.

RE: Hidden Witch - Dragon Fogel - 04-30-2016

It's one of the survivors of your old coven. The one you betrayed so long ago.

RE: Hidden Witch - OTTO - 04-30-2016

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RE: Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 04-30-2016

It's someone you've met countless of times.

They were once part of your old coven, and a friend you held dear. However, in a cruel twist of fate, was the one who betrayed you. When you turned to them for protection, they fed you to the dogs.

You've heard that they're a merchant now. The kind that make you buy their stuff any time one was foolish enough to cross paths with them.

But whoever they were (and are,) they certainly don't seem keen to help you.

"Do you think I wouldn't find you?" They taunt. Their fire spreads slowly. You can feel their icy cold air from behind you.

"I know your every move, little Mason."

The fire surrounds you, licking your amethyst robe.

"You can't escape an all seeing eye."

They stand before you. They're diffrent than from what you remeber. Their hair is saphire blue, and they've gotten their ears pierced. They look more like a hitman instead of a merchant.

"Come with me willingly, Ash, or I'll make you."

You're cornered. What will you do?

RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 04-30-2016

"I may not be able to hide, but i can run!" Take off through the forest

RE: Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 04-30-2016

(04-30-2016, 08:45 AM)Toasted Wrote: »"I may not be able to hide, but i can run!" Take off through the forest

You yell these words out before jumping over and through the fire, heading to a nearby forest.

Panting, you remove your robe, which might as well be a neon sign, saying, "The Fox Witch Is Here!". Mostly because it's because it's on fire.

Luckily, you always have a spare set of clothes on hand, so you won't be running around this forest naked. You summon up a small fire of your own to try and help you navigate through this place.

The forest around you is dark, but you have a strange feeling that you'll only be safe here for as long as you remain. The wind breathes through you.

Walking along, a voice calls out to you.

"Child of Magic, why are you here?"

RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 04-30-2016

your answer kind of depends on who is asking, doesn't it. Look around, see if it seems friendly. If so, ask for refuge. If it seems like a foe, craft a lie so that your ex-coven pursuer finds herself in just as hot water as you. (something like "We are a witch army and we're taking over this forest"

RE: Hidden Witch - Xindaris - 05-01-2016

>Answer Socratically: "Why is anything anywhere?"

RE: Hidden Witch - AgentBlue - 05-01-2016

Because I'm running for my life, can you do something about that

RE: Hidden Witch - wiltingMyosotis - 05-02-2016

Commands Entered.Show

You look around you, trying to find the owner of the voice. However, all your eyes meet are darkness. The voice chuckles, but makes no effort to stop you.

You frown. "Well, why is anything anywhere at all? Why are we here, conversing?"

"What a strange child you are," the voice says. "Why don't you tell me?"

You're... not sure how to reply to that.

"I don't know, because I'm running for my life?"

"Exactly why I'm called upon here."

You muster a look of confusion. Not that it matters, seeing as the voice cannot see you.

"The spirits wish for you to use your power that they gifted you with for the good of mankind. However, you were unable to complete the task. And so, I am here to help you fulfill it."

"You can help me hide, then?"

"Hide? Of course. But only while you are not ready."

They're unerving you. Do you decide to allow yourself to be hosted under their protection?

RE: Hidden Witch - Colby - 05-02-2016

Sounds like a good deal, you can always start running again if things go south

RE: Hidden Witch - Kíeros - 05-03-2016

> "Uh, sure"
Because nothing about that sounds like it could go horribly wrong. Except for everything.